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Fan Fiction

Ode To Lag
Posted By: A Furry Cheetah<BlackPressInc@gmail.com>
Date: 9 May 2005, 2:42 PM

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The Ode to Lag

O Halo 2, WTF is up with you?
Your beautiful graphic and horrible lag
Make me so happy and make me so sad

As I walk across coagulation in the beautiful fall
I magically find myself smeared on a wall
Some days I'll be in my grove
When I think the connections smooth
Randomly the enemy will appear in mass
Surround my body and kick my, butt

Bungie you've made a beautiful game
Halo 2 has earned great fame
So take some of your 2 billion
And buy new servers that support many millions

Because I'm sick of missing with the sword
And sniping at teleporting enemies is making me bored
Everyone online just seems to be jerks
Guess you shouldn't run servers on Microsoft Works

Don't get me wrong, Halo 2 is so great
But it sucks being killed by people named MasterD3Bat3
So please fix your servers as fast as you can
Because Halo 2 is the best game in the land

--Scotty Jones
