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Fan Fiction

Better Late Than Never
Posted By: SinisterMonkey<SinisterMonkey@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 23 October 2005, 1:45 am

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Better Late Than Never

Authors note, this is meant to be a short story, not a long war story. For those of you who expect a huge battle story, you should be warned, this story will bore you. Please let me know what you think, as this is my first non-shoot everyone story. Thanks for your time in reading this AN, and now we present your feature presentation.

Lance Corporal Robert Whitfeld woke in a haze. The room was a blur of lights, colors, and noises. He felt like he was about to vomit from it all. Cryo sleep always took a lot out of him, and right now he struggled to remember whom he was. Suddenly, it all came back to him; he was a Lance Corporal in the UNSC. It was nineteen years since the war had started, still Earth was safe, and they were alive. He was stationed on the cruiser San Francisco, and roughly light nine hundred thousand kilometers away from his fiancé on Earth. He remembered her light blond hair, and green eyes. He remembered the night he had proposed, and she had accepted. He also remembered a faint smell of flowers, from the perfume he always wore.

Sadly, he doubted whether he would ever see her again. However, this was no time for fond memories, it was time for war. The ship had just run into a pair of small Covenant freighters. Sergeant Wellerson's voice came over the speakers, yelling about borders. It was abruptly cut off by a buzz of static, as the barracks were hit by a salvo of plasma.
The Covenant had come, and they would die. He was going home in two days, to his wedding, and no one would stop him.

He joined a pair of Helljumpers, Jack and Thomas, brothers, and a squad of marines. He quickly grabbed a Sniper Rifle, a Pistol for close range work, and a pair of frag grenades. He and his men were heading to the bridge along a service ramp when they ran headfirst into a pair of red Elites. The marines in front fell, and knocked over one Elite. The second Elite had just enough time to bring his plasma rifle arm to bear and fire a burst into Thomas's face before Rob shot him in the face. The Elite's brains were sprayed out the back of his head as the bullet replaced them in its head. The second Elite had stood up, and fired the killing shot into the already wounded Thomas's face. Before he could be stopped, Jack had pulled out his combat knife and driven it into the surprised Elite's heart. The Elite let out one last roar, pulled out a Plasma Grenade, threw it onto Jack's chest, and died. Jack made a furious dive off the ramp, and blew up without even letting out even seeming to care.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, but when they got to the door, it was sealed. He quickly checked, and found out that the bridge had been destroyed. As he turned, he saw a pair of Hunters, closely followed by no less than nine elites round the corner. The Hunters open fired, and blew two marines apart. Jack watched in horror as the first ones top half fell into a pile of his entrails, and the second ones face was blown clean off. The Elites were all armed with Swords, and Dual Needlers. The first one fired two full clips into a very surprised marine's chest. There was the sound of glass being shattered, and everyone in the room was sprayed with blood.

Private John Plains was standing next to his friend Robert. He was about to warn him to duck when he felt something pull at his chest. He looked down to see his Heart and lungs, seemingly suspended in mid air. An elite un-cloaked in front of him, and he died. The only ones left were Robert, and two marines who he did not know, both armed with rockets. They fired, but apparently set off a chain reaction. It appeared as everything in the room had been killed except him, but Rob wasn't sure. He looked around, stood up, and felt himself hit his head on a pipe. He blacked out, but just before he did, he could have sworn he smelled flowers.

He woke up in a hospital, on the one and only Earth. The room was filled with the smell of flowers, just like on the ship. He looked around, and saw his fiancé sitting next to him. He was suddenly filled with relief as he saw her. She hasn't changed in the six years they had been apart. She had the same light blond hair, and green eyes he remembered. Her voice sounded the same as well, but also different. It sounded slightly haunting, and when she spoke, he felt himself shudder. He was so glad that he was finally marrying his beloved wife-to-be.

Sadly, he was mistaken; he would not be married to her. Or anyone, not now, and not ever, but he would wait forever. He would never be married, because no one wanted to marry a dead mad. Much less one who's remains were floating in space nine hundred thousand kilometers from humanity.
