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Fan Fiction

Escape Part 1: Engine Problems
Posted By: Spartan112<chriswest100@mail.com>
Date: 9 November 2005, 10:30 pm

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Jordan report barked captain Brant, fires on decks 2, 7 and 12, we have 3 more shots with the MAC cannon, cluster missiles ammunition is down to 15%, anti air craft cannons are down to 10% and covenant have boarded and taken control of deck 15 and are making there way to the engine room replied the ships AI. No worries then Lieutenant James said cheerfully as the ship shook violently.
Sir that last hit took our slip stream drive offline were going nowhere fast and not to worry you but 3 more covenant ships have just come out of slip stream, sighing captain Brant leaned on the console in front of him what are our options Jordan captain Brant asked erm...well...I don't know replied Jordan sheepishly. Just then there was a huge explosion from within the ship, for god sake what now groaned the captain well you know the covenant that were on their way to the engine room well they got there. Ok what now, there's only one real choice now we land on the planet said Lieutenant James. Great that's just great the planet were trying to get away from now we have to go straight back thought Captain Brant, ok were going to have to land somewhere that has tools, lots of metal, room for this ship, specialist equipment to fix the slip stream drive and it has to be a defaceable position, sir I suggest we use Alpha base it has every thing well need.
Ok Jordan take us in.

Jesus look at that, one our ships are coming back for us shouted private West, no its coming in to fast its crashing replied Lieutenant O'Neil, it looks like its heading for Alpha base come on lets get moving they are gonna need assistance. Private West and Lieutenant O'Neil are alls that's left of there 12 man squad, the rest of there squad was killed when there pelican was hit with a fuel rod cannon that took out the left engine and sending the pelican crashing down into the grass planes below, four men died in the actual crash and 6 more when a covenant patrol consisting for 6 Grunts, 4 Jackals, 2 Elites and a Ghost. Private West was privately morning the loss of his friends as he ran towards Alpha base thinking how he will never see his friends again he would have his friends these covenant scum will pay.

Activate all reverse thrusters, set afterburners to minimum, release all drag fins ordered Captain Brant Its not going it be enough sir were going in to fast we need to evacuate the ship now said Jordan.
Ok put me on speaker


Oh my god were all gonna die cried a marine as he was thrown into the pelican, Shut the hell up solider now get us outter here shouted Sergeant Price, Sir yes sir shouted the pilot. Sergeant Price tightly griped his safety harness tightly as the pelican swerved, dived and rolled to avoid the incoming plasma fire, then the pelican shock violently what the hell just happen roared Sergeant Price, sorry sir didn't see erm there we lost our warthog.

Private West and Lieutenant O'Neil had slowed to a brisk walk when they noticed the escape pods and pelicans launching from the Destroyer class ship they stared in silence for several minutes watching escape pods slam into the ground, pelicans trying to escape from banshees and the huge destroyer hurtle down to earth until half a warthog fell from the sky hitting the ground only feet away from them, looking up they saw a pelican closely pursued by 2 banshees the pelican then flew over a hill and out of sit then followed by a loud crash sound and a plume of dirt and dust, come on lets go help erm out said Private West and they sped off towards the downed pelican. When they got to the top of the hill they saw at least 15 marines hiding behind the pelican and 5 more making a run for a load of rock about 200 feet away only to be blow to pieces by a well placed fuel rod cannon shot from one of the banshees spraying super heated plasma over all five of them.

God damn cowards roared Sergeant Price as he watched 5 marines legging it away from the crashed pelican as he watched one of the banshees swoop down and fire its fuel rod cannon killing all five of his men instantly. Ok soldiers when they make there next pass we all open fire but before the banshees had even turned round for his next pass two rockets hit the banshees sending metal in every direction, commo marines lets try to meet up with other marines and escape of this god forsaken planet.
