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Fan Fiction

The Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 11
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 18 October 2003, 5:45 AM

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Something had changed, something was very diffrent. It seemed like he was watching the world through his own free will, not being forced to...wich meant...and Ty sat bolt up in bed, and screamd in agony as the needles in his body protsted the movement, then passed out onto the medical bed. Guards in powered armor, the most advanced infantry technology available, developed by the Covenant, warrior servants of the Forerunner, burst in, and doctors were right behind them. "Holy shit, he sat straight up...I don't believe it...the drugs aren't strong enough increase the dosage." one said while the others bustled about. An alarm went off. "Damaged blood vessels, he's torn some in his arm, others are strained. Seal those torn vessels, and get the infusers out of his arms. WELL STEP ON IT!" the lead doctor snapped at his nearly frozen two companions.

The two soldiers in powered armor were lock still, with heavy, extended range beam rifles aimed right at his head. They were lucky that he wasn't badly mutated, it appeard acolytes and their strange powers prevented them from mutating beyond skin coloration and muscule mass increase, as well as smaller numbers of pain receptors. Ty groaned softly, and the soldiers shifted a little, double checking their aim. They had orders to literally carve him into pecies should he threaten anyone or anything. The surgery would take time, but secretly, they had orders to leave him without the pain receptors and the extra muscule mass. Forerunner high command had told them he was going to essentially be a super weapon, and they had orders to put all sorts of enhancements in him...to adapt him to the newest most advanced type of powered armor the Forerunner were making.

But the doctors were going to take it one step further, and give his cells the ability to regenerate at five times normal speed with enough adreneliene...thus making his wounds heal in the middle of combat, if his armor was breached. He was going to be more than the perfect weapon...he was going to be the end, and the scientists knew it...with the amount of power he possesed, and with the advanced training he was getting to use it, along with conventinal weaponry and the powered armor that now sported energy shields...he would be essentially unstoppable. It was even rumored that since the powered armor enahanced brain functions...that his power would be increased...and there was a possibilty that with time...he might be able to fly.

It was scary to the lead scientists, and Tri had nearly gone ballistic when he found out...he was being confined to quarters...it had taken four acolyte soldiers to contain him in his fury...four were injured, and three were in critical condition. There was no way they were going to arrest him...he would have killed someone for sure, so confinement was enough, direct orders of the Grand Magi...whos political power was growing by the day as Acolyte Regulars moved into the front lines to surpress heavier flood resistance. The Library of this world was now essentially sorrounded by a solid circle, and the Flood were beginning to fight like trapped animals. One or two men had even fallen victim to a poorly placed flood sniper.

The doctors finally began to relax as Ty's vitals calmed down, and the soldiers relaxed for a brief moment, before Ty stired, and they took steady aim again. Slowly, the doctors helped him sit up, so that the needles supplying him with IV, raw vitamins, and immune inhibitors wouldn't tear his blood vessels again. One needle poked into him, to supply pain killers and another to remove the leaked blood. Slowly, Ty became oriented, and noticed the two riflemen. In a harsh, dry, rasping voice, he spoke to them. "Are you going to kill me now?" he said uncaringly. One soldier twitched but they didn't respond, only kept steady aim at his face. Ty looked at a doctor and winced as he pulled a small patch off him. There were bloody holes all over his body, and Ty winced at them, wondering what he had truly been through. "Look at me" one of the doctors said. Ty turned his head, and was injected with something in the throat. He gasped in surprise, and felt a chill as adrenliene slammed through him. The doctor grinned. "Look at your arm!" he said, pointing. Ty glanced, and gasped in shock as the wounds closed before his eyes.***

Tri slammed his fists into the wall again and again and again. When blood began to leak from them freely, he punched harder. When the bones began to bruise, he slammed harder with each punch, denting the wall, and when every bone in his hand was broken, he ignored the biting agony that shot through his hands with each motion, smashing the wall again and again, not caring if everything was shattered. He yelled in roars of fury, feeling a blood lust, knowing what sick things they were doing to Ty without his consent. Every strike of his fist against the wall made the four armed guards outside blink or wince in fear, hearing about what he had done to the soldiers who had tried to hold him back. He had straight punched one in the chest and sent him flying twenty feet backwards with three broken ribs and five cracked ones. One who caught a spin kick went through a window into a thirty foot fall.

Tri finnaly couldn't take the pain anymore, and fell to his knees, screaming in agony at his hands, wich were nothing more than bloody pulps. The pain shot through him and he blacked out suddenly, giving a large, reverberating thump. The guards finally got very curious, and opened the door, stun guns at the ready...to find him blacked out. One sighed with relief and called for a medic.

