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Fan Fiction

Out of Phase-Chapter 1
Posted By: BlackValkyire<ChaoticP0et@bellsouth.net>
Date: 30 November 2003, 1:16 AM

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The Chief knew something was very wrong as he sat up and opened his eyes. The last thing he rememberd was leaping out of the way of a flying plasma rifle, he had killed an elite with a frag grenade, and the detonation had set off the explosives the covenant warrior had, launching the plasma rifle. It had struck him square in the helmet, his shileds down from a prolonged gunfight, and toppled him over, blacking out for a second. Now, he was pulling himself to his feet inside some kind of strange cave...when last he had been in a long, tall hallway, wiping snow off his visor just as the elite came at him. Now, he was in a cave...and wasn't wearing his armor. Something was VERY wrong indeed.

Another thing he noticed was that his hands and ankles were bound by thick ropes, and he was gagged. To his right, a line of tied up people were sitting against the wall, all of them unconcious. Whatever this was, it was a hostage situation of some kind...people didn't just tie themselves up and sit in a cave for fun. The chief decided to leave the "what the fuck is going on here" questions till later. First, he needed mobility. Using his giant strength, he pushed against the thick ropes. As thick as they were they didn't quite tear...but they stretched enough for him to easily slide his hands free and undo his ankles. Next, he needed a weapon. He unwound the rope that had bound his ankles, and held onto it. It wasn't much, but he might be able to strangle someone quietly with it. From the way the people were breathing, they looked to have been nerve gassed with something...all the training John thought he would never put to use came flooding back as he started to walk quietly towards a single wood door...something he had never even imagined before.

Gently, he pulled it open just enough to see inside...it was just another stretch of cave...and finally, his vision went back to normal, and he saw things how they really were. He was in some kind of building, with long, tall, wide hallways...apparently designed for humans to walk through. All his senses kicked back in, and he heard sirens outside, and shouting. A large crowd was outside as well, he could feel the constant vibrations from so many people moving as one. Silently, John slid into the hallway, seeming to glide across the floor, his sharpshooter eyes constantly searching for a target, a threat of anykind. John had gotten to the other end of the hallway, and thought that he was going to be fine, when someone came out of door marked "restrooms". John spun as he heard the footsteps, his eyes scanning the person. A male, face covered with some kind of cloth mask, wearing long pants and heavy boots...and most importantly, armed with an automatic weapon. The man's eyes widened, and John lashed out. A piston like fist crashed into the man's jaw, and dropped him like a stone through water. John caught his body, and lowered him gently to the floor. His mind searched long and hard for what to call this man, and when he finally got it, he almost grunted it out. "Terrorist".

He policed the man's weapon, a true antique weapon...John wanted to whistle at the sight of an AK-74 assualt rifle.
He remembered his fascination for old earth weaponry, and had done extensive study and a report for his lessons with the AI. Quickly, John assessed the weapon. The magazine was full, and the gun was in perfect working order. Attached at the end was a small knife, what John remembered as a bayonet. His instinct told him to disarm the terrorists, just like a training excercise he had undergone. He set the firing mode selector to single shot, and cracked the door, peeking through. Four men, nervous looking, with obviously elevated adrenaliene levels. Their eyes were wide, and they looked like they were about to attack each other. One said something in tounge John had never heard before...it wasn't human...and it wasn't any form of covenant...and no human could speak the language of the flood, if there was one at all. The word terrorist stuck in his mind again and John decided to make his move. Silently, he opened the door just enough to get the barrel of the weapon in. Taking quick aim, he squeezed the trigger once.

The 5.56mm round hit his target square in the back of the head, blowing his brains out. It took mere seconds for John to fire twice more, scoring two more headshots before the last man could even turn around. John fired again, and the fourth and final round punched into the man's left eye, the bullet preforated his skull, blew his brains out, and exited through the back of his head. They dropped, and John blurred into motion. Even without his all powerful MJOLINR armor, he was still impossibly fast for where ever and when ever he was. Quickly, he grabbed the four AK's that the terrorist men had dropped, and ejected the magazines. It was then he realized he was half naked, wearing only the sensory body suit required to operate his armor. John quickly examined the men, and found one had a jacket that would fit him. He left it open but pulled it on, stuffing the clips into a large pocket. John checked the men for other weapons, found none, and was about to head down another door, when one was kicked open, another terrorist looking man already taking aim with his weapon...a sumbmachine gun of some kind. The man squeezed the trigger, and what John guessed was an Uzi sprayed lead into the room. He dove, hitting the floor, still facing the man...who suddenly had a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead.

John hadn't even realized he'd fired the weapon, and stood up slowly. Someone's voice could be heard, yelling down the hall. John didn't recognize the language, but decided to take action. He switched clips, and set his weapon to full auto. He ran down the hallway, and saw five men, all armed with uzi's or AK's, walking towards him. Before they could even blink, the first man went down with three shots in his chest, one of them punching into another man who was directly behind him. John dropped into a crouch as someone got a shot off, the bullet zipping over his head as he mashed the trigger down. A hail of bullets tore into someone's stomach, and punched through his back to strike another's sternum. The last man there had taken good aim now, and was about to fire, but John dove sideways, blindfiring the gun. All but one bullet missed, and it struck the target square in the knee. He screamed in agony and fell, holding the ruined bone and screaming. John rolled to his feet, stepped forward, and stabbed him in the throat. And THen, he stood there, simply staring at what was happening. Somehow he knew there were no more "terrorists", and his brain finally had time to start asking questions. He stood stock still, just staring. And when the SWAT team rushed him outside, he didn't even notice he had been moved until sunlight stung his eyes.
His brain was nearly exploding with questions, and his head hurt. He turned to look at where he was, and the world went black.
