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Fan Fiction

Defense of Fire Base Epsilon Ch. 6
Posted By: S7NN3R<janet.johnson8@comcast.net>
Date: 3 July 2005, 8:41 am

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Chapter 6: The Village Idiot

      The Banshee cleared the enormous sandstone mountain, and approached the Covenant camp. Alka Akazomee poured energy into the engines after clearing the treacherous canyon. He passed over two Phantoms and a large cluster of digging equipment. He brought the Banshee in for a hard landing on the landing pad. There was a construction foreman nearby that rushed to greet him.
      "Your Excellency," the foreman said and fell to one knee. "We were not foretold of your arrival. We haven't completed excavating yet. There is only enough room to fit one Banshee into the hole at a time."
      "Have you reached the relics yet?" Alka asked.
      "Yes, Excellency. We have sent warriors down to investigate, we haven't heard back from them. There might be interference from the ear-" the foreman was cut off mid-syllable.
      "Ready me a Banshee, I'll go investigate the relics myself," Alka said and walked off. He only had to wait a short while before a new Banshee was brought to the launch pad and the one he arrived in was hauled away by a team of Grunts."
      Alka climbed inside the Banshee, and disregarding the pre-flight checklist, descended rapidly into the cavernous hole in the ground. He descended for a full five minutes before the fuselage mounted searchlight reflected off the shining metallic cobalt of the Forerunners.
      There were already several lights planted by investigating parties that lit up the passageway dimly. Alka followed the lights until they ended at a large circular room that was already illuminated by an unknown source. Alka parked the Banshee in the center of the circular room. He exited out of the Banshee, and removed the searchlight from its front.
      He flashed the light around the room to get a better look at the room. He was dumbstruck when he saw the large holographic display in the center. He shined the light on the control panel, and moved the other hand to activate the consol.
      "I've done it! I've found evidence of the Gods!" Alka exclaimed aloud. A moment later, a plasma bolt shattered the searchlight, making the room significantly less bright. He wheeled around, grabbing his carbine.
      "Wrong, Alka, I have found it," said a familiar voice. Alka identified it as Carna Carkaz'umaa's voice.
      "Carna!" Alka said angered. "What are you doing here?"
      "I am here to claim my findings. And unfortunately, you must die. There are always casualties of war, even when fighting these primitive mongrels. And with you out of the way," Carna fired a volley of plasma at Alka's position. Alka's shields flared, and he leapt behind his Banshee. Carna continued. "and with you out of the way, all the credit for this finding," he finished.
      "Come on out, I promise you a warrior's death Alka," Carna said.
      "You weak little Grunt!" Alka spat. "All you have done, you have stolen from others. You coward! Your greed overwhelms you, and you would discard all oaths of loyalty and honor, and you would even betray one of your own, just for your own gain!" he continued.
      "When will you learn, Alka? Life is all about sacrifices, and for me, I'll have to sacrifice you. Perhaps they will give me the rank of Fleet Master for this discovery!" Carna boasted.
      "I've got something to give you!" Alka shouted. He leapt atop the Banshee, and firing his carbine, hit Carna several times. Carna dived behind a pedestal in the room. "Come on out coward!" Alka yelled. Carna swung from behind the pedestal and fired two plasma rifles at Alka. Alka jumped backwards off the Banshee while throwing a plasma grenade. The grenade landed at Carna's feet, who jumped out of the way as the grenade detonated, turning the pedestal he had just been behind into a pile of rubble.
      Alka hit the ground and rolled. He sprung to his feet, and jumped behind a basalt pillar. He replaced the half empty clip in his carbine with another extended clip. He peeked from behind the leaned out from behind the pillar, and was met with a volley of plasma fire. The fire chipped away at the pillar, which was slowly dwindling to the size of a twig.
      Alka spun around from the pillar, and ran, firing his carbine at what he guessed to be Carna's position. Alka and Carna fired at each other from across the room. Carna caught four rounds to the chest and two to the head, his shields collapsed, and he caught a round through the right arm, sending a spray of purple-black blood jetting into the air. Carna dropped the rifle in his right hand, but kept firing with the left.
      Alka caught the full volley of both of the plasma rifles. His shields had collapsed in seconds, and he caught several direct hits to the stomach. Alka fell to the floor, dropping his Carbine. Carna approached him, activating his energy sword.
      "Like I said, Alka, there must always be at least a few casualties in war," he said, raising the sword high.
      "Yes, unfortunately, this time, you're the casualty," Alka said, grabbing his own sword, and sweeping it across Carna's midsection. It cut through Carna's shields instantly, and left an inch deep cut across the length of Carna's torso.
      Carna stumbled back, reeling from the shock. Alka leapt to his feet, grabbed a plasma grenade, armed it, and tossed it in a flat trajectory straight at Carna. The grenade stuck to Carna's chest, and Carna stood in awe.
      Carna threw his right hand out in a "stop" gesture. "No!" he exclaimed. The grenade exploding, blasting Carna's body against another basalt pillar. The explosion left a dark black scorch on the ground. Carna was still breathing though, however how ragged. In the explosion, he had dropped his sword, which had been scattered to the other side of the floor. Alka limped over towards the battered Carna.
      "Carna Carkaz'umaa's," Alka began. "You have forsaken all oaths of loyalty to the Covenant and your species. I now relieve you of your rank, your command, and now, your life. I declare you a Heretic in the eyes of the Hierarchs, and you will not be rewarded in paradise," he concluded, and, lifting the sword up, brought it down through Carna's throat, sending a warm jet of purple blood against the floor.
      Alka limped over to the consol, clutching his burnt stomach. He touched a control, and then two more, and a slideshow started playing. It showed a large burning city, then shifted to warship firing on each other. It shifted again to robed figures laying a coffin down in a tomb.
      Alka chuckled. He finally understood. He understood everything now. He fell to his knees, and then forward onto the floor. He struggled to maintain consciousness, but his eyes flickered and darkness started to close in around him. A wide smile spread over his face, as he saw Paradise.
