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Fan Fiction

The final war: Chapter one: The forming of an alliance
Posted By: Awacar<t.alvner@swipnet.se>
Date: 13 October 2003, 1:56 PM

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The first attack wave against Earth has been eliminated, and another covenant fleet is approaching the now unpopulated planet Reach. UNSC decides to send Master Chief there and meet up with the covenant fleet.

"Chief, we have docked with the covenant cruiser and you'll need to get going!" Cortanas familiar voice reminded him what he was here for. Master Chief walked slowly to the docking platform, prepairing for another one man war. The door opened and a really large room was exposed to the Chief. It came a small group of covenant through a large door. But this time it felt different, MC doubted for the first time in his life about opening fire against covenant. When thinking about his strange feelings he decides to just shoot a grunt in the arm with the pistol. Master Chief thereafter heard: "Why did you shoot me? I don't even know who or what you are and I don't even have a weapon!" said by a common "gruntish" voice. Everything that the grunt had said was probably true; there was almost thirty covenant in that room, all with a questioning but angry face expression. Another thing was strange too, none of them had weapons. In the very moment that the Chief reallizied that they was defenceless, a big wall sank down in the floor, and he heard a low, calm and commanding voice saying:
"Calm down, this thing doesn't want to hurt us, he has mistaken us for the others he call "covenant"."
"Others? Aren't you covenant?" the Chief says to the mysterius creature that haven't showed up yet.
"We are covenant, but we don't share the same religion as the fanatic bastards that you have fought endless times." The voice now reveals itself by coming around a corner, showing to be a prophet. He again talks:
"Come closer and I'll explain everything to you."
MC: "Wait just a second. MEDIC!! Report, we have a wounded grunt here. Dont ask any questions, just do as I say!" Master Chief thereafter wlaks away with the prophet.
MC: "What did you mean when you said that you dont share religion with our enemies?"
Prophet: "Your enemies are a fanatic, military faction of the Species Covenant. They have changed their way of thinking about our religion, seeng it as a way to justify jihad against half of the universe. GSG, or Gathered Species Government, have been trying to stop the faction, called the Blood Faction which you have been fighting. Shamefully, we can all se the results of their efforts."
MC: "But why haven't the GSG succeeded? You must, all gathered, be capable of taking out a single faction."
Prophet: "Little human, that faction is like a bunch of bandits. Give them inside information and they escape before you can say "search"."
MC: "Do you mean that the Blood Faction have insiders at the GSG?"
Prophet: "Yes, but thats not the only thing that stops us from attacking them. The Blood Faction have started to clone forerunners, our ancient enemy. The forerunners were extinct by us almost 500000 years ago in your way of counting time. Both the forerunners and we were at the brink of extiction when we finally won "The Eternal War". Now the Blood Faction has cloned more than a million forerunners, and they rioted against their creators. The riot caused more than a billion casualties among the Blood Faction, and two dead forerunners. Yet, there are many forerunners that are loyal to the faction."
Cortana: "But when did the riot start?"
Prophet: "It started exactly three months ago. All the surviving faction members escaped in fear of the forerunners."
MC: "This planet that have us in orbit was once populated by humans but three months ago it was attacked by the Blood Faction. Cortana and I escaped together with a lot of other humans. Then we too were attacked and cortana and I came out as only survivors. Can you tell me if we were attacked in the name of the jihad or were we just in their path of escape?"
Prophet: "The most accurate thing to believe is that it was both. Not even forerunners can make them stop making their "holy" sacrifices. But tell me, to what location did you escape?"
Cortana: "We made a blind jump to a gas giant planet that we called Threshold. Anyway, we landed on a big, forerunner made ring called Halo." The prophet looks extremely surprised, saying:
"You have been in contact with one of the Halos, that changes everything. Let me give you a short history lesson.

Near the end of the war against us, the forerunners came up with two new weapons. Both of them weren't finished when they had to be. One of them was biological, a parasite that would take over the hosts body and mind but keep its knowledge's. The forerunners thought that this creature would do significantly more damage to us than to them and named it after the anticipated result. This lifeform, the flood, was ment to be like a flooding over us. But the flood caused equal damage to both parts and during the research work we were more capable to strike at them, hard.
The second one was a large machine with only one purpose, to eliminate all covenant in an enormous range. Seven of those machines was created before we stopped them. Shortly after that they were finished all the forerunners moved to those weapons, knowing that the only thing they had to do to erase us from the history of the universe was to push a few buttons. Later, the forerunners found out that even this weapon would not be at the hand of one side. They also found out that the only thing capable of surviving the danger was the flood, but that they also soon would die, with no hosts to live in. The forerunners collected all of the flood to those machines and concealed them within certain cambers. They hoped that any civilization capable of releasing the flood would also have technologies to undo them. Shortly after the collection, we won the war. End of history lesson."

Prophet: "Do you get that another name for those "machines" are "Halos"?" Master Chief nods.
Prophet: "At first, when the faction members saw where you were heading, they were probably scared and wanted you out of there.
"Liar!! The covenant we met on Halo was only focused to get to the control room FIRST; there was no focus on getting us out of there. And when I was in the control panel, the only part of the story I got was the flood-keeping part." says Cortana, seeming very irritated.
Prophet: "Calm down. I understand why you think that I'm a lyer, but let me explain. The faction members didn't understand Halos powers, trying to control it is a way of misunderstanding its true powers. I assume that they haven't yet found out, they see the Halos as a tool of the gods, giving them a chance of completing their jihad. About the story, did you look at the hard drive chips motive?"
Cortana: "Yes, but what does that have to do with the story?"
Prophet: "If I'm not mistaking, the motive was a Halo with warning red edges with a big star and a gas giant in the background?"
Cortana: "Yes, it actually looked that way, but how do you know that?"
Prophet: "Our species destroyed a Halo almost a decade ago. In the control panel was two hard drive chips, one with the described motive and one with a Halo surrounding a planetary sized elite skull. I have a copy here if you want it."
Cortana:"yes, I do want a look at it. Hm...the arcitecture is exactly the same as the one in Halos control panel and the code breaking key is exactly the same too. Sorry that I didn't believe in you."
Prophet: "That's okay, now I have a question for you humans. I am ready to, in order to save my people, form an alliance with you humans against the Blood Faction and the forerunners. Will you join it?"
MC: "Yes, but there is still a problem. How do we recognize you? And can you haelp us convice the other humans that you are friendly?"
Prophet: "You will have two proofs that we are friendly. One is this conversation, that I hope is properly stored within you, Cortana. The second proof is the two hard drive chips that I hereby will give to you. Enough?"
Cortana: "Yes, that will have to be enough, but how do we recognize you?"
Prophet: "We will send this whole conversation to any human vessel that is close enough to attack us. Now, take these coordinates, they will show you to a planet where the next GSG meeting will be held in three days. We would be honored if you gather a human strike team and meet us there."
MC: "We will be there, goodbye." Master Chief and Cortana walks away. Then they suddenly hears:
"Thanks for helping me. You humans are actually REALLY nice. If I wasn't shot in the arm I would hug you." The grunt seems to be really happy and Master Chief gives him a clap on the shoulder before he walks away.

To Be Continued...
