
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Memories of a Dieing Soldier
Posted By: Spartan Elessar<noel_wolverine@yahoo.com>
Date: 11 March 2006, 3:04 am

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Chapter One:

Lock and Load

January 5, 2535

UNSC Destroyer Resolute

Lambda Serpentis System, Jericho VII orbit

"Attention all combat personnel. Please report to your action stations." A rough voice echoed throughout the ship. Red lights were on and an emergency alarm went on.

"This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill," the voice continued.

All the marines jumped from their beds and ran to their station in a hurry. Some where half dressed and others were sleeping.

"Hey get up! Didn't you hear the alarm?" asked Jen to his friend, who was still lying on his bed.

"I heard it," replied back the young marine gravely

"Then what are you waiting for, get up and gear up," said Jen.

The young marine got up from his bed and went to the mirror. A twenty one year old man appeared on the reflection.

"Have you never seen your face before Logan? Now gear up on the double or sergeant will have your butt whipped," warned Jen and hurried out.

Logan Kelso, a young marine, got into his armed uniform, picked his rifle and hurried after his friend.

Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST Helljumpers) and marines hurried all over the battle station.

This emergency can mean only one thing; they are under attack by the most brutal force on the universe, the Covenant.

The UNSC destroyer moved as it maneuvered through the space, causing a shake inside the hull.

The marines formed a straight line in front of Sgt. Justin Den. He was a fifty years old, dark skinned man. Logan joined his friend Jen on the line and gave a crisp salute to the sergeant.

"Jericho VIIis under attack. We are gonna land on the surface and neutralize the targets. We will be accompanied by the Spartans," he barked

The mention of Spartans, gave an awe and fear among the marines. None have seen a Spartan, but their reputation has preceded them.

Logan was so eager to see a Spartan; his eyes were wandering the hull in order to catch a glimpse of them. However, nobody was present, other than the marines and the ODST.

"…load the pelicans on the double," shouted Sgt. Justin.

The marines ran towards the pelicans, carrying a rifle. The pelicans were UNSC's transportation. They can carry up to twenty soldiers on their compartment and a hog or a tank or weapon pods on their tail. They can fly in a zero gravity and on an atmosphere. They had a M41 LAAG fixed to their nose.Therefore, they have a little protection. However, they had few tricks of their own.

Jen and Logan loaded the pelican T-047 along with other marines. The door shut tight when the last marine docked in.

A pilot and a co-pilot occupied the cockpit. They tapped few switches on their desktop and spoke through the Pelican's speaker.

"Everything is set sarge, ready when you are," said the pilot Chris. He was a middle aged man, who had a dark hair and eyes. His voice was rough, but calm nevertheless.

"Let's wait for the signal," replied the Sergeant. He was sitting with his team, on the corner of the pelican's compartment.

The marines were tensed. They were about to engage the Covenant, one on one. The thought unnerved some. However, none of their fear came out of their grim face. They were ready for anything.

Logan shot a look through the Pelican's window, in order to look at the other pelicans. All the landing pads were filled with pelicans, save the Longswords, who were docked on the far side of the hull.

As long as he could see, the other pelicans were loading the marines, no Spartans.

"Darn it," he muttered to himself. Jen looked at him with a keen eye. Logan shook his head.

Sgt. Justin's radio opened and the voice of Captain De Blanc came out.

"Soldiers ready to undock the Resolute in five minutes," his voice was rough and it didn't betray any emotions.

The pelicans all around the bay came to life. They all roared in unison. The heart beat of Logan increased. Occasionally it skipped a beat.

A red light lit the hull as the compressed doors of the docking bay opened. Vacuum filled the place. The space was dark and colorless.

"Here we go, hold on Gentlemen," announced the pilot of Pelican T-047.

Pelicans evacuated the ship's docking bay, one by one. When the Pelican T-047 turn came, the engines roared and the whole pelican shook for a second, before it became air-born. It turned around and flew right into the deep space.

"We have successfully launched marines. Moving to one-zero-three," announced the pilot.

The pelican shook violently, causing nausea to Logan. He controlled himself not to throw up. He clutched his rifle tightly whenever he felt like falling down.

Fear took hold of him, nothing was certain in the space. He tried to calm himself, but ended up shaking.

He closed his eyes and tired to concentrate on happy moments. None came to his mind. His brain was numb, only the dimly lit pelican's passenger compartment was visible to him.

Does everyone have this feeling? He wondered and looked around. The marines were sitting tightly to their seats with a closed expression.

"So much for a flying trip," he whispered to himself.

The Pelican gently dived and headed straight to the planet's surface. Logan could see the Planet, Jericho VII through the pilot's cockpit. It was a bright planet, which was currently under attack by the Covenants.

Speaking of Covenants, he strained a look through a window to spot the enemies ship. But all he could she was the dark space.

The pelican started to shake terribly as it entered the planet's atmosphere.

"Hold on!" warned the pilot as he clicked series of buttons.

