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Fan Fiction

Halo 2:Alpha Base 5 USNC (part 3)
Posted By: BBCBulldogs24<byankees24@patmedia.net>
Date: 14 November 2003, 1:15 AM

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"Look sir, its too big for us" whispered the head sniper, "its ok we have enough we have enough vehicles and artillery" announced MC. MC said over his radio "ok, we need to just attack in waves, first we'll have the Rocket-Hogs and tanks" "roger" said the demo. expert. "Than we need our reconnasaince vehicles next to take out any excess survivors" "sir yes sir" he heard from half the convoy over the radio. "And than we need our eyes from above to observe if there's any other survivors" "yes sir said a faded voice". "And as for you my friend you will tell us the ships weaknesses unless you will look like your buddy over there" "um uhh yes" said Yuma. MC punched him in the face and ordered "YOU CALL ME SIR" "uhh yes ssirr" said Yuma scared. "Ok we need our explosives to the front of the lead a.s.a.p." ordered the demolition expert. MC heard the rolling of tanks and loading of shells coming behind him. "Your resistince is stronger than I anticipated" "You might actually have a chance reclaimer" said a very familiar voice...

Reclaimer reclaimer reclaimer it kept repeating over in his head- "Oh shit you made it off" shouted MC. "Yes my consructs are built to withstand very heavy explosions". It was 343 Guilty Spark, he made it off the ring world HALO. "Leave him alone focus on mission" said Cortana. "OK" shouted MC "STOP SHOOTING OUT HIM GARLIN" "yes sir" said Garlin. As the rockets were ripping through the sky the ship's guns turned to us and started firing. "TAKE OUT THOSE GUNS SIR" was heard by many voices over the radio. "FOCUS YOUR FIRE AT THE SHIPS GUNS" ordered MC. One minute after the order the guns were desroyed and MC ordered "Reconnasaince vehicles advance to the ships main access rings". MC drove to one of the ships main access rings and came into the door. He saw all the marines burst into the door and they cleared the room. MC ordered to the eyes in the sky "Echo 419 and the rest of you eyes in the sky give us arial support" "YES SIR". The marines on the squad got lost while MC's squad was continuing on going room to room tactically. "Hello reclaimers" said 343 "Where the fu-" "Please do not resort to foul language reclaimer" 343 said interupping the chief. "Dont mind him chief" MC heard in his mind in Captain Keyes voice. MC grinned and said under his breath "yes sir". The next door was locked, the optic cable he looked through he saw a green camoflauged 8 foot tall man tied up with blue glowing rope-thing. MC looked at his Battle Rifle and there was no ammo, so he took out his SMG, nothing there, he asked his marines for ammo but they werent there. And than he remembered the statue, SGT Diago fighting to his death. He reached into his storage and reached out his energy sword and activated it. He busted open the door and there was noone in there. He cut open the ropes of the SPARTAN IV "Sir, reporting for duty Sir, I am the new Spartan project" said the spartan. "Its an honor" said MC. "We need to get out of here now" said the spartan while grabbing out two SMG's. There was a door, a very large door, the two spartans walked in very cautiosly. Inside the Monitor was speaking to this floating chair thing, and than the light faded and the Monitor slowly dropped to the floor with sparks coming out. Than a wave of plasma goes and knocks out the SPARTAN IV and the rookie fell lifelessy to the ground. As his comrade dropped he sprinted with his sword poised for penetratring the flesh of the creature when the sword vanished from his hands. The hovering object swrirled around revealing a terrible humming creature. "You survived that blast, let's see you survive me." The creature fired more and more plasma blasts but MC jumped over all of them. So the creature pushed a button and a door opened, exposing Spec. Op. Grunts fired at MC. BANG, BANG, BANG, the door opened and out poured marines, the marines have killed all the grunts but passed out after another plasama blast. Than MC attempted to choke the creature but got thrown back to the wall. The creature ordered "Stop trying to kill me, because you will not succeed" "WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU"...
