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Fan Fiction

ODSTs of Reach: Prolgue
Posted By: Spartan 396<stealth_spartan@hotmail.com>
Date: 8 December 2006, 9:42 pm

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ODSTs Of Reach


0950 Hours, August 21, 2544 (Military Calendar) / Archer System, Base Echo Five, planet Drandel II, Fire Base Charlie Bravo 1

      "All teams, stand by for cantact!" Sergeant Puetz yelled into his comm, and he saw four blue lights wink to life on his HUD. He opened a comm channel only his team used, "Blue one through four, meet up at fire base Charlie Bravo 2," "Roger team leader, we are en-route to your position," the familar voice of his squadmate blared on the comm. He quickly made his way to the fire base, reloading his MA5B Assault Rifle. The base came in his sights, the mounted machine guns glistened in the sun. He made it right in time to see the rest of his team make it to the base.

      He pushed open the door and saw a couple of marines loading their weapons. The rest of his team came in seconds later. "Listen up marines! We have to hold this base until evac arrives, their ETA is fifteen minutes, now it looks like those Covie bastards are at our doorstep, give them hell and do not give up! Do I make myself perfectly clear marines?" The marines all replied in unison, "Sir! We get you, sir!" "Good, now gear up!" And all the marines jumped to their guns, attaching the chains to them, pulling back the loading lever. Almost as soon as everyone became ready they heard the familar squeak of Grunts, and the the footsteps of Grunts and Jackals. Some marines tapped their triggers nerviously. "Sir, enemy contacts, lot of those bastards headin' our way!" a marine yelled. "Okay marines, your time to give 'em hell, open up!" Sergeant Puetz barked. Machine gun fire riddled the first line of Grunts, dropping them instantly, but there must of been atleast one thousand. They were cannon fodder, they purposfully threw themselves infront of a cannon just so their other commrades could make it through.

      Sergeant Cirus loaded a Jackhammer rocket launcher and fired two shots, blasting the next two lines of Grunts almost one hundred feet. Shells sprayed the room as thousands of bullets peppered into the Grunts. After the first lines, all Grunts, had been shot down, Jackals came in. They raised their shields and charged their pistols. A spray of plasma fire was launched towards the marines, scorching them outside of the base. One stray plasma shot flew right into the center of a marines chest, instantly blistering his flesh, he was now dead. Another marine moved up to take his gun, and right away opened fire upon the Covenant. They were ebbing closer almost every second, soon the would be over run. Sergeant Puetz moved up and opened fire. All of a sudden some static poured into Sergeant Puetz'z com, he stopped firing and moved back. He could hear the voice nice and clear now. "Sergeant Puetz, this is Pelican dropship Echo 554, I am inbound on your position, hold tight. Air support is also on the way, three Longswords comin' in, they'll provide us cover," a pilot said into the com. "Roger that," Sergeant Puetz replied with. He walked up to the gunners, now concentrated at the task at hand. "Keep firing, air support is on th....." and he was cut off by the sound of three Longsword fighters/bombers coming in. The shrill sound of their engines got louder as they came closer, then he saw the three black figures fly over head, washing the sea of Grunts and Jackals with flame. The three Longswords then quickly arced in the sky and headed back.

      "Good job soldiers! Our ride will be here to pick us up shortly," Puetz said with a sigh of relief, "Just stay on the bounce if those bastards decide to come back from the grave." They all chuckled to his small joke. Sergeant Puetz always lightened the mood some how with a small joke.

      Sergeant Puetz walked outside, looking to the direction that the Pelican was supposed to come from, he saw the Pelican coming at it's full speed, which isn't very fast. He keyed his comm, "It's about time you showed up!" "Hey, this bird isn't very fast," the pilot retorted, "By the way, I'm Lieutenant Hawthorn, welcome aboard."

      Sergeant Puetz ran over to their base where the marines were sitting, two of them playing cards. "Okay, our ride's here, saddle up." Sergeant Puetz ordered. They all got up and grabbed their gear and headed toward the dropship. Sergeant Puetz got on last, as usual, making sure every one of his squadmates got on. He put his weapons in the overhead storeage net, securing it to make sure it didn't fall, that had happened to him once, it hurt like hell. He moved over to the end of the Pelican and took his seat just as the dropship's engines roared to life. He felt the small amount of G-force as the Pelican made it's acsent.