When he awoke again, the pain was gone, and his hands were fine. Forerunner placed high value on medical technology, and new ideas came out all the time...and one had fortunatly been to regrow bones very quickly...so amputations weren't that scary anymore. Tri put his plan into motion, noticing the doctor was facing the other way. Using his powers, he silenced his footsteps, and slid into the hallway, creeping down. Ty would be in the advanced medical wing, four stories up. The elevator was fortunatly on the same floor, and Tri managed to get out on the third...the fourth was apparently sealed off. It made sense, after all, Ty had been infected.

Tri slipped onto the third floor, entered a small restroom area, and opened a vent cover. Slowly, silently, he crawled to a junction, where he simply leapt straight up and hauled himself over the edge. He crawled to the nearest vent shaft, opened it quietly, and dropped silently to a crouch. He could hear and feel footsteps everywhere, and there were heavily armed soldiers on this level, wich meant motion trackers, and possibly that new powered armor stuff. If you moved slowly, motion trackers couldn't see you, but these soldiers could still hear or see him coming. He was going to have to engage them eventually, and get Ty out of the building...how the hell he was going to do that, he didn't know.

In a half crouch, Tri peeked around a corner. A guard walked past, wearing some crazy looking black armor, carrying an insanely large weapon. Tri shivered. If there was a fire fight, it was quite obvious he was royally fucked. That had been a stationary weapon emplacement...now mobile despite the massive weight and recoil...supposedly, these soldiers could do some sniping with such a weapon. It was a scary thought. Tri was rescourseful, but armored soldiers were made to slaughter ANYTHING, including acolytes. Tri rolled forward to minimize his visibilty, and checked behind him. Ty's room should be 5 wings down. To his horror, the footsteps stopped, and he heard someone say something. "Movement, over that way, condition yellow" someone said.

"Shit" he muttered, slowly opening the door he was infront of and praying no one was inside. It was a chemical storage room, and that meant no where to hide. He heard footsteps outside the door. "Check that room" someone said. Desperate, Tri leapt up, and focused. It worked, and he floated, flat against the roof. The soldier looked in briefly, then closed the door. Holding in a sigh, Tri slowly let himself drift down to his feet. The footsteps moved off, and he opened the door again, closing it quietly. He moved down to the fifth wing, and peeked in the door. Two armored soldiers were facing inside a room, with heavy weapons. Tri slipped into the hall, moving slowly, praying he didn't set off a motion tracker. Doctors were talking to Ty about some sort of cell regeneration when one of the guards had a glowing white blade across his throat. The other guard moved with impossible speed, bringing his weapon up to aim at Tri, who ordered his hostage to drop his weapon.

The man did so, and proving he was not the average acolyte, he caught the weapon in midfall. There was no way he could fire it, and holding it was painful, so he leaned it against his side. "You, put your weapon on the ground and eject the ammunition." he ordered quietly. The man did so, removing the ammunition cell...and threw it with insane speed. It struck Tri in the head, and knocked him out cold. Ty had never said a word, and that was all he could think about as he fell, slipping into unconciousness again...***

Ty wondered why they had covered his eyes and ears for a moment while he stared at his regenerating wounds. It was...and then he saw the soldiers, rearming their weapons, and hauling off a body...it was Tri...and everything hit him. Tri wouldn't DARE take on the odds of just getting up here unless something was VERY wrong. He stood up, removing all the needles and patches and so on. "Tri!?" he snapped. The soldiers didn't react well, they dropped Tri and told him to get on his knees, aiming at his head. Ty didn't like that at all, and something kicked in, he suddenly had a strong impulse to defend himself. He lashed out with insane speed, grabbing the barrel of the weapon and tugging it out of the man's armored hands. The second man was moving fast, and a white pulse of energy blasted a hole in the floor, mere inches from his foot, but the guard paid dearly for it when Ty used the huge particle cannon like a bat, knocking him out cold with a shot to the head. He threw tri over his shoulder, and took off at a run.

The Guards were on him, their armors making them very very fast. Shots kept punching into the corners he rounded, heading for a window that was open, noticing that they were all shut. Finally, he found himself cornered, and gave up, and white lightning arced from his fingers, blasting the window out. Ty dove, and rolled to absorb the impact from falling nine stories, catching Tri in the process. He turned to run, and the armors leapt down after him, firing all the while. Ty sprinted and moved side to side to avoid being hit, when something hit his face. He ran and ran, until he made a huge leap over the compound fence, that the armors couldn't quite make. He ran off into the trees, and set Tri down. There was a large burn mark on his chest...and when he opened the man's tunic, tears formed in his eyes. The particle shot had blown the entire right ventricle of Tri's heart out. He was dead, and there was absolutely nothing Ty could do.