"I will make sure of that," Jen said slowly. Logan looked up to his friend and gave a weak smile.

"You look like a ghost," said Jen, but his voice was compressed within the pelican's engine roar and the constant clattering sound of the compartment.

Logan pointed his ear with his finger and said loudly, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU."

"Never mind," mouthed Jen and looked away.

All the UNSC pelicans entered the planet's atmosphere safely as the Longswords covered their backs.

The nose of Pelican T-047 burned with dull red colored fire, leaving a black burn on its surface. The compartment finally stopped shaking when they entered the Jericho VII.

Logan thanked God and sat up. He checked his assault rifle and it read full. He looked down and checked his other equipments as the Pelican constantly lost attitude.

"Pelican T-047 will land within ten minutes sarge," broadcasted the Pilot

Sgt. Justin nodded and stood up. "Listen up marines, we are gonna land on a very hot LZ. Our goal is to neutralize the place. Therefore, we stick together, no straying. Now gear up, don't expect a welcome party," he said loudly, trying to over come the sound of the pelican.

Everyone gave a disappointed sigh just to fulfill the joke and geared up.

The pelicans landed on a mountainside. The ocean ran south, as they faced the north. The cliffs covered their west side. The only open ground was to their north and east. Trees filled the northeast. Black smoke rose over a hundred feet above those treetops.

Marines unloaded the three pelicans, which landed on this LZ. Sgt. Justin formed a line, and jogged towards the black smoke.

Jen and Logan jogged side by side silently. The sun was high on the sky giving visibility over five miles; however, it was blocked by the dense green forest. The air was warm and windy. They could smell the salt water in it. Sand flew all around the place.

Sweat ran all over his body, however, Logan tried to concentrate on the mission.

'Keep the head in the game, Keep the head in the game' Logan repeated to himself

"What mantra are you trying to make?" asked Jen smiling. He was twenty-one years too. Both joined the UNSC forces together and passed it together. They have always been good friends.

"Spells… trying to cast some magic spells," replied Logan grinning.

After twenty minutes of jogging, they reached the forest. The smoke rose a few meters away from their point.

They could hear the whishing sound of Covenant's flying machines called as Banshee.

Sgt. Justin halted his group and divided them into three groups – Alpha, Omega and Charlie. Jen, Logan and two others were the Charlie team. Jen was the Charlie team's leader. Their mission is to kill the Banshees and neutralize any visible threats.

After receiving the orders, the Charlie team moved. They crouched behind a fallen tree and looked out. A huge military structure rose from the ground. It had three floors with an open terrace. Fire rose within it. Five Banshees were flying around the building, along with four Ghosts on the ground.

"I see Five Banshees, four Ghosts and three Golden Elites. These are the visible threats, we are gonna neutralize it and allow the Alpha and Omega to enter the structure," said Jen

"Let's see what we can do about this..." said Jen and looked at their weaponries. "We need to take down the Banshees with our SSM. One of us has to spend an extra rocket to take down all the five Banshees. Therefore, I will do it. Then each one of you can take the three Ghosts down with the remaining rockets. After I reload I will take down the lastBanshee and then we can neutralize the elites with grenades."

Each one of them picked a Rocket launcher and fitted it with two 102 mm high-explosive rockets.

"On my mark," Jen whispered. "Mark"

All four marines stood from behind the fallen tree, aimed at the flying banshees and squeezed their triggers.

The rockets flew with a blinding speed and hit the first four Banshees. They exploded into plums of fire and landed on the ground with a THUD. The last one fell seconds later, when the last rocket flew from Jen's launcher. In the meantime, the rest of the gang aimed the ghosts and pulled their triggers.

Ghosts and Banshees burned in huge flames, when four fragmented grenades flew into the mist of the confused Elites. After a split second, three Covenant Elite bodies fell to the ground with a small THUD.

"Target neutralized," announced Jen in his radio

"Good work Charlie. Team move in," called Sgt. Justin and Alpha and Omega moved inside the structure.

"Now we wait and cover their backs," said Jen watching the two teams enter the structure.

"Yeap, now we wait," replied Logan.

Logan could hear the fire fight that took place inside the structure, with an occasional BOOM.

Grenades, thought Logan. All four of the marines stayed alert and watched around the entrance, making sure none enters it.

Logan took his knife out and examined his face on blade's reflection. A pale, unshaved face appeared. His hair was neatly trimmed according to the military rules.

All of a sudden, the radio opened and static filled it for several seconds, then finally a voice broke through it. The voice was almost screaming.

"Come in Charlie Team, Come in over,"

"This is Charlie team, over," replied Jen

"Sarge is down, I repeat, Sarge is down….we need immediate backup. Things are hot in here, we need…" the line went dead

Jen called after the voice, but the radio remained dead. The whole team was standing on their toes when they heard the news. Everyone looked at Jen.

He watched the radio then he looked up and said, "We are going in."
