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Fan Fiction

Hypernova; Legend Of Spartans part 2
Posted By: Spartan-118<dark_katana_raider@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 April 2006, 1:36 pm

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The huge Holy Guidance accelerated towards the High Charity The Second. It was pinged thousands of times for a response but it did not respond. Every single drone and dropship opened fire on it and a wave of plasma rushed for the Forerunner vessel. However, instead of unyielding destruction that would destroy any ship, its shields had only depleted to a half. The mighty Forerunner battleship fired its supernova cannons.

4 super dense rounds rushed forward, at the same time collapsing on themselves. They became mini supernovas, exploding with tremendous force and literally erasing the drones and dropships that came too close from existence. The several thousand Covenant warships in the area immediately closed in on this new foe. When it was surrounded, all 500 Covenant ships closest to the Forerunner ship unleashed a broadside of Plasma. The tidal wave of boiling energy connected with the Holy Guidance but all it did was level its shields. The Holy Guidance fired its Hellfire Energon Beam.

The red-gold beam flashed forward, vaporizing any Covenant vessel in it's path. The beam hit a Covenant Command and Control station, punching through its tough shields and blasting a soccer-field sized hole out the other side. Ship master Esna Tatarmee was barking orders from his Capitol ship when a turbo laser bolt ripped through his bridge. The other gold Elites looked on in horror as his screen went blank.

The Holy Guidance went on a killing spree through the mass of Covenant ships, crushing destroyers that stood in its way as well. Plasma torpedoes and projector beams impacted on its armour but did little damage to the forerunner metal. The Covenant hierarchy was evacuated from the area immediately as the several Covenant carriers unloaded all their dropships onto the Holy Guidance. The Covenant borders rushed into the Forerunner battleship and were met by the Flood. Combat forms jumped into the air and plasma flew about as both armies clashed at the airlocks.

Yaptap was knocked to the ground by an Elite. He turned around and saw the dead Elite's vacant eyes staring at him. Terrified, he scrambled for cover in a corner. There, he saw one of his comrades running past with several infection forms clinging to his back. Yaptap fired at them with his plasma pistol. They popped instantly. The two Grunts hurried down the hall, picking their way through the body-covered floor. Dead Jackals, Elites, Grunts and every sort of Flood form littered the floor. They ran past another skirmish down the hallway and almost bumped into a new wave of flood. The second Grunt was killed instantly by a human combat form while Yaptap ran away. He met a dead end and saw the flood rounding the corner. He raised the plasma pistol to his head and fired…

"Sir! Intercepting long-range Covenant transmission!" yelled an ensign on the bridge of the Hypernova. Captain Charles thought to himself, "Hope this isn't another one of those Covenant trouble-makers…" The ensign handed Charles the printout. It read, "Unidentified warship attacking us. Many ships lost with all claws. Send help immediately!—Covenant hierarchs". Charles was shocked. What single-vessel could destroy so many Covenant ships without being destroyed on its own? He sent the printout to the high-command on Reach II with a request to lead 48 UNSC ships to investigate.

Deep down under 20 kilometers of Reinforced titanium and concrete, composite plates, Granite and shock absorbers, the top brass sat around the table. General Schwarz hammered his fist into the table "THESE COVENANT ******** ALMOST KILL US ALL AND NOW THEY ASK FOR OUR HELP?" High Admiral Stanley replied calmly, "If not for them, would we have improved our technology of warships? We cannot just forget them while they are all slaughtered can we?" General Schwarz sat silently at his seat. "I asked you a direct question and you WILL answer me or I will have you demoted all the way to Private." "No, sir", General Schwarz replied. General Mohamed suggested, "I strongly approve of the Hypernova and the Legend Of Spartans leading a fleet of UNSC ships to investigate. First of all, we have to help eliminate the flood. Second, we can get a close-up look at Forerunner technology at its finest." The other brass started murmuring among themselves. Finally, High admiral Stanley stood up. "I agree. We shall give Captain Charles his request."

Captain Charles stood in the shuttle as he inspected the other UNSC ships assigned on his mission. Most were freshly built destroyers like the Devastator and the cruiser, Solarfire but the thing that caught his eye was the handful of old warships from the previous war. There was the Gettysburg, salvaged and repaired when it was returned by Spartan 117. It had been rearmed and refitted to be more powerful than before. "This is going to be one hell of a scout mission," thought Charles. The shuttle finished its course and turned back to the Hypernova.

"Katana, give me fifty percent power for the Primary reactors," Charles barked when he stepped onto the bridge. "Done. Reactor shakedown in ten seconds," Katana's body pulsed a cool pink. "Lieutenant Korabashi, give a weapons check." The lieutenant's fingers flew across the keyboard as he typed in code after code. "Archers missiles ready sir! Shivas online! MAC-guns charging twenty percent! Bridge defense systems on standby! All squadrons on full alert sir!" he shouted. "Very well. Katana, let's move this crate", Charles said. The massive ship rumbled to life and began accelerating.

Katana calculated the slipstream coordinates for High Charity The Second and sent the data to the other ships as well. The Legend Of Spartans recalled all its fighters and prepared to pass into slipspace. Charles looked at his tactical screen, unsure of how many ships would survive the new enemy after so many Covenant ships had been destroyed. All he could do was lead his men into battle and fight like a good soldier…
