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Fan Fiction

New Mombasa (The Fallen Pelican)
Posted By: Sher Gill<halokiller231@woh.rr.com>
Date: 22 February 2008, 1:16 am

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"Sir!" yelled the pilot of the Pelican. "We're going down!"
"Everyone!" yelled Lt. Braeburn. "Brace for impact!"
The Pelican, had been hit by an Anti-Air Wraith in the inner city.
Lt. Braeburn heard his marines yelling and screaming, and the engine made a shreik sound that deafened. Suddenly, part of the Pelican broke off, and the cockpit flew away from the rest of the ship. Lt. Braeburn saw the ground, and how fast they were approaching it.
Finally, the impact, and Lt. Braeburn screamed as it hit the Orbital Elevator.

* * *

Lt. Braeburn awakened, and came back to reality. The broken Pelican was on the ground, and still somehow intact. He tried to get up, but realized that his arm was broken. He yelled in pain as he got up.
The hold of the Pelican was destroyed. SMGs, assualt rifles, battle rifles, and other weapons lay around. He could see that all his marines were dead. Pvt. Burns lay in his blood. Cpl. Williams head was severely mutilated from the fall. And Pvt. Jameson, who's son had just turned five, had caused suicide before the impact, shooting himself in the head with his MA5C Assualt Rifle.
Lt. Braeburn picked up a SMG with his unbroken arm, and went outside of the wreckage. He saw the street, and part of the city. Smoke and ash rose into the sky, and dead bodies of brutes, elites, and marines lay in their blood. The sky was entirely red, and he could see the phantoms and pelicans taking each other down. Lt. Braebutn then started to walked
Lt. Braeburn walked down Midvoa Street, trying to find another group of marines that could help him out. Suddenly, a brute appeared from out of a building, and rasied his spiker, aiming at Lt. Braeburn.
Lt. Braeburn reacted fast, shooting the brute in the head. It screamed, throwing it's spiker aside, and grabbing it's head as if trying to get rid of the pain. Lt. Braeburn then fired again, shooting it's arms. It's red blood flying everywhere. It dropped a regenerator, trying to save itself.
Lt. Braeburn got closer to it, and continued to shoot. Finally, the brute couldn't hold on any longer, and fell to the ground dead.
Lt. Braeburn walked up to the regenerator, and stood in it. He threw down the SMG with not much ammo, and picked up the spiker.
Braeburn walked for two more minutes, and then heard a sound.
It was a Warthog! It turned around a street corner and stopped in front of Braeburn.
"Sir?" asked one of the marines. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," said Lt. Braeburn. "Mind if I join you?"
"Yes, sir!" yelled the marine. "Johnston, make some room for him!'
An ODST moved onto the turret on the back of the Warthog, making room for Braeburn.
Lt. Braeburn sighed with relief, and got in the passenger's seat.
"So," asked the marine driving the Warthog. "What's your name, sir?"
"My name is Lt. David Braeburn," he said. "I've served with the UNSC for twenty-one years, and enjoyed every fucking day of it."
"That ODST in the back has served for about fifteen, and I about two years," said the marine driving. "His Pelican fell and he was the only survivor. He was one lucky bastard."
"Isn't that a bitch?" said Braeburn. "Same thing happened to me."
"If you ask me," said the marine driving. "You two the luckiest damn devils on the planet. I can't believe that anyone could survive a crash like that. It just seems impossible."
As they continued on the road, the ODST yelled.
"Hey!" he said. "Look in the sky! The Main Covenant Crusier opened up a slipspace portal!"
Lt. Braeburn looked up into the sky, and saw a huge portal open up, and did in fact see the Covenant Crusier go inside of it. In pursuit, was a UNSC Frigate ship.
"Is that the In Amber Clad?" asked the ODST.
Suddenly, the portal closed, and a huge explosion erupted. A white came in the horizon, engulfing everything.
Braeburn yelled as the Warthog was sent flying from the force, and saw the white explosion getting closer to them.
"What the fuck!?!" yelled the ODST.
Braeburn kept on yelling until the white explosion hit him, killed him, and destroyed the entire Warthog. New Mombasa was engulfed by the explosion, killing everyone, and sending the Orbital Elevator falling in all directions.
And as the humanity mourned because of the disaster in New Mombasa. The Covenant laughed, and realized that they were one step closer to their goal. Uncovering the Portal to the Ark...
