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Halo: Spartan of Reach
Posted By: SpartanofReach<the9thdude@gmail.com>
Date: 2 July 2006, 3:30 am

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Cheif... If you receive this transmission, I will most likely be dead. You and I are the last Spartans, I saw you leave orbit. The Dr. Halsay will return... if we survive this war. She has gone to an unknown position in space. I am the last Spartan on Reach.

I looked at the Autumn as it started to leave orbit, carrying the Master
Cheif, Earth's last hope. "Dandrian," Dr. Halsay said behind me "It's time for me to go..." I placed my helmet on my head, then I heard the familiar beep, bop, beep! of my sheilds going on. I turned to face her standing by the warthog waiting patently. "Let's go then." I said as I climbed in the drivers seat. I checked the radar, damn! Grunts to the South-East. I said to myself as twenty red dots appeared on the radar. "Hold on!" I said to Dr. Halsay as a hit the gas pedal. I looked to the North where I would be taking the Proffesor. Then two Phantoms took off their camoflage and started flying towards us. "God Damn it!" I yelled angrily as I turned to the west. "SPARTAN 129!" Dr. Halsay yelled as the phantoms were drawing near. "GET THE TURRET, YOU KNOW HOW TO USE A GUN!!" She obidently climed up to the turret and got into position. I saw the tunnel ahead, now all I had to do was keep the Phantoms off our back. A phantom flew above us and I looked up to the bottom of it. Two Ghosts were on the bottom of it. "129..." Dr. Halsay started, "IT'S MY JOB NOW THAT YOU GO STRAIGHT FOR THE TUNNEL, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HOLDS THE SECRETS OF THE SPARTAN PROJECT!" I looked over my shoulder to look at her. She had tears in her eyes, not of what was going to happen, but what was going to happen if she didn't make this choice. "Farewell Ma'm" I whispered as I pulled up to the tunnel, where 9 UNSC personell met her and took her deep in the tunnel.
"So this is what we were made for..." I said looking at the two Ghosts headed in my direction. I got out and took out the new advanced UNSC weaponry, not yet handed out to the personell: BR55 Battle Rifle, M41 SSR MAV Rocket Launcher with homing compatability, and my most favorite the M90 Shotgun. I picked up the Launcher, crouched, and said on translated intercom, "You Convenant bastards, come and get me!"
"Halt all commands!" an Elite roared through the com, "This planet is finished, and our target has left orbit. Prepare for glass." Glass? I asked myself as the Covenant troops departed, whatever it was it certainly made the Covenant leave. I jumped bak in the 'Hog and started driving down the tunnel. Then, suddenly my sheilds went down and there was a bright light. I heard a crumble and looked up to see 3 tons of concrete land on me.

I opened my eyes to complete darkness, I felt a large object on me and I moved my hands from the large objects also. I pushed the one on me off and sat up in the sunlight, a few concrete rocks falling from my helmet. The sky was all stars, exept the sun, without the remembered blue sky. What the hell happened? I asked myself as I removed the concrete from my legs. I looked at the endless wastland that was once a military base. Good thing the suit helped me remain intact or else I'd be dead. "*static* any-*static* there? UN-*static* alive? AI *static* help!" from a distant signal. An AI alive? I asked questionally as I looked at my radar, North, there was where the signal was coming from. "At least it will be an easy run" I said as I jogged in that direction.

Jeinshlib sat at the monitoring holo-desk on the "Truth and Reconciliation". "How did the Demon get in and out alive? There was supposed to be four Hunters guarding the landing pad. Yet he stole the Human leader and crew, and stole one of our Dropships?" It was his fault he was out on patrol 5 minutes late. A signal came in... Human. It was coming from the planet they glassed yesterday. But how- he asked himself as he forwarded it to Jushleib, the capitain. "Sir you might want to see this." He replied, smiling. Everything would be good.

