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Fan Fiction

Halo:Delta Force
Posted By: SpecOpsGt<TWSTLTTLFRK@aol.com>
Date: 13 November 2005, 6:14 am

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First off I would like to let everyone know that this is my first time writing a story so if you have anything to say to me that would be cruel sounding try to make em' as nice as possible. ty.

Chapter 1:Decisions, Decisions

"Sidewinder, gimme' sum cover fire, will ya!" yelled Spartan #218. 218 is one of the few spartans to have lived past the human-covenant wars. Most were killed or , unfortunately , taken over by the flood and forced to be destroyed. "Yes sir!" yelled Sidewinder. One of the 3 covenant elites, or sangheili, as they like to be called when there not adressed by their "names". He is profficiant in almost every single weapon known to man and covenant. Not to mention he fought along-side humans when they fought the "Noble" Prophet of Truth, the Brutes, the Jackals, and the Drones in the final days of the human-covenant war. Now he fights with Delta Force in hopes of stopping the Flood from reaching earth and her sister planets. Sidewinder picked up a carbine and fired with almost as much accuracy as Delta's sniper Saif. In only 8 shots he brought down 5 combat forms. "Fire in the hole!" yelled their demolitions/tank expert Matt. This guy was really off the hook with a history of being able to take out wraith tanks with only grenades and taking hunters on by himself. Delta obviously chose him to use anything that went BOOM. "Jesus Christ! Are you tryin to kill me Matt!" yelled Sidewinder."Sorry!" he said (this was Matt's "favorite" word) "He moved at the last second and he was locked on.". "Uh-huh, Whatever!". "Riddler, see if u can take any of them out. Saif, give him cover fire!""Yes sir!" they yelled in unison. "God damn it! Where's Shadow and Meka at!". No sooner than 218 asked did Delta's driver Shadow and their 2nd in command Sgt.J.Meka fly over top of a trashed van and crushed at least 10 combat forms. Meka began to fire the Warthog's three barreled, 12.7 mm M41 LAAG (Light Anti Air Gun) at the onslaught of combat and infection forms. "It's jammed Shadow! Well what do ya' expect! I found it in an alley way! Besides all ya' really gotta do is give it a good kick and it'll start up in no time." argued Shadow ,the second of the three elites and Delta's vehicle pilot, and Sgt.J.Meka ,Delta's 2nd in command. The group was on the planet Reach which had found new creatures to accompany it's almost completely destroyed surface, Flood. Their mission was to infiltrate the city, learn of how it is the flood became as intelligent as they were, and to reach the main city, Pantheon, and plant a nuclear device which would hopefully destroy Reach and the Flood with it. "Damn, where's Riddler at!" yelled 218. Just as he had said that a combat form managed to find his way to the Spartan's location. The two struggled to get an advantage over each other. Just as the combat form was just about to hit 218 in the head with his mangled, yet nonetheless iron-like fist. 218 flung it over the ledge right behind Sidewinder. The very second Sidewinder saw it Riddler destroyed the beast with his mighty Psi-blade, a miniature version of the Energy Sword, with a swift blow to the back of the beast's head. Riddler was the stealthy and the only stealthy one on the team. He as one of the Spec Ops elites which helped the Arbiter to reach his goals before the war. When the Arbiter joined with the humans Riddler felt left behind and joined with him. He is now the only one "officially" allowed to use the Energy Sword aside from 218. He prefers to use his Psi-Blades however as they weigh less and are easier to wield. "Man am i glad to see you Riddler" said Sidewinder. "Likewise". BOOM. An explosion happened right behind the squad catching them off guard. "What was that?!" said Riddler. He and Sidewinder looked right at Matt. "What? All I did was plant some claymore in case they tried to sneak around behind us.". Riddler and Sidewinder continued to destroy as many Flood as they could see. 218 knew that they were going to have a tough time fighting the Flood in such an open area. "We need to find cover" yelled Jason (218's human name). "Saif, do you see anywhere that we can go?!". "That'd be a negative sir. Wait I see a place it's about 30ft from here!". "Well you heard the man. Let's get a move on!". "Yes sir" yelled Delta. "Meka you lead them to our new base over there. I'll hold them back as long as I can." "Yes sir" replied Meka. "Meka! Wait!" "What is it sir?" "Once you lead them in there and secure the area, Tell Saif and Sidewinder to give me support fire when I'm en route." "Yes sir"
