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Fan Fiction

Memories of a Dying Soldier - Chapter Nine
Posted By: Spartan Elessar<spartan_elessar@yahoo.com>
Date: 11 May 2006, 5:16 pm

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Chapter 9:

The Reunion

August 15, 2552

Unknown Debris

Slip space

1700 Hours

      UNSC battle ship, Wrecker entered the slipstream one hour ago from Planet Sigma Octanus IV. And it was currently in the slip space toward a random exit vector according to the Cole Protocol. Within five hours, the Wrecker will exit in a random part of the universe – away from inner and outer colonies, and will start traveling towards Planet Reach – the human's stronghold.

      It was Logan Kelso's second transfer this year and he was not very happy about it. He always wanted to stay and fight in one place, but the ongoing war compelled him and his team mates to jump from one area to another. Blame the Covenant, thought Logan. But why would they send him to Reach, where the citizens are safe under the strict protection? Whereas many other planets were in dire need, he thought. Blame the ONI – came the reply from his head.

      He got up from his seat and exited his room, which was shared by three more marines. He wore a khaki pant and white shirt on his torso. The marines quarters inside this particular battle ship was big, since its primary design was to transport large amount of soldiers at a time. Everywhere he turned, he met a group or groups of soldiers, including marines and ODSTs walking around. It was bit crowded in here, felt like he was cramped into an almost impenetrable Titanium A battle armored walls.

      He was bit drowsy and unsteady as the Wrecker changed its position. He hated flying as much as he hated the Covenant – nothing was certain. His greatest fear of all was, dying in the space even before he could engage an alien one-on-one.

      Pushing these fears aside he walked to the armory. Thomas and Kelly were sitting on a table with two M6D pistol on their hands. When they saw Sergeant Logan Kelso enter, they snapped into attention and said, "Good morning sir."

      Logan nodded and said, "How the hell do you know this is morning? If I peek out of these windows all I see is nothingness."

       "Just a guess sir," Kelly replied. "Are you alright, sir?" he added

       "Yea I am, why?" Logan asked back as he looked around the armory

       "Because you look like a person who is about to throw up," said Thomas

       "It's this place," he said waving his hand towards the ship. "I hate flying."

       "Oh, like Ryan I guess. That guy started to the vomit from the time he set foot on this ship," said Thomas.

       "Is he alright?" asked Logan as he picked up a M90 Shotgun and examined it.

       "He will be sir," replied back Kelly

       "Good," Logan said still watching the shotgun. After few seconds he saw his team mates – Kelly and Thomas, stiffen. He looked up and saw three ODST soldiers enter the armory. They saw Logan and nodded to him as they walked past him. Logan nodded back silently and continued his examination.

       "Alright I am gonna go back and take some rest. See you all later kids," said Logan and walked out

       "Yes sir," the marines saluted behind him.

      Logan went towards his room and laid on his bed. Some pleasant thoughts entered his mind randomly. He still remembered Rose Thomson, his first love. Her face always brought a faint smile on his wearied face. He dug his pant pockets and brought out a small colored picture. It had a beautiful looking, short haired woman grinning back at him and the picture was signed - "Rose." He managed to steal this particular picture from her office, when he entered the Sigma Octanus Medical facility, which feels like ages ago.

      This was for her remembrance, things like this easily slipped away from his mind, so he carried this around all the time. Just to remember how it felt to be a normal human, once.

       "Once this war is over, I will come for you," he whispered to the picture, then a painful thought stroke, "If the war is over." After few deep thoughts he entered a deep dreamless sleep.

August 18, 2552

Exit the Slip space

Planet Reach

      The hull of the Wrecker shook violently for a second before it exited out from the slip space. The sudden moment caught Logan off guard and threw him off. He got up rubbing his head and checked his computer for status.

       "UNSC battle ship Wrecker has exited the Slip stream, entering the normal space and moving towards Planet Reach from a random vector"

      …the computer pad read. Logan threw the pad down and hurried to suit up. Within minutes the sirens will go on, hurrying the soldiers to reach the docking bay.

      Just as Logan intended, the sirens went on, giving out a bright red light accompanied with a female voice, "The Ship has docked in RT-O9 docking station, on planet Reach. All personnel prepare to unload the ship. I repeat…" the voice continued.

      Logan and his five team members carried their leather bags on their shoulders and walked towards the exit bay. They were accompanied by a platoon of marines and ODST.

       "Its bit crowded in here," commented Ryan, who looked so pale

       "Oh, you think?" asked Jameson sarcastically

       "Please stand still and don't blink," a computer AI said to Thomas, who stood on a raised platform that checked everyone's retina. One of few hundred Reach's security measures, thought Logan.

       "Jeez, that's kinda hard lady," Thomas said as he stood still and opened his eye wider

       "Thank you. You are cleared to enter," the female AI voice reported, Thomas nodded in satisfaction and moved on.

