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Fan Fiction

Out of Phase 3
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 16 December 2003, 10:35 PM

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The chief landed in a crouch, and for an instant thought he saw a muzzle flash. But he was still in one peice, 5.56mm rounds weren't chewing him into a bloody, holed up corpse, 40mm HE grenades from the M203 launchers weren't blowing chunks of flesh from his body. "GET ON YOUR KNEES! NOW!" a voice amplified man yelled at him, aiming a side arm with another hand. The chief could feel the snipers looking at him, and just about see the tiny dots dancing around on his chest. Someone, trying to be quiet, whispered to someone behind him "cuff him, they've got you covered."

The cheif felt him walk up quietly behind him and noticed everyone tense up. It was then, that he spotted the weakness among the hardened soldiers in black. The eyes of one were ice cold blue...but they were wide with fear and apprehension. The chief could tell, he'd never shot someone before. His hands were shaking, and his pupils were highly dilated. His stance shifted in just the slightest every few seconds...and one word came to the chiefs mind..."perfect". The police officer was mere steps behind him now...almost...wait...and the chief struck. He moved like a lightning bolt, whipping around behind the man, taking his weapon, choking him with one arm and pressing the weapon against his temple with the other. He barely contained a snicker when he heard all of the men in black mutter "aww shit". They were on the move now, moving to encircle him. "Stop in your tracks, stay stock still, or you'll have brains for a paintjob" he said, referring to the black, armored van, that was intrestingly unmarked, meaning he was dealing with people involved in enough dirty work to not have a public marking.

"Lower the weapons, double time." he hissed, hating the fact that he was holding another human being hostage. Slowly, he backed up, a plan still being formulated. He had the weak point and the transportation, he had something to bargain with, but he still hadn't worked out the snipers. "Tell the scopes to piss off" he said harshly. "Or I'm going to blow this man's jaw off" he taunted, giving a light flinch, causing everyone to tense up. He heard the hushed radio broadcast to the snipers. "If you have a shot, take it as soon as possible, we need this one taken out..." and the chief saw a slight flinch. He raised the pistol and fired into the air. Onlookers screamed, men ducked, but the cheif stayed in one peice. That was when they saw the body, and a highly customized sniper's rifle falling. The body smashed into a car, destorying it, and sending glass everywhere. The rifle however, had been spinning through the air, and landed not far from the chief. John was now aiming at the men, and was glad to hear, "Alright, man down...snipers, hold your fire until instructed."

There were more people behind him, he wouldn't have leverage for much longer. The sniper's rifle gave him an idea though...it was going to be practically impossible, even for the chief, but if it WORKED, he would have enough time to get away on foot until he could find a vehicle. Slowly the chief moved forward, as if he was going to give in. "Ah...look...we don't need anymore killing..." he said nervously, as if backing off, like the death had hurt him. The negoiators were ALL OVER this. "Thats right John...just let him go..." and he felt the last sniper remove his aim. "He raised the pistol from the man's skull, the barrel facing straight up...and in a super quick motion, whipped the hostage in the head, knocking him out cold...but continued to move downward, using his slumped head to brace his shot. He fired once, and a 9mm slug tore into the right eye of who he had decided was the leader of the men in black. Before they could even blink, two more men went down with bullets in the face. John dropped, using the body for a shield as heavier rounds tore into it. Blood was sprayed across his face and shoulders, as he pretended to take hits. Finally, he dropped, but didn't let go of the weapon.

"Holy jesus, holy jesus, is he dead?" the rookie asked. "No way he lived through that. Lets pack it up." someone said. "God...never seen anyone shoot like that..." someone said. John felt them turn, and his hand lashed out, grabbing at the sniper rifle. He was in luck...a .50 calibur anti-vehicle rifle...modified to also carry 7.62mm slugs, clip fed, where it appeared that the .50 cal rounds were put in individually into the proper chamber. The weapon had a dipod, but it weighed quite a bit...to the chief it was almost nothing, but he was still impressed. He rolled into a crouch and took aim. Someone shouted an alarm that he was alive. He had the shot lined up as the first man turned around. He fired, and time seemed to stop as the .50 cal shot punched through the armor sorrounding the gas tank. The chief, as usual, was right on the mark.

The van exploded in a hellish like fireball, and it was blasted up into the air, glass flying, people screaming, but most importantly...briefly incapacitating the armed men. The chief didn't even get to his feet before he was sprinting right at them. Holding the rifle in both hands, the small pistol tucked into the thin pants he wore. He reached the first soldier, who was getting to his feet, and jumped forward, kicking him square in the chest, breaking his ribs, and knocking the wind out of him. Two more were getting up, it appeared shrapnel had wounded a few and killed half as many as that. The two were trying to raise their carbines, when the chief lashed out. The rifle butt cracked the skull of the faster man, and the chief's right foot crashed into the other's side, launching him into another man. The chief heard someone take a potshot, and he rolled forward....to find the buisness end of an M4 in his face....and it was none other than the rookie. John grinned. "You're not going to stop me kid. I can see your nervous...you've still got the safety on" he said. It worked. The young man glanced....and caught a rifle butt in gut, followed up by a swift knee in the face. John grabbed his gun as he dropped it and sprinted, now under slowly increasing fire, to a car. He threw the rifle and carbine in threw the other window, and leapt clear over the car's hood, threw himself into the drivers seat, and hit the gas, seeing as some moron had left the keys in. He sped away, keeping all the lights off, and the city howled after him.