I reached the source, a dug in military home. "Well that is the awnser to solve a glass!" I laughed. I opened the door and saw a lone AI system it was unhooked to everying exept a power generator, and small radio. "Oh good, good, goody!" the radio/AI said happily. I jumped back amazed that an AI would say that. "You're one of those Sprintin' thingys? Wow, pleased to meet you. I call myself Jimmy!" the AI said. "Why are you like that, are you misprogramed?" I asked. "Oh no, no, no, not under hot chocolate. Have you drank that? Is it good? Is it sweet?" I sighed, well it was an AI. "I'm going to upload you into my suit." I said. "Yay, I'm coming with you!" Jimmy yelled happily. As I removed him from the terminal and inserted him in my suit.

"How many transmissions were there?" the Capitan yelled at the Detention cell monitor, the lowest rank of Elite, the only ones armed with only a plasma pistol.
"One, coming from the glassed Human planet." he said with his head bowed, "It was a help signal, this would help reveal their army."
The Capitain spoke with another Capitan from the "Helpful Shepard". At last he turned and spoke with the Monitor. "You will join Jhlib to the human planet to make sure that there is not any Human alive, understood? You will be promoted to Zealot temporarely." He said taking out an Energy Sword and handing it to the Monitor. "You will also be carrying a... test-Hunter, the weight of the Covenant may rest on your shoulders." He said as he walked toward the Control Room.

As I searched the house I found some emergency rations and realized I was hungry, after all I hadn't eaten for a week. As I was chewing through the jerky-flavored vitamins, Jimmy spoke up. "Hey I think these guys arn't on our side." I looked over at the helmet, now on speaker. "What guys?" I questioned the AI. "The Convanners, they're outside in space." Jimmy replied solmnly. "Can you check and see if they are doing a life scan?" I asked ergently. "You're alive arn't you, Dandi?" he said giving me the nickname he gave me. "I should have never givin him my name"
"No are what are they doing?" I asked again.
No awnser.
"Are you alright?"
"They are coming here." Jimmy said, "They found us."

"Surround the area!" the Major Elite yelled at the Grunts. This was where the life signs were coming from. A dug down house, it was below sea-level, where the glassing wouldn't work. He didn't bother using hand signals, if there was any Humans alive, they will be dead anyway. "Proceed" giving the order to move in. A Major Grunt with a Needler entered first. "All clear, wait... it-it-aughh!" the Grunt screamed. The others were shaken, it was still only a Grunt, any Human could kill this proud, small, species. "Hold your positions!" the Elite yelled as he approached the house. He followed the Grunts path until he reached the body. It was comletely crumpled, including a hole in the methane tank. "Well the hunter has become the hunted." a voice came from behind him. He swung around and saw the man-tank in the doorway holding the Grunt's Needler. He rose his Plasma Rifle and remembered the methane. "Demon, you will die this hour by the name of the Prophets!" He yelled as he charged. He lifted his arm preparing to strike the Spartan, who's hand moved in a flash from the bottom of the Needler to the back of the Elite's throat, killing him.

I stepped outside holding the Needler in my right hand. Looking at the suffocated Grunts. Their suits told them there was enough methane to breathe... one breath. I stepped up on the ledge. The Phantom that dropped them off also dropped a Ghost. I jumped in and opened the Battle net. The nearest camp was a hundred clicks away. I started up the Ghost and went in the direction of the camps.

The only way to tell it was night was the lack of the sun. I had parked the Ghost and Jimmy saw the importance of this mission and ran scans for Covenant positions.
I approached a Covenant structure, it had a large methane tank beside the door, guarded by a simple Minor Elite. There was a dim, erie, blue glow from the lights placed at the midway point of height for the structure. I remained in the shadows of the structure, while another Elite came up. "Has Julinshilb come by yet?" The one asked the guard.
"No, he passed here 3.5 hours ago, but that is more than enough time to finish off some Humans?"
"Yes, well he could be torturing them with his intercom closed, you know how much he likes to hear them scream."
The guard made a harty laugh, "Yes, he does"
"Well you can come off post if he has everything under control. It's not like the Demon is here." I stepped out when their backs were turned and whistled. They spun around pulling out their pistols. "It's the Demon! How?!" the guard asked.
"That is not important right now, we must kill him!" He said charging his pistol. I pulled th Needlers trigger and sidesteped a few shots from the guard. The twenty shots split then found home, ten crystal needles went into the Elites sheilds, exploded, and killed them both. I went over to the tank and placed a plasma gernade on it, I activated it, spun around and ran. I ran for three straight second, until I was half a click away, when the camp exploded. "Big Boom, Boom" Jimmy commented. Well the Covenant knows I'm here. I said as I hopped in the Ghost heading in the direction of the next camp.

