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Memories of a Dying Soldier - Chapter Eight
Posted By: Spartan Elessar<spartan_elessar@yahoo.com>
Date: 4 May 2006, 8:25 pm

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Chapter 8:

The last Goodbye

July 20, 2552

Alpha Medical base

Planet Sigma Octanus IV

      "Would you kiss her already?" said Logan in frustration.

      He was reading the book, "Where is he?" given to him by Rose Thomson. For last two days, he was occupying himself with this novel. He started by turning the pages in boredom, then he slowly started to read it page by page, now he was completely into it. All his life, he has only read Military stuffs not romantic novels, so this was interesting and intriguing.

       "…She came near him and closed her eyes. The breeze touched her face, swaying her hair aside, leaving him to wonder how beautiful she looked. He grabbed her into his arms and kissed her…"

       "Finally, thank you…" murmured Logan and closed the book because someone knocked the door. Therefore, he quickly stuffed the book behind his pillow and sat with his back to it.

       "Come in," he said

      Five marines entered the room, closing the door behind them softly and gave him a sharp salute. Logan returned their salute and said, "At ease gentlemen."

      Thomas, Jameson, Ryan, Sunil and Kelly relaxed and moved towards him. Kelly took a chair and sat on it, whereas Thomas and Jameson sat on the opposite bed and Ryan and Sunil stood near the bed's foot.

      "So finally you guys found my room," said Logan sarcastically, looking at each and everyone

      "Sorry sarge, they were so strict about letting people in. We tried but…" but Logan cut Ryan out.

      "Enough said," Logan whispered

      "So how do you feel sir?" asked Jameson concerned, he was the tallest in the group.

      "I am fine," Logan replied without any enthusiasm

      "So how is the treatment?" asked Sunil, he was the quietest one

      "I think they are giving me the silent treatment, to make sure how fast I get crazy," smirked Logan, thinking about those lonely hours

      "Jeez that's bad," commented Kelly

      "Tell me about it," murmured Logan

      "What's that sarge?" Kelly asked suddenly pointing at his pillow

      "What?" Logan asked, acting innocent and pushed his pillow farther behind with his back, so that the book was almost invisible.

      "This sir," Kelly extended his hand and picked up the book.

      Damn your curiosity Kelly, Logan thought to himself. The last thing he wanted his team members to see was this.

      "It's a book Kelly," said Thomas from his place, when others craned their necks to get a better view of it.

      "Ooh, it's a romantic novel," stated Ryan, who moved closer to Kelly

      "Oh is it? I didn't get time to read it," lied Logan, but the truth was he almost finished it.

      Kelly passed the book to others, as they all took time to examine it.

      "There's something written in here," Thomas said and read it,

"To my lovely daughter, Rose"

      The words were clearly written on a black pen, behind the front cover.

      The marines looked up from the book and looked at Logan with a grin. Logan felt       "very uncomfortable.

      "What are you smiling about?" he asked in general

      "Does this Rose stands for Doctor Rose Thomson, sir?" asked Jameson, who was smiling from ear to ear

      "Maybe…" answered Logan honestly, still trying to keep his voice even

      "Sarge is in…" Kelly started and Ryan finished it for him, "Love"

      "What kind of nonsense is that?" Logan said, but inside him, the word 'Love' echoed. It sounded so strange but the feeling was so pleasant. It was as alien as the Covenants, but as friendly as his own life. Strange feelings arouse inside him…Dammit.

      "Don't make it to sound like a sissy thing guys. If you ask me 'Love' is a sacred thing," answered Kelly for Logan

      "That's why no one is asking you Kelly," grinned Jameson

      "Anyone can easily fall for her. Man, she is beautiful," commented Ryan

      Logan felt a sudden rush of anger on Ryan. "Would you all just shut up? I am not in love, alright?" he said hotly.

      "Sorry sir," said the marines in unison and fell silent.

      "Well anyway, she is committed to someone else I guess," stated Ryan softly.

      "What! To who?" asked Logan urgently even before he realized. Then he stopped and checked his words because Ryan started to smile again.

      "I am just kidding sir. Just making sure whether you really meant when you said that 'You are not in love'." Moreover, he added quickly, "Sorry"

      Logan could not help but smile back, "Soldiers like us - Love, family and kids are the last things we could worry about," he said silently and it was true.

      All the marines remained silent and nodded in agreement. The door swung opened and Rose entered in with a walking stick in her hand. The marines stood up quickly and turned towards the door. Rose stood still and watched them all.

