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Fan Fiction

Memoirs Of A Brute.
Posted By: Spartan736<karatechops@hotmail.com>
Date: 10 October 2007, 10:35 pm

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I ducked. One of the human missiles soared over my head. I realoaded my Spiker and shot half a clip into the pathetic human's chest. I watched him scream in agony and I laughed. I went over to his writhing body and decapitated him with my Spiker bayonet. I collected his rocket launcher and moved on.I was a Jiralhanae Captain. A strong leader. Clad in gold armour and with immense strength and a vicious temper, I inspired fear amoung the hearts of humans and Covenant alike. I clipped my Spiker to my thigh holster and slung the rocket laucher on my back. I drew my Brute Shot and waited.
An Elite wandered through the ruins. I was about to attack when I took a closer look. I hestitated. He was extremely high ranking - clad in thick gold armour. He was dual-wieding Energy Swords, and had a high-powered, fast-firing Needler pistol attached to his thigh. He was huge, as tall as me, and rippling with muscle. I waited for him to bring his guard down. The Elite was too close for e to use the launcher or the Brute Shot, and I stood no chance with the humble Spiker. My hestitation cost me dearly. The Elite drew his Needler and focused on something in front of him. He fired seventeen needles. There was a explosion and I heard a deep, guttural scream. I turned and saw that it was Keruzam, my battle mate. He, too, was a Captain and was one field promotion away from becoming a Chieftain - and now I would never see him again. I roared with rage and dispair and launched myself at the Elite.
If there was one mistake worse than hestitating, it was aattcking. The Elite tripped me up and drew his swords. He slashed me in the legs, and then held them, poised to strike my chest. Before he could do anything, though, I got out my rocket launcher and hit him over the head with it. I reapeatedly mashed him with it. The Elite screamed like a helpless child. However, he managed to grab me and wrestle me off. He limped off into the rubble towards a gorunded Banshee. He took off immedeately. Then, I looked at my chest. It was then that I realised he HAD struck me - there was a gash so deep I could see my own bleeding heart. I screamed, then passed out. Luckily, I was rescued by Jiralhanae forces and now, here I am, fighting on the Ark, and we have laid a trap for the Demon. While our specially-equipped, mortar-armed Anti-Air Wraiths pick off the human aircraft, a Wraith tank, several Plasma Cannons and many, many Brutes lie in wait. He he comes in one of our captured Choppers. He is getting out...
The Demon fires his battle rifle at me, knocking off my helmet. He thumps me in the chest with the butt of his weapon. There is no-one I can call to for help, since it has killed off the rest of my pack, and the Wraiths, turrets, and other Jiralhanae are a couple of hundred yards away and there is to much noise for them to hear anyway. A final three-round burst enters my skull. I close my eyes, and wait for my first glimpse of paradise.
The Chief reloaded his BR55HB SR Battle Rifle and looked at the dead Captain. His blood was everywhere, but he, along with the rest of his pack, had been dealt with. He saw the Wraith on the other side of the canyon. He slung his BR and ran towards it. He jumped onto the back and repeatedly bashed and punched the engine core. The Wraith exploded in a shower of sparks and blue flame, taking its driver and gunner with it. A Brute jumped in front of him and yelled incoherently. His helmet's translation software burped out: "You have killed Vindol! He was a hero! YOU MUST DIE!" The Chief backpedalled and threw a "Spike" Grenade at the Brute. The hardened spikes stuck to the Brute's torso. Soon, the enraged Covenant soldier was engulfed in a hail of fire and spikes. Under his helmet, the Master Chief smiled contentedly. The job was done.
Behind the Chief, the battered remains of the Jiralhanae Captain Vindol lurked. He raised his Brute Shot's melee bayonet. "Die, Demon.." he whispered.
Lance Corporal Ali Ahmed was having a very bad day. He had lost the rest of his squad to a pair of Hunters and a kamikaze Grunt, and now he had dropped his SR99D Sniper Rifle. He sighed, and crept down the slope. He saw the Master Chief standing in front of a nuked Wraith, but what was that creeping up behing him? A Brute. The Covenant soldier brought down the blade of his Brute Shot.
"Oh, crap." whispered Ahmed.