"What happened to camp 602056?" The Monitor asked the Drone scout, newly recruited.
"A... Demon... you call it placed a plasma gernade on the methane tank. I managed to escape by my wings." It gave as a report.
Demon, he thought, There is more than one..."Send a notice to all the camps, and double security!" He sighed, this was going to be long.

I reached a Covenant fortress near the Capital Ship. It had heavy walls, Plasma turrets every 25 feet, constant Elite patrol, sheilding, and Grunts with Fuel Rod Cannons. There was only one entrance and it was guarded by Elites with Energy Swords. "This will be one Hell of a ride." I said walking towards the entrace. "DEMON!" an Elite yelled pointing at me. It's partner and it activated their Swords and charged. Grunts on the wall mounted the turrets, and shouldered their cannons. "It's not nice to point." I said as I dropped the Needler and pulled out two plasma gernades, one in each hand. I threw them at the Elites, which stuck on their body."NOOO!" an Elite yelled as it exploded. I shot came from the fuel rod cannon and I stepped out of the way. All the turrets fired their deadly plasma at me while I rolled towards a nearby deactivated sword. I grabbed it as I stood up and ran. I saw the activation panel for the door. "Jimmy can you open it?" I asked the AI as I reached the door, too close to the wall to be shot at. "Yes, sir. Opening" the AI replied. As the door opened I saw an Elite.. barely. It tried to attack me with it's overwhelming strength, but the sword activated and I cut through it horizantally. I ran in, getting cover from the Bunkers. I was looking for the Grunt's bunker mainly, when I saw the tank, guarded by a large Ape-Conenant. It had a Human shotgun in one hand and a red Plasma Rifle in the other. It roared and shot the shotgun... with one arm! The lead pellets however percied my sheild on my shoulder. I turned sideways and ran at it while it was shooting the shotgun and Plasma Rifle at the same time. I brought the Energy Sword up through its gut then throat. It flew back a few feet then landed on its back, purple blood gushing from its wound. I stuck a gernade on the tank and ran towards some cover. I heard the explotion and looked at the tank, it was still intact! I then heard the whoosh of Fuel rod cannons firing. I spun from my position being missed only by a few centimeters. I looked at the wall every Grunt, Elite, Jackal, and Ape was firing at me. I then looked at my sheilds- depleted. I ran into a nearby bunker and hid.

"Get all Dropships out there! He must die!" The Moniter yelled, "Bomb the area if you have too!" This was not going well, eight camps were destroyed within the past six hours, thirty-nine in the past twenty-four. "Sir, the Hunters are ready to be deployed." A Grunt reported. "A SpecOps team has arrived also."
"Good see that they are armed."
"Yes, sir!" The Grunt said as he marched away. The monitor looked at the report screen, while a radar bliped one dot.

I stood out side meeting an Elite and Grunts in black armor. SpecOps, I said as I threw a gernade at the Elite. The gernade stuck on the Elite's headgear, then I turned toward the three Grunts with Plasma Cannons aiming right at me. The Elite jumped on me, pushing me on the ground. His fate was sealed, the Grunts fired at the Elite who expolded and shut down my sheilds. The Grunts ran away, from what? As my sheilds went on a shadow passed over me. I turned around to see a ten foot tall creature in black armor and a heavy plasma-metal sheild. A Hunter without a partner, it was screwed or I was. I cut at it. My sword suddunly exploded on contact, as it crushed me against the wall, and everything went black. I heard someone yelling "Bring it down! Bring it down!" I opened my eyes and saw fifteen UNSC Marines with Rocket Launchers pelt it with rockets. The Hunter grunted as it fell to the ground. "Pack it up and move him to the Pelican!" I saw three Marines come over and lift me up. I couldn't move as I entered the Pelican full of Marines. Was this a dream? I asked myself as I dozed off.

