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Fan Fiction

Chronichles of Sgt. T(Chapter 1 of 6)
Posted By: Black Knight<lharvest@charter.net>
Date: 14 June 2004, 2:48 AM

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It was 3:00 am on my alarm when I got a call from Master Cheif. "Wake up sleepyhead!",he yelled,"I have something to inform you!" "Listen,can it wait 'till the morning?! Let me have a few hours of sleep!!!",I demanded! "NO!!! When I mans on duty,theres no time to sleep on yo booty! Get up now Sgt.!" "FINE!" I hung up the phone and got dressed. I had to walk quietly down the steps 'cause everyone else was sleeping. Once I got down to the main room,I headed straight for Master Cheif's office. "Ok man,you got me up early! What else do ya want me to do?!" "There is much more to do than get up Sgt. T!",he said. "Whats up?!" I knew something was up! "The Crysal Of Light has been stolen from the lighthouse on the Zanzibar coast." "Who stole it?" "We dont know yet. But thats why we need you Tom." "Hey buddy,its Sgt. T!" "Whatever! All we know is that they dont have armour on them. They are local criminals in the area,so you will have a good chance at finding them at locations with lots of valubles." "Listen Cheif! Three years ago was my last mission ok!? Im doing training camp now! No more missions!" "But your the only one we could find who can attempt this mission! Please Sgt.?" He looked at me without blinking. Like he was trying those puppy dog eyes on me! "FINE! I'll do it. As long as you promise that this will be my last mission!" "It will!",he said. A few minutes later,I was suited up and ready! "You will be teaming up with Agent James.",Master Cheif said. James was an old friend of mine from training camp. It was good to be with him! Let me introduce myself. Im Sgt. T! I 'was' doing special missions for 20 years. This was all happening before the war for Halo. We landed our ship in Zanzibar a few hours later. Master Cheif informed us to go staight for the security force in the area as soon as we got there! We went there,and the head of security was already there to greet us. "Hello,hello. You must be the two Master Cheif sent over! You are looking for the two theives roaming around here?" "Yes.",James said. "Good! We have had problems with those guys for weeks. asking for help everywhere we could. And finally we have our guys!!!" "We wont be the only ones doing this,right?",I asked. "Oh no. We have the whole security force behind it. Those guys stole the Crystal on our light house. Without that light,the ships that carry our resources cant make it here!" "Dont worry",I said,"we'll get them for you all! Then they'll get what they deserve!" "Thats great! I will get you boys a space to rest tonight and we'll start tomorrow!" But for some reason I thought that something would happen overnight that we wouldnt know about. We woke up at 8:30 am to only see huge flames on a sinking ship! We instantly headed straight outside to see what was going on! When we got to the location,we saw two bloody sailers on the grass! "What happened here?!",we asked. "Oh it was horrible",one sailer said,"we couldnt see anything. And the next thing you know,two guys just ATTACKED us and sunk our ship. And they took all the goods on it too!" We called up Master Cheif and told him the situation. He said,"Its the perfect crime!" "What??!!",I yelled. "Those thieves didnt steal the crystal. They just hid it so none of the sailers could see at night. Then when it got dark,it would be easy to suprise them,attack them,and steal everything!" "He's RIGHT!",James said. "I have an idea!",I said,"Maybe if we got a ship,we could wait by the sailers and wait for them to attack. Then,when they do,we could hop on there,and injure the theives and take them down. Finally,all we have to do is find out where the Crystal is,and put it back in its place. Those guys may be smart,but they're easy to catch!" "I dont know.",James said,"Something tells me its not gonna be that easy!" Later that night,we borowed a boat and driffted to sea. We were waiting for a sailboat with the supplies. When we saw one,we went up to it. "Hey!",I said,"We'll help you get to Zanzibar,ok?!" "No thank you",he said,"I think I'll be...OH MY GOD!!!!" We herd a loud clatter and hopped on to the boat! "Where are you??!!",I yelled. "O,O,OVER,HE,HE,
HERE! AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" We follwed his screaming voice,and we found him on the floor! "The,they we,went over there!" He pointed South. "James,you take care of him! I'll go find those guys!" I ran near the bow of the boat and found them stuffing their bags full of goods.
"Hey,get back here!!!" They both threw 5 grenades in my direction! "NOOOOOOOOOO!" KABOOOOOM!!! You could here that bang from days away! They blew up half the ship! They quikely got on to their boat and attempted to fire it up! "Quick! We all need to get on one boat now! HURRY UP!!!" James and I carried the sailer to our boat and started it instantly! We were chasing them as fast as we could! I got out my machine gun and started firing at their motor. I missed every shot because of them moving in every direction! They also started shooting at us too! When the ammo in my machine gun went out,the only thing I had left was my handgun. I pulled it out and started firing like heck at them. But that was it. All out of ammo! NOTHING! But then,something amazing happened! A rocket went straight down on them! Who fired it you ask? Someone on a jetpack flew down into our boat. It was... Master Cheif! "Alright guys lets put these guys where they belong...JAIL!" A few hours later we were heros and put those two in the slammer! I thought that was the end. But that was just the beginning of the mission I had to accomplishe.


