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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Alpha Base 5 USNC (part 2)
Posted By: BBCBulldogs24<byankees24@patmedia.net>
Date: 13 November 2003, 9:50 PM

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"IM HIT IM HIT" MC heard from a distance with his new enhanced hearing aid, it sounded like a marine voice. "No we've got to go back we HAVE to" whispered Cortana. Than MC yelled over the radio "GO BACK GO BACK THEY ARE STILL UNDER ATTACK". All of the banshees raced back to the base. "What the hell is goin' on down there Diago? DIAGO?" reported SGT over the radio. "LETS GET DOWN THERE DOUBLE TIME BEFORE THEY FIND THE SPART-" a huge explosion intrupped Cortana as MC realized he got hit by a fuel rod and thought 'shit... hunters'.

"IM HIT IM HIT" heard from all the banshees right before they smashed into the wall of the base. MC searched the banshees for survivors and found that an elite was in one of the banshees and with a human arm in the banshee but the Elite died in the crash. MC had Cortana confirm who's arm it was and it came up as 'PVT Dimmagio' (which was thier sniper). Once they eliminated all the covenant they found SGT Diago impaled with an energy sword on the statue of Captain Keyes. MC de-activated the energy sword and put it in his storage area. "What the hell happened here?" asked SGT. Cortana replied with They thought all enemies were down when a wave of creeps came, it took about half of the SGT's squad to take them out.

MC and his squad searched the base and found the rest of Diago's squad stranded in the maitnance room captured by the covenant. "What is this building built for?" said a grunt slapping a marine in the face. MC ordered half of the marines to sneak up behind the covenant and hold them up while the other half slaughters them from the front. After the firefight they gathered up as much marines they could get and as much vehicles (covenant and human). MC went inside the base and chaecked out the new SPARTAN IV project. MC asked the marines "Where is the new SPARTAN project". "Thats the problem Sir" said the marine. "What" "ITS GONE, it got captured by a banshee and went norhteas-". "He went to the covenant cruiser we saw!" yelled SGT. "This is Fire Team Charlie and looking for backup we are going to board a covenant cruiser REPEAT WE NEED BACK UP is anyone on this line" yelled SGT on the radio "damnt noone is there". Than MC said to all the marines "LOOKS LIKE WERE GOIN' IN ALONE, LETS MOVE NORTHEAST"

MC hopped in the new Jungle-Hog with a lot more armor and camoflauged. SGT hopped in the side seat and Corperal Garlin went into the turret. MC turned around the Jungle-Hog and put on his loud speaker. "MARINES THERE IS A SHIP NORTHEAST OF HERE THAT HAS LANDED ON OUR HOME PLANET AND WANTS TO DESTROY EARTH, ARE WE GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN?" "SIR, NO SIR" "ALRIHT, LETS MOVE". A huge group of tanks, ghosts, banshees, all kinds of Hogs, and creeps, were following MC. As they rode through the jungle they heard an explosion behind them... It was the base. MC stopped and told everybody that he planted the bomb so the covenant wouldnt get any information from the labs. MC stopped when noone expected him to, he stopped because his motion tracker was going crazy. "Sniping Team A 545 report to my position a.s.a.p." "yes sir". The sniping team came up in four ghosts, the head, dressed in a ghille suit, said "You rang Master Chief?". "Yea,I need you to lead and brief us on any enemeis close" "SIR, YES SIR" 'wonderful' MC thought. So they continued riding throughthe jungle and they ran into an ambush and lost 3 vehicles due to a Wraith. "Hey Chief" said Corperal MC turned around and saw SGT with blood gushing out of his temple "SHIT" and found a blue pulsading plasma grenade on his head. "Dont worry" whispered SGT and than ran out of the warthog into the Wraith and blew himself and the Wraith to pieces. Than MC heard a scared voice of two grunts with a unactivated plasma grenade in its hand. MC jumped out f the hog and beat one of the Grunts to a bloody pulp and killing him, but the other one surrendered and MC put it into his side seat. Than the snipers came over the radio "Uhhh sir, I dont know how to say this but, WE ARE FREAKIN SCREWED WE NEED LOTS OF HELP TO TAKE IT ON" "IT?"
