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Fan Fiction

Covenant Commando's: Operation
Posted By: Spectre<thug13669@yahoo.com>
Date: 14 July 2006, 3:15 am

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It was dawn on the planet Irios 3, the sun was just beginning to rise . The capital city of was quiet as only a few where up this early. Coming in from the direction of the sun, was a single covenant phantom. To the casual observer, it would look like nothing more then solar flare, however in less then 2 hours, everyone would be fighting for their lives. Onboard the phantom, an elite in the white armor of a special forces commander stood examining his men. He had brought no grunts with him
because they where not reliable in a firefight and would only slow his elites down. To his right stood an elite by the name of sosalam. In his arms he carried a beam rifle, and on his belt, as all the other elites on this ship had, was an energy sword. Though this planet was of no strategic
value, the covenant had learned several of what the humans called "Spartans" where in the city. The covenant needed a morale boost so his squad was ordered to kill the demons and bring their bodies to the prophets. Though it seemed
like a waste, he was not going to question the Prophets, so he remembered his training, "So is the will of the Prophets" he thought. "We will be over the drop zone in 5, I repeat 5, everyone ready?" the pilot announced. Their was a wave of "Ready" as the elites moved to the lift. " GO! GO! GO!" the pilot announced. The 10 elites hit the ground and ran towards the closest Human structure. Inside a human male stood looking as if he'd seen a ghost.
The white elite, named Zenama, grabbed the humans head, and crushed his skull. The elites continued going from house to house killing every human they encountered until they got to an intersection. On the other side was a human
military installation. Guarding the gate was a chain gun, that could pose a problem. He ordered all of his men to arm a plasma grenade, and had his heavy weapons gunner prepare his fuel rod cannon. "FIRE!" 9 plasma grenades and
5 glowing green blobs sailed toward the guardhouse. The grenades hit the building seconds before the fuel rod shots did, creating a massive explosion that
left a 10 foot deep hole in the ground that was 10 feet wide.

Deep inside the military base, Spartan 315(Mike) wondered why the sirens where going off. "Alert, Alert we are under covenant attack this is no drill, I repeat, alert we are under covenant attack, this is no drill". The other 5 Spartans in the room heard the call and were
already putting on their armor. "Sir, what are your orders". He turned and saw that Spartan 239, Jim,
was talking to him. "Get your suits on then where heading to the armory", shouted Mike. As they walked down the hallway they learned that the covenant must have infiltrated the base because the lights had been killed. "Make sure your FOF tags are on, and also turn on your night vision". They reached the armory without a fight and began to select their weapons.
"Take assault weapons only, its gonna be close and personal in the hallways, no snipers and one launcher." They fanned out and grabbed 5 battle rifles, 2 older model assault rifles, 4 shotguns, and 2 SMG's apiece. "Alright close formation, Jim your on point". The Spartans rounded the corner and ran into a war zone. The covenant forces had penetrated into the heart of the base and where only 100 feet from the command center, however so were about 2 dozen marines, fighting for their lives. As Mike peered around the corner a plasma nade sailed by and landed in the midst of 4 marines. One of them dived for cover however the other 3 where vaporized by the ensuing explosion. Mike spotted Sgt. Baker and opened a comm
channel with him. " Sergeant, looks like we got here just in time." Said Mike. "Your Damn right Mike, now can you give us a hand?" Mike thought for a second before relaying orders to his squad, and finally said " Jim and Sean you guys move to the spot where those marines got hit and take over. Bryan and Nick you guys are with me, where gonna try and flank these guys."

Zenama leaned around the corner and threw himself back just in time as more bullets where sprayed at his position. So far he had lost none of his men and had killed around 30 human marines. "Sosalam and you two he said pointing at the troopers to his right, come with me and activate your active cam. generators, we are going to try and cut around behind this fight." They made it to the next hallway without getting into trouble and continued until they hit the next hallway. "Everyone ,find cover fast." yelled Zenama. Coming straight at them down the hall about 75 feet away where 3 Spartans. Sosalam
leveled his beam rifle from behind a crate and took aim at the second Spartan walking towards him, the others aimed their plasma rifles down the hallway and waited to fire.

" Everyone see the three elites up ahead behind the crates?" Mike asked his men. "Yes, sir" Nick replied. "Lets let them think they got caught us off guard, just make sure your ready to fire." They continued forward, acting as if they had not seen
the elites. Suddenly Mike saw a flash come from the end of the hall, then a beam hit Bryan square in the forehead. His shields lasted for a split second, then they collapsed, and the blast went straight through his head. He dropped to his knees then fell forward as his brains excited the back of his skull. "FIRE!" screamed Mike, and the two remaining Spartans opened up with everything
they had, hitting the first two elites and killing both of them.

Zenama stuck his plasma rifle in the air and began spraying the hallway with plasma. Sosalam dropped his beam rifle and took out his energy sword. He got up to where zenama was and kneeled down. He grabbed the plasma sword off of a fallen elite, then rushed forward at the Spartans. He stuck one beam in front of his body, and as the bullets hit they where disintegrated. Nick tried to dodge but was unable and was subsequently cut in two by the elite. Suddenly the hallway filled with smoke, and
a blinding flash lit his field of view. The last remaining Spartan took advantage of this and ran down the hallway, until he meant up with the rest of the marines.

In the amount of time that he had been gone, the marines and Spartans had killed the 6 remaining elites and where cleaning up the dead. "Sir what happened to Nick and Bryan?" Asked Jim. "Dead, both of them." The news hit the Spartans harder then anything ever had before. "How sir". "Ambush, halfway down hall 5A, 4 elites hit us hard."

Zenama and Sosalam picked up the bodies of the two Spartans, and managed to make it out of the base without incident. As they approached the extraction zone, the phantom came into view. They where beamed up the grav lift and where looked at by medics when they got on board. " Your both fine, where are the others?" asked one of them. "Dead, all dead." Then we shall return to the cruiser at once. As they stepped of the phantom an elite in Gold armor approached them. " I see you have brought
back the bodies of two Spartans, excellent the prophets will be most pleased. I am however sorry to hear that you lost eight of your men." "Thank you commander, but might i say that it was almost completely thanks to Sosalam. He killed both the Spartans without sustaining a scratch." " Then I am sure he will be promoted for his bravery and service. Now we shall return to the fleet and give the prophets their prize."....