      After few retinas, voices and fingerprint checks, the five marines under Sergeant Logan Kelso entered the Pelican bay, where they will load one of these hundred Pelicans and reach their duty station on the ground.

9 hours later…

August 18, 2552

Military airdrome

Planet Reach

1600 hours

      Seven UNSC Pelicans landed on seven different landing pads and opened its compartment doors, revealing a big platoon of marines standing on the aft.

       "Man, this place is so…over protected," commented Jameson as he jumped down from the Pelican. "Are we gonna protect this planet or is it gonna protect us?"

       "I don't think anything is gonna even scratch this planet," said Ryan who looked more than happy to have his legs planted on the firm ground.

       "Let's pray that it stays that way," Logan said as he led his group towards the base.

      He and his men where stationed on Alpha Medical facility, which was currently holding two hundred wounded soldiers, along with fifty eight medical personnel. This was a pure military structure, not one civilian can enter even a mile radius within this facility. Too remote, thought Logan with a grim face, as he looked around the facility on his personal hog.

       "Alas, we are once again ended up in a Medical facility," stated Kelly who sat on the passenger seat. Logan nodded but didn't say anything.

       "This place is huge," commented Sunil, who sat on a customized seat behind the hog, which replaced a machine gun.

       "Yes," agreed Logan, he did notice that. "Everything is big in here."

       "Yes sir," said Kelly and Sunil as they kept their gaze on the building

      After their initial tour around the structure, Logan ordered his men to take shifts as they patrol the hospital every six hours and he went to his assigned room to take some rest. He felt unusually tired nowadays, especially after that fatal plasma attack. He was more than grateful to be back on his duty even after his hospitalization, because the UNSC needed all capable men and women to fight. He was more than capable enough, he thought to himself, but some part of his body said the otherwise.

      There was a soft knock on his door. Annoyed by the disturbance he said, "Come in."

      The door swung opened and a very familiar face stepped in.

       "Jesus Christ!" whispered Logan as he got up on his feet

       "Howdy brother, what's up?" asked Jen Fell as he entered the room.

       "Jen, what the hell are you doing here?" asked Logan whose face was filled with astonishment and surprise.

       "After Jericho seven, they reassigned me to Reach," he said as he shook Logan's hand and sat on a chair. He looked so old and matured. Surprisingly he had grey hairs over his ears.

       "I never knew pal," Logan expressed his pleasant surprise

       "I know. So what about you?" he asked

       "I was assigned to Sigma Octanus four, after our little trip to Jericho."

       "I see. So you are a Sergeant I see…" Jen said grinning

       "Yea just like you," commented Logan after seeing Jen's name tag – Sgt. Jen Fell

       "So you are here for… what? Six, seven years?" asked Logan as he tried to remember the last time he saw his friend.

       "Yea, something like that…Are you alright?" Jen asked as concerned lines passed over his face

       "I am fine," Logan said as he wiped his sweat away from his forehead for the umpteenth time

       "You look like a grandfather bro," he said smiling

       "Really?" Logan laughed. "Well that's what happens when you have a fatal plasma attack."

      Jen's face shrunk as he heard that, "fatal attack?"

       "Yea had a little friendly fight with a wraith, but he was not so friendly," he added smiling

       "Are you fine now?" he asked once again

       "I am good," assured Logan

      Jen nodded still unconvinced.

       "So, how did you know about my whereabouts?" Logan asked

       "Well I came here to see my friend in the hospital; you know to have a friendly chat. Then I saw your name on the security list," he said

      There was something different the way he said, "My friend."

       "What's wrong with your friend?" asked Logan

       "Had an accident with a grenade," he said

       "Oh, is he in your team?" Logan asked

       "He, Who?" asked Jen confused

       "The one who had the accident,"

       "No sir, and it's a 'She'," Jen corrected

       "Oh," Logan started, he knew this, but he didn't press on it.

       "So how long have you been stationed here?" he
asked Logan

       "Just landed freshly and I have no idea why would they put an active soldier such as me on such a dead planet," said Logan thinking deeply

       "What do you mean by dead planet?" Jen asked

       "Well this is the stronghold of human empire, and we know for sure that this place will be free of Covenant, then why put platoons of marines in this place?" he asked

       "Dunno, maybe someone behind the desk is feeling very uncomfortable," Jen said

       "Yea maybe," Logan murmured back

      The old friends, who were parted for a lifetime, had an hour long of friendly talk as they exchanged news. Finally Jen pushed his chair aside.

       "So take care Logan, I will see you later. I have to go back to my base now," said Jen as he stood up and Logan's face showed disappointment.

       "Where is your base?"

       "Its Beta-9I, five miles away from here," Jen said. "I will see you sometime later, now I really have to hurry," he smiled

       "Sure," Logan stood up and shook his hand one more time. "Give my wishes to you 'Special Friend'" Logan smiled

       "Sure I will," Jen replied who smiled back and left the room

       "It's damn good to see you brother," Logan whispered when the door shut tightly.