"Humans?! How did they slip past us unnoticed?!" the Moniter yelled at the crew.
"You were the one who was monitering the radar!" a Grunt yelled from the crowd. Jhlib stood beside the Moniter, "It is not their fault." the Elite pointed out. "Perhaps a more constant schedule?"
"Yes...more constant." the Monitor repeated. "From now on you will not leave your post until your replacement arrives, understood?"
There was much commotion as he left the balcony, wich reminded him of High Charity. It was beautiful, to be there but vomiting in the Brute's quarters.

I woke up with my armor off and naked on a medical bench, inside a UNSC ship. "So you woke up!" a voice came from behind me. I spun around seeing a marine in uniform, his 2 inch brown hair slicked back. "Hi Dan, I'm Sergant James!" He said holding his hand out. I realized I could move, and shook his hand. "Here is some UNSC clothing and the shower is around the corner. I'll meet you with the Capitain later." the Sergant said as he handed me the clothes.

Half an hour later I was sitting with a small UNSC rescue team the only ones available for the task. "We have to fight back at the Coevnant," Capitain J. Ulesses argued "You know UNSC protocals!"
"I know the god damn protocals!" Major L. Kindred yelled defensively, "We have to send him to Earth, they found it already! And with the Master Cheif our morale will boost!"
"Do you want to drag enemy reinforcements to Earth?" Sergant James pointed out, "then what about our morale then? It will fall. Earth will fall."
"If Earth has the Cheif then it will be fine." I said, "Our problem is here not Earth."
Kindred stood up, "Do you not care about the survival of the Human race?"
I looked at him in the eye, "If I cared why would I be alive?" I walked out of the room.
"Spartan 129, please report to the Capitains' quarters." the intercom reported. I went to the Captains' quarters and went in. There were three of us all together, the Capitain, Sergant James and I. "We'll be leaving in an hour to assult the Covenant ground forces." Sergant James said.
"The more the merrier." I said.

I looked out the back of the Pelican, holding EODST(Emergency Orbital Drop Shock Troopers), looking over the wasteland. I stood up grabbing one of the handholds on the Pelican, and looked at the UNSC test item: the 105 Centipede. It was a cross between a dropship and a tank. This Pelican was made spacifically for it, normal Pelicans weren't large enough. The tank held, 15 men, a warthog, turrets on four corners, and artillary. A marine came up to me and handed me an SMG, "Sir, how are you alive?" the marine asked.
I looked at him, "I don't know" I put my hand on his shoulder, "but if you do what your instict tells you, you won't survive."

"Humans... Nearing camp 0503." a Grunt squeaked. The Moniter looked over the Grunt. It was true, one Human dropship. "Deliver reinforcements to camp 0503!" a Brute stood up and protested, "You have no autority over me!" the Moniter swung around and replied, "Only the cunning can hunt such quarry as a Demon, cunning that no Brute can posess!"
"Tartarus is more cunning than any Elite!" the Brute yelled back.
"Tartarus is nothing but a mindless savage, just like the rest of your kind! The Grunts are more intelligent!"
"I will give you the chance to take that back," the Brute said leveling his Brute shot, "Heretic."
"I am no Heretic!" the Moniter yelled as he activated his sword, "My kindred found the Covenant, we will not break from it!" At this point a slim, old creature appeared from a doorway not too far away. "Put your weapons away." it spoke, as a wise man. "The Covenant will not tolerate more bloodshed between the Elites and Brutes!" the Brute lowered its weapon, but the Moniter did not. He looked at the Brute and deactivated the sword. The Brute chuckled, "Prophet of Guiding, we will stop." and walked away.

"BUZZERS!" the pilot yelled. I looked out behind us, there was three score Drones heading right for us.

