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Fan Fiction

Echo Squad: Feet First Into Hell Part 1
Posted By: SlayerCake<davevmorris@dsl.pipex.co.uk>
Date: 16 July 2007, 7:17 pm

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Hi, this is my first fan fiction ever so I hope it is not to bad ok. First of all this story takes place roughly 40 years after Halo 3 so I've mades some assumptions:
1. Covenant loyalists are still fighting the UNSC 2. Sentient life still exists in the galaxy


      The UNSC Maelstrom shuddered as her primary MACs fired, Lt. Wiliams inwardly flinched as flakes of rust landed on the back of his neck. Standing infront of him were 104 of the toughest, best trained, most suicidal soldiers in the UNSC, helmets held by their sides and their backs ramrod straight. Williams looked into each of their eyes and tried to think of something motivating to say. Cpl. Jeromey Francis stared straight ahead and tried to hide the fear he felt in his gut. He nearly pissed himself when the ship took a plasma hit and seemed to sag inside. The Lt looked at him and began to speak. "Gentlemen. As you no doubt know this ship is slowly melting and the Captain wants your fat asses off. The Covenant have landed a substantial force on the planet and the marines need us to bail them out of the fire. Now as you well know most soldiers would enter this fight in air conditioned dropships, chating about hairstyles and pretty dresses but not you. Tell me troopers; HOW WILL YOU GET THERE!?"
The response was unanimous, "WE GO FEET FIRST SIR!"
"Damn right, now you've got five minutes to gather supplies and prep you Pod for a hard landing. See you ground side. Dismissed."

      Cpl. Francis sprinted down the corridor with the rest of Echo. He ran a quick systems check on his armour, loaded his NX80 assault rifle and glanced at Sgt. Church, he was mournfully staring at a holo of his wife, Celeon IV had been glassed six days ago. They skidded into their HEV launch room. He clamped his rifle onto his back and climbed into his Pod. He ran a systems check, prayed it didn't flag anything up, and strapped himself into the harness. The LCD screen infront of him blipped to life; everything was fully functoinal and his trajectory had been plotted. He activated his Pod's impact safety features and grabbed the hand braces. A thick green gel slowly filled the HEV. The Ship lurched again and the temperature rocketed. The Maelstrom wouldn't hold together much longer. He glaced at the screen. The countdown hit 0. His Pod exploded out of its tube and hurtled down towards the surface. There was a massive jolt as the Pod hit the atmosphere and started to heat. The colour started to drain from Francis's vision and the gel started to bubble. The Pod impacted the ground and the gel instantly solidified, absorbing the impact. The front hatch exploded off, the gel evaporated and Francis got is first look at Hellious II. It was a dusty red planet, dotted with spires of rock, gysers of fire and 'rivers' of lava. It lived up to its nickname well. Four metres infront of him he noticed a very dazed and dusty Brute picking itself up from the ground. He dived out of his Pod and tackled the Brute in the chest. They tumbled down a slope and landed in a heap at the bottom. The Brute got up and roared at him. He punched it in its ugly, snarling face. Its helmet bucked inwards into its eyes. It backed up, howling in pain, and stumbled into a pool of lava. Francis booted his armours adaptive camo and climbed back up the slope as the Brutes sceams faded.

      Echo squad assembled under two massive curving spires of rock, designated 'Satans Horns', and were briefed by Sgt. Church. "All right, heres the deal, Command want the place for a forward air pad and we've got orders to dig in and wait for reinforcements and combat engineers. What are you waiting for! Francis, Cosby get the left flank! Cho your with me on the right. Zida, Drake, Anders your in the center. Watkins climb that rock and keep watch. There was a chorous of "Yes Sirs" and Echo dug foxholes, layed mine packs and hunkered down. Half an hour later Watkins signaled Sgt Church, he'd spotted a Covenant scout party. The Sargent told him to welcome them and Watkins sniper rifle cracked three times, two drverless ghosts swerved into an outcrop of rocks. It was going to be a long wait for the 4Th.

