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Fan Fiction

Halo:Delta Force Part 2
Posted By: SpecOpsGt<TWSTLTTLFRK@aol.com>
Date: 15 November 2005, 2:06 am

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I'd first off like to thank all of my friends who supported me for writing this in the first place and secondly I'd like to thank all the people who posted comment's of support. TY.

Chapter 2: Time to hold our own

Jason was quick to look for weapons which would be effective against the flood. He managed to find a shotgun with only 6 extra shells left in it. He did manage to find two SMG's with full ammo. He thought this to be his best bet. On his way to regroup with Delta Force he found that no Flood knew of their position. With this in mind he quickly told Delta "The Flood have no idea that you guys have changed positions. Im going to help out 2nd squad. There gettin' hammered down there." "Roger That.".

218 ran as fast as possible to 2nd squads position. When he turned his radio on to listen for any other squads near his possition he soon realized the worst possible thing. Once he turned on his radio he heard nothing. Not a single noise. He thought to himself "This could only mean that the Flood I fought earlier might have knocked out my General Command link." Althought he could still maintain communication with Delta he could not tell if 2nd squad was alive or dead until he reached their location.

Back at Delta's current location the Flood found them and were hitting them pretty hard. Sidewinder was oddly rackin' up more kills than Matt, which is odd due to he had previously found a Rocket Launcher. Riddler found his personal favorite weapon, the Beam Rifle. Although Saif was the team's sniper he was more proficent in the use of the human Sniper Rifle. Riddler picked up his weapon and with a single shot took out 2 combat forms. For the first time during their mission he was actually happy. He now knew that these Flood have grown stronger, meaning scoped rifles now do damage to the beast's (halo players may remember that sniper weapon rounds went right through flood combat and carrier forms).

Jason closed on the last known coordinates of 2nd squad. He saw them. Their hunters were devestating the Flood. The Spec-Ops Elites that went with them were holding their own as well. Some even carried Fuel Rod Cannons of their own. Their phantom had crashed just a few hundred meters from their location. Jason ran as fast as a Spartan could move. On his way he encountered two combat forms. He met them with his SMG's which shred through both flesh and the bits of armor still left on their bodies. After he had dissposed of them he continued on. He found a shotgun with more ammo in it than the previous one he had found. He held it in his weapon slot on his back. He continued on. Three more combat forms appeared out of nowhere. He pulled out his shotgun and nearly ripped one of them in half. After a few more kills he finally grouped up with 2nd squad. Their leader, a covenant elite Honor Guard greeted him. "We have been holding our own here for quite some time, we are glad you have met us.". "Same here" replied Jason. Just as things seemed calm around 20 or so combat forms busted throught the debris of a nearby building and rushed 2nd squad's location.

Jason pulled out his shotgun. And quite surprising enough the Honor Guard pulled not one but two energy swords. He had never before seen an elite do this before. It caught him off guard before he stopped dazing off. The Honor Guard sliced through Flood after Flood after Flood. He even completely disentegrated one by hitting him with both of his blades at the same time. "C'mon we have got to get out of here before more Flood approach." Jason kept on this elite as if he ran with the wind. They stopped. The hunters had fallen behind and they were waiting for them to regroup. Thats when the Flood managed to jump 2nd squad. The Honor Guard and Jason ran away as their soldiers yelled for them to get away whilst they fought to defeat the Flood. They found their hunter allies. They all ran as fast as possible to regroup with Delta Force. They found an abandoned Shadow. It, although in need of serious repair, was still drivable. Jason took control of the covenant troop transport. The two hunters jumped on the bottom whilst the Honor Guard jumped on top and pulled out two plasma rifles from their holsters. Aparently this elite was far more powerful than any other Jason had encountered before.

In no time they reached Delta Forces position. Apparently it seemed the Flood were in full retreat. Jason had thought up the answer quick. They had pissed off Matt. "This is Jason. Did one of the flood hit Matt?" "There retreating. What do you think?" replied Meka. "Good point". The small band left from second squad retreated to the safety of Delta H.Q. as they referred to it while there to be holding out there. Little did they know that they would not be needing it for much longer....