      "What is going on in here?" she asked. "Who let you all in?"

      "Let's just say that we know someone at the front desk…" but Jameson stopped because Kelly silently nudged him hard.

      "This is not a visiting time and only one person is allowed to see the patient. Now please clear the room," she said, there was no trace of smile in her face.

      "Take it easy Doc, we are leaving," said Ryan and all five turned towards Logan.

      "Take care sir, if we don't evac now I am pretty sure Doctor Rose will smack us out with that stick," Jameson said smiling. Logan smiled back but stopped when he saw Rose roll her eyes on Jameson.

      The marines saluted in unison and left the room, walking past Rose wishing her a good day. She closed the door behind them and came near him.

      "Hmm, what put her in this mood?" Logan wondered to himself, because Rose was being everything other than cheerful.

      She silently set the walking stick on the table and wrote something on a piece of paper, showing her back to Logan. Logan tried to steal a look at her writings but failed. After few seconds, she turned around and faced Logan.

      "Today, we will try to walk. This week will be dedicated to 'Physical Rehabilitation strictly," she said

      "Ok," finally the thought of mobility brought back some cheers to Logan.

      "Now," she slowly took Logan's left arm and hoisted him. "Please try to take it easy, this might be painful."

      Even though Logan did not want to be supported, he did not protest it. He slowly stepped out of the bed and planted his feet on the ground. This time the pain was much bearable than last time. Rose picked up the walking stick and gave it to him. Logan took it and sustained himself with it.

      "How is it?" she asked

      "Much better," replied Logan truthfully

      "Today we will try to walk on the hallway for few hours, and then we will try to do some exercise – simple exercise," she said as she opened the door for him

      Logan slowly and awkwardly walked towards it. Finally, he saw what lay behind that steel door. The hallway was huge, shed by powerful white lights. The door was indeed sound proof because it was bit crowded out here. Uniformed men and women patrolled along the hallway, accompanied by Doctors and assistances.

      "We will try to walk till the gym, and then we will start some basic exercise," she said and helped him to walk. Logan nodded and started to keep baby steps.

      For next couple of weeks, he severely and firmly worked hard. His developments were off the chart, even Rose exclaimed at his progress. Within matter of days, Logan started to run one thousand yards and exercised with heavy dumbbells with ease.

12 Days later…

August 1, 2552

Alpha Medical base

Planet Sigma Octanus IV

0900 Hours

      "Wow, I am deeply impressed," commented Rose after seeing him run for five miles up and down on an open track. Logan, who was panting for breath stood near her and nodded. She gave him a bottle of water and he accepted it saying, "Cheers"

      "I have never seen anyone recover this fast after a fatal plasma attack, if I should mention even if they do recover, they wouldn't be running around and lifting things like you," she added smiling at him

      "What can I say? I am a natural," replied Logan panting and smiling at the same time, and Rose laughed.

1400 Hours

      "So you are good to go," said Rose, after Logan signed some forms. She was still dressed on the same lab coat as beautiful as ever and Logan was fully dressed on his marine uniform and stood there looking slightly younger. The last couple of weeks, both Rose and Logan have developed a silent liking to each other, but it was still silent behind the dark.

      "So that's it huh?" asked Logan as he set the pen down

      "That's it," she replied. Her voice had disappointments but it was neatly covered over her ever-smiling face.

      This departure was so tough and rigid for Logan. Even though he wanted to say how he felt about her something stopped him – something. He stood there for couple of seconds searching for words, his hands were restless and his mind was jumpy. She stood in front of him and examined her bracelet deep in thoughts.

      "Hem Hem," he cleared his throat and looked up. "Well I guess I better be going, duty calls," he said and smiled

      Rose nodded and smiled back, this time her face clearly showed disappointments. She stepped forward and looked up at him, as if she wanted to say something but she dropped it at the last second. Logan who saw this felt even more depressing – no one had a gut to make a move.

      "Then I should be going," he stated again, expecting a reply. But she just nodded and turned around. Disappointed, Logan slipped his hands into his pockets and something struck his fingers. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said and pulled out the book. "This belongs to you," and handed it to her. She accepted it with gratitude. "Thanks for that. It was good," added Logan

      "Your welcome," she said

      "Take care. I will...Maybe...uh...Good bye," those last words came out painfully

      "You too, stay away from plasmas," she replied. Logan nodded and walked away caring a special feeling along with him. As Kelly said, this feeling was indeed sacred. He loaded the pelican outside along with his teammates and left the medical base never to return - He never saw her again.
