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Fan Fiction

Resurrection: Horrible Awakening
Posted By: SinisterMonkey<SinisterMonkey@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 17 December 2005, 12:10 am

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Onboard Covenant Flagship Cleansing Flame

Xoul' Xazomee's mind was racked with terror. He was a respected, high-ranking soldier among his brethren and the Commander of an enormous Covenant Armada. Right now, none of that mattered. The Covenant, the Great Journey, it was a curse. These things were to blame for all his troubles, but his troubles had just begun.

Xoul' was brought before the Prophets a nervous wreck. His hands trembled and sweat rolled down his face. As he walked up to the podium, praying to the Forerunners for his life, he fainted.

"Take him away until he has woken." barked the Prophet of Truth, his voice filled with scorn. "Useless wretch, assign him to be a Guard on..." His voice trailed off, as if suddenly he remembered not to speak the name of that planet. Never speak the name of that cursed, horrible, hellhole of a planet the Prophet reminded himself mentally. As it happened, that "hellhole" was exactly where he was sending his finest commander. One who he had just called a useless wretch, one who's fate he had just sealed.

On Remote Planet, Codenamed HellHole by the Prophets

After just three days of eventless guarding, something happened. The first three days were so boring that when it started, everyone was just glad for some action. Xoul was sitting next to a Jackal named Si-Zia
when it started. The Jackal's head jerked like it was having a seizure. His mouth started to foam like a dogs and his body started twitching. It's eyes grew huge, so huge that Xoul' thought they would burst. Then they turned an eerie, unnatural red. The Jackal started speaking in an unholy, deep, bone chilling voice. The second he started, everyone in the room felt paralyzed with sheer terror. Out of the corner of his eye, Xoul' saw a Grunt topple over, scared to death. The Jackal spoke words that no one understood, but they sure got the meaning. Something was here, something horrible. It was angry, because they had come and awoken it from It's slumber. And It would have It's revenge. As the horrible possession of the Jackal ended, his body was cut as if by a thousand invisible knives, crumpled up like a soda can, and discarded.

It was if all of a sudden, someone hit a play button. Everything happened at once. Grunts ran out of the room screaming and being slaughtered. Jackals either fled or turned and fired into the air. The ones who stayed met the same bloody, horrible fate as Si-Zia. Elites attempted to maintain order, but once one was picked up off the ground and apparently shredded in mid air, all Hell broke loose. A pair of Hunters, hearing the noise, charged in and fired their weapons.

The last thing Xoul' saw was a Hunter shield flying at him. What's more, the only part of the Hunter attached was it's arm. It's bloody, dead arm. He was unconscious for the second time in three long, hellish days.

When he awoke, he was laying on the table he had been eating on, bits of food smeared over his helmet and chest. As he brushed it off in disgust, something caught his eye. The room was empty of corpses. The wall, floor, and ceiling were covered with blood. There were weapons scattered about, but no bodies. At that moment, he heard a shrill, blood-curdling scream.

Xoul' ran outside to where the scream had come from. He spun around to see three Jackal, seven Grunts, an Elite, and a Hunter, running from some unseen demon. They fled inside, calling to him to come shut the door. As they fled in, they ran, all safeties off, praying, cursing, and screaming.

They alerted the rest of the troops to come into the Mess Hall. There they met and there they would stay. They barricaded the doors, and sighed in relief. They were safe. That was the first time Xoul" got a good look at the Covenant he had rescued. He recognized the Jackal, one Grunt, and the Elite. Instantly, he wished he didn't and that none of them were there. The Jackal was Si-Zai, the Grunt was the one who had suffered a heart failure and died. The Elite was also one who he had seen die. He knew it couldn't be them, so he ignored it and went to sleep as if he were a Grunt.

As Xoul awoke once again, he was once again in that room. The Grunts, Jackals, Elites, and Hunters had been divided into areas, and all the weapons were in one area. At that moment, the lights flickered, and as they did, Xoul swore he saw the room, empty of life, but full of corpses. There was blood everywhere, including all over him. And his body hurt, and he realized with terror, it was his blood. And he looked up and saw a huge thing. It was at least twelve feet tall, and was clear. Xoul could see red faces inside. They were the faces of Si-Zai, the Grunt who had died, the Hunter's form, the Elite who died, and Xoul' himself. That was the worst, seeing his own tortured, mangled face, screaming out for help. Help he could never get, for no one would ever come to this planet and leave it alive. But it was just for a second.

Xoul wiped his eyes to free himself from the horrible things he had thought he saw. Then the lights flickered again, but this time, the illusion didn't go away. Then he realized it was real. And just as he did, he died the horrible, agonizing, tortured death that had so long awaited him. So his bloody, mangled, empty corpse lay there, among the other bloody, mangled, empty corpses. And there his body lied, the body of Xoul' without a soul...
