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Fan Fiction

Out of Phase 2
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 13 December 2003, 1:49 PM

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Something was there...something was moving, not just one thing, but many things...perhaps fellow marines? That plasma rifle had hit him pretty hard...maybe the medics had found him. Or perhaps the covenant had decided to capture him...and steal his armor for study. It was more likely that the covenant were about to pick him apart. It was also likely that his armor was off. He felt something prick his arm, and his eyes snapped open.

The nurse saw the eyes of the giant man snap open, and jumped. "Holy....Jesus, you scared me, are you alright?" she asked, gently removing the needle. He looked at his arm. "What did you give me?" he asked sternly, in a powerful commanding voice. "A stimulant to help you wake up sir...do you feel alright? Can I get you something?" she asked him. It was then he noticed the red cross on her uniform and relaxed. "Water, I'm thirsty." he said, sitting up slowly. "Of course!" she said enthusiasticly, smiling at him...a fake smile that showed her apprehension towards him. She brought him a glass of water as the doctor came in...and the first thing he noticed was how alert the mans eyes were. "Ilene...how much of the stimulant did you give him!?" he snapped, suddenly alarmed. "Uhm...he woke up right as I was about to administer the dose..." she said quietly. The doctor grumbled. "Its true." the giant of a man said. The doctor turned to him, suddenly all professinal again. "Well sir, we couldn't find any information on you...probablly because we don't even have your name...wich the press are pounding on the doors screaming for after what you did...whats your name sir?" he asked.

John responded reflexively. "Sp...ah....John" he said, gulping. He had to be careful, because if his theory on where and WHEN he was had any truth, he was in a lot of trouble. "John what?" the man asked. To himself, he thought..."S H I T" and shifted uncomfortably. "Uh...ow, my head hurts...uhhhh, John Spartan" he said, giving a fake last name. The man scoffed. "Ha-ha, now whats your last name?" he asked. John blinked. "That is my last name..." he said, lying to the lord, but doing oh so well at it, thanks to his training. The doctor raised an eyebrow. "If you say so...are you sure you're alright?" he asked again. John nodded. "Very well. Ilene, give this man some food and bring him more water if he's thirsty." the doctor said, walking out. John was very confused as the nurse looked at him funny. "What?" he asked. "John Spartan, ha-ha...we've all seen that movie mister, thats not cute." she said grumbling at him. John could only shrug.***

When the doctor came back, there were more men with him, diffrent uniforms, and most noticably to John...they were armed. Small 9mm weapons, lacking punch, but accurate enough, semi automatic, clip of about 15 rounds, depending on the model...a classic for this era, used for a multitude of purposes...here, it looked like law support. The man also had a light vest of armor on...it wouldn't stop any kind of heavy round, even a .45 ACP round would be painful, but it would certianly keep him alive if he was shot. Cheap, not very effective, but it kept him alive. The man extended his hand, with a grim look on his face. In the instant the man's arm moved forward, John could have grabbed his wrist and broken his arm in five places, thrown him across the room into the nurse, and leaped off the bed to kick the doctor and escape. But instead, he shook the mans hand. "Mister...John Spartan they tell me? Funny given what you did, but we really need your name sir" he said sternly. "You don't understand, that is my name...I'm uh....not from this country...yeah." he said. The man nodded. "Ahhh, that answers a great many things, we couldn't even find a picture of you...where are you from?" he asked. John racked his memory long and hard until he finally came up with a name. "Uhm...England?" he muttered. "I see...anyway...when you're alright, we need to debrief you...and quite frankly, ask you some questions," he said, hardening his voice. "because what you did in there was...well...impossible, you shouldn't have even been inside according to the demands of the terrorists...they said only 12 hostages."

John grunted. This was NOT good. From what he could feel from this place, there were people everywhere, most of them harmless to him, but a few security men would be armed and quite ready to bring him down if need be. So he wouldn't go blasting out. Stealth it was. "Well...I'd like to sleep on all this for awhile, so how bout tommorow morning?" he asked pleasantly. The SWAT man thought briefly and then nodded. "Very well...nine o'clock" he said. With that, he turned on his heel and left. John had to keep from sighing with relief. He laid back down, and shut his eyes, waiting for the time to pass. ***

This was it. His eyes opened. A clock to his right told him it was about 2am, and due to external lighting levels and the level of activity, he guessed this was their weakest hour. He stood up out of the bed, and moved. He was bare footed in a bright blue, thin garment, hardly ideal for sneaking. He opened the small door to his "room" and slipped into the hallway. Making sure he was clear, he headed to the right, for what appeared to be an elevator. Of course he wasn't stupid enough to use an elevator to just walk out of the place, but it WOULD tell him where the fire stairs were. And indeed, a small sign pointed down a fork to the right. Moving quickly and quietly, John ran in a half crouch. He was just about to open the door when he saw the words ~)ALARM WILL SOUND(~ and swore. Well...maybe the elevator wasn't such a bad idea after all...he thought, pressing the call button. It took a minute to arrive, for he appeared to be on the fifteenth floor. He stepped into the wide car, and pressed the button for ~)GROUND FLOOR(~. The car shook lightly, then began a slow, smooth descent. A loud ping indicated his arrival at the ground floor. There was one woman at the front desk, awake, and looking bored. He walked right up to her. "Uhm...Sir? Are you alright?" she asked him, wondering why a patient was up at this hour. "Yes, I'm fine...I just really need my doctor, I think theres something wrong with my brain, it feels swollen. The woman instantly looked concerned. "Well, whats his name?" she asked, looking down at a phone book. John struck her lightly on the back of the head once. She slumped, unconcious, but unharmed onto the desk. With little time to spare, John went around behind the desk, looking for anything he might be able to use. There was nothing. So he vaulted over the desk...and two elevators opened, spewing armed guards, all aiming pistols at him.

"Alright John, thats ENOUGH! Put your hands on your head and LAY ON THE GROUND!" one man shouted. There was no cover, the 9mm bullets would pack enough punch to rip through anything he could duck behind, except for the desk...wich would be suicide. It was then John noticed there was something wrong. They were all wearing suits of some kind, and all had some heavier armor on. John had one plan in mind, and without his MJOLINR armor, it wasn't looking good. It was possible, due to his speed, that he could dodge bullets with his armor...but without it, he was most certianly dead. He would have to try. He spun around and pushed off with one piston like leg before they could all fire. With that, he jumped straight up, and somehow, he cleared the bullets, the tall ceiling of the place....and it didn't matter, because red and blue lights were flashing outside, and heavily armed men, with rather nasty looking M4 Carbines had formed a semi-circle outside the front door.