The Drones flew on to the top of the Pelican and started to peel away it's metal covers. In thirty seconds we were overrun by Drones, who were eating and shooting marines. I stood amongst them letting bullet after bullet kill them. It was not enough, the Pelican crashed, I held on to a armhang. The Pelican came to a stop. The Drones swarmed me immediatly, killing my sheilds. Then Phantoms came from the Horizion. Behind them Elites, Brutes, Hunters, Grunts, Jackals, and more Drones came. Then the Cavalry: Ghosts, Wraiths, and Spectres. The Drones flew towards the army, which numbered at least ten thousand. Pelicans came and dropped the Human reinforcements: EMs, EODSTs, Warthogs, and Scorpians. Two Longswords came, one with my Mongoose. The last stand on Reach was on.

I looked around at the hundreds of Marines around me, each one shaking and looking at the oncoming army. Some talked about their homes on different colonies, others playing card games and some cleaning their weapons. Sergant James walked up to me holding a Battle Rifle. "I know you want to fight along side with these helpless men," the Sergant began, "but you saw the Hunters they're a problem,and it was by pure luck we brought it down." I looked over, "So there are more?" I questioned.
"Seven," the Sergant said as I took off my helmet. There was something in the air, something other than the constant hum of distant plasma weapons, "You have to go eighty cliks North to the Commanding Cruiser, and slip past the Covenant and get in undetected. You have one objective..." The Sergant pointed his finger North, "kill the Hunters and destroy the ship. There is no guarantee that any of us will live." There was a breif moment of silence, excluding the slight coughs of Marines. "Now get your Spartan ass outa here!" the Sergant commanded. "Been nice knowin' you, sir." I announced and held my hand horizontally to my head.
"Nice knowin' you too." the Sergant repeated. I put my helmet back on, and walked over to the Mongoose.

I approached the landing pad underneath the Covanent Cruiser, unguarded. I stepped on it and I began to float up. I went through a sort of film and I was in the Cruiser. I looked at my thermometer: -86 degrees, there were several sleeping Grunts on the floor, without their bulky armor. I'm swimming in methane! I said to myself as I stepped through the room. I reached the only door and heard it open automaticly with a hiss. I walked into a short chamber and the door closed and the door on the opposite end opened. I walked through several hallways with Jimmy's constant "this isn't the room we want." I finally reached a heavyly reinforced door, and it slowly opened. I walked into a two-story room with turrets on the second level. On the first was eight large, frosted over tanks. The room was bare, the floor a bright polished white and the wall was identical. There was a dome in the ceiling which was I thought useless. I walked around for a while nothing happened, no one was at the turrets. I grabbed a pack of C4's and placed them around the tanks. I walked back to the door and I heard a slight hiss, then several bleeps. The room transformed into a frozen, blizzarding wasteland and then there was several crunch, crunch of something walking through the snow. I saw two footprints in the snow round a rock. A red ball of light appeared then flew at me, I steppd to the side and sprayed SMG rounds at the area of the footprints. The Hunter's camoflague died revealing the massive black figure. I pulled the trigger and ran backwards. The guns were empty. I reloaded as quickly as I could but the Hunter ran towards me. I hit the wall as the Hunter began to raise it's sheild at me. It was going to punch me, and without thinking I rolled between it's legs. Another red ball flew at me, again I stepped aside and it killed the Hunter behind me. I fingered a frag gernade, disarmed it and threw. It hit something and I heard a sort of growl. The next minute I was enveloped in flames. My sheilds died and I was in a black room and I was on the floor. I was tired and I looked up, I'm dying...

I awoke as I was being draged down a hallway. The carriers were two Brutes and they looked at me as if I was food. "What a fine day for entertainment at the arena." the one on my right said. "Yes and we'll be lucky if the Elites don't get wind of what happened at High Charity." The other said.
"We Brutes were bred for that position!" the first yelled as we reached a door.
"Take him to the Translator."
"Yes" and the two left.

"The Porphet will be pleased with this fine battle," the Monitor said donning his ceremonial battle garb, "If he defeats the last Hunter, he'll have to fight me." He picked up his energy sword and his sheild that was modified for his size, then left.

I was gropped in an arena with an Elite. He had a red stripe down through his blue armor and looked at me. "You wil be stripped of your armor human," he said in English, "then you must fight the last Lekego! If you prevail you will fight the capitain. If you defeat him we will return you to the humans." He grunted and the Brute came up and tore my armor off. As the stands filled with various Covenant, the Drones took to the ceiling beams and watched me intently. A Rlasma Rifle and two gernades were thrown down to me and I picked them up. After a while the crowd settled down and the 'T.V.' cameras watched me. On the balcony an Elite in a dress appeared and rose his hand. "My brothers," he started, "we have witnessed the deaths of our comrades," I had grown used to Elite talk aand I understood their langauge well, "by this human, a relative of the Demon." Now gibberish was thrown up and then quieted. "Now we will have revenge! Let THIS Demon," pointing at me, "be summoned to death by the Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret!" Then a roar was let out and a door opened on the other side. On the other side of the arena was a fifteen foot Hunter. In black armor a light shine rose off of him. I was dealing with a monster in a sheild, this was suiside.

The Hunter rose it's fuel rod gun and shot it like a SMG. I was running around the arena, slowly closing the distance. It saw what I was doing and lowered it's body. I threw a gernade and shot. The gernade hit it and exploded. My shots however were absorbed. I ran at it, and at the last minute it jumped up and hit me barely. It was enough though to throw me off balance and towards the edge of the arena. I was lifted off the ground by it's sheild and thrown on it's back. I was in the energy sheild and began shooting wildly. Once it felt the burning it threw it's back against the wall. But it wasn't fast enough. I burned a good hole in it's armor and stuck my last gernade in it before I jumped off. It shot me before it died, in the arm but I didn't feel anything. It hurt so much that I couldn't feel it. The gernade exploded sending chunks of sizzling armor at me. The crowd was gone, exept for one.

The Arbiter got off of his ship meeting a group of Elites who would direct him to the arena. "A fine battle between a Demon and Lekego." One said. "Demon?" the Arbiter asked curiously. "Yes the last of his kind, if the other at Halo was eliminated." The Elite replied.
"He was not, he is an ally."
"The Prophets betrayed us, they trusted the Brutes more than us. And Halo is the greatest weapon. It destroys everything."
"The Capitian must know!"

I stood up as the Elite in strange clothing stood before me. "Here human," He said as he handed me and energy sword and sheild. "You have been an interesting advasary, we have learned from you therefore I will give you the honor of weilding this sword." I looked at the sword and it had Covenant symbols on it. "It reads 'Weilder of Me, Use Me with Honor and Distingtion, Lead Me to Your Honorable Death'" I looked at him, he was the few who understood honor. We bowed and took some steps back.

The Arbiter was running down the hall when he saw the corridor blocked by eight Brutes. He activated his sword and yelled, "May the wrath of the TRUE Covenant destroy you Heretics!" Thirty seconds later he was standing amoung the dead Brutes. He reached the Arena door.

The Elite yelled and attacked, which I sidestepped cleanly. I counter attacked, but he threw sand at me. The door upstairs opened, and I lifted my sheild. The sword went through the sheild and deactivated it while the Elite flew past. I turned around and lurched at him.

The Arbiter froze, The Moniter swung around and cut the Spartan in half. "Ah, Supreme Commander!" The Moniter yelled noticing the Arbiter, "See what I have claimed!" pointing at the dead Spartan. "Fool!," The Arbiter yelled, "Our war with the Humans has ended, they are our allies." The Moniter was shocked, "Has the war ended?"
"Yes," the Arbiter replied, "it has."

A week later on Reach, a funeral was held. There the Master Cheif attended, as well as Sargent James who had a broken arm. Humans, Grunts, Elites and Hunters attended. It was long and left all sad. "What had once lived was among the greatest warriors," the Elite preist started, "but he fought for his race, and beleived that they had a chance!," he slammed his fist on the holopad, "but from this day foreward, this shall be the resting place of him. And all who fought with him! He is The Spartan of Reach! Eternal gaurdian of this planet!"
Afterward a party of men led the cascet up to a hill made by the Elites, and under a tombstone that was twenty feet tall. This stone described the War of the Sacred Rings, and that the Elites would be their protctors, in all of the known languages. The Arbiter stood on the hill looking at the crowd. "Today, my Brothers, is the unification of the Covenant and Human race! And may this," he pointed at the tombstone, "be our contract!"
