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Fan Fiction

By death and by duty- The battle for sector 4-AZ
Posted By: Romulo Balcazar<baalguardian@yahoo.com>
Date: 29 November 2007, 7:03 am

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The Banshee screamed over Bills head as it went in for another attack run on Charlie companies command post.
Twin plasma cannons lit up as the Banshee unleashed heated hell apon the command post.

"Somebody shoot that thing down now!" yelled Captain Ricksmond.
Bill looked to see who actually heard the command over the combined sound of plasma fire, anti-gravity engines, and the misellanious sounds of war that were errupting all over the city of New Cairo. He looked to see a marine that he didnt recognize at all heft a SPnkr tactical rocket launcher and watched as the marine took aim and fired it at the malevolent Banshee. The missile streaked through the air as the auto-guidence system in the missile locked on to the Banshee. The Brute on board tried to shake the missile but to no avail. The rocket impacted on the side fusilage of the Banshee, making it explode in a ball of blue fire.
The men and women of Charlie company let out a cheer that momentarily shut out the noise of the erupting combat that was all over the city.

"Alright people we have orders!" shouted Captain Ricksmond over the comm. "There is an anti-air weapons battery that needs to be taken thats only five clicks away from this position." "We have been given orders to take that battery out and set up a new command position there. There is expected to be heavy resistance in that area so all personnel are expected to be ready for heavy resistance!"
"All squads advance through the ruins. If any enemies are spotted you are ordered to engage before they get word to that weapons battery otherwise this jobs gonna be harder than it already is."
"YES SIR!" replied all the marines of Charlie company.
"Okay then.....ADVANCE!"
Bill watched as every member of the company advaced through the ruins of the city. He gripped his assault rifle, checked the ammo counter, and began the advance. His squad, which was the 64th squad of the company, began searching for any enemy movement in the ruins. Seargent Borrox addressed his squad in a private comm channel. "Alright... I want Fendix and Bill on point, Revera, Jackson on the left flank, and I want Shipson and Alexia on the right. Keep yours eyes open for anything." "Yes sir!" respoded the squad in lowest voices audible. As they continued their advance Bill took the time to look around the city and marveled at the destruction. New Cairo once had been a paradise city but all it was now was a ghost town pockmarked with craters and the sounds of combat. In certain parts in the sky, smoke blackend the otherwise blue of the sky. It would have been a beautiful day relax..... the shot rang. "A sniper?!" Bill said to himself. He fell to the ground. His chest hurt but no blood. He saw the impact mark on his body armor. A misplaced shot that nearly killed him. "Jackel third floor of that apartment!" yelled Seargent Borrox. Immediatly the squad opened fire upon balcony on which that Jackel stood, but the bastard was quick. The alien dove into the apartment dropping its carbine with a clatter on the balcony floor. Stunned Bill got up with the help of Alexia. "Are you okay?" she asked with the sentimentallity that only a woman can have. "Yeah Im just shaken." Inches away from death. That Jackal almost had him. "Well shake it off!" said the sarge as he approached the two. "We got the bastard pinned... now we got go in there and find him before his ugly self finds a way out and lets his buddies know the position of the company." "Yes sir! We will do so sir!" replied the two.
"Good! Now get in there!" Without hesitation the two ran up to the apartment to meet up with the rest of the squad.
"Command, this is seargent Borrox of Squad sixty four, please respond." said the seargent in his comm. " Yes seargent." replied Captain Ricksmond. "Hostile has been spotted, we have him pinned in a building sir. Request permission to pursue." There was a pause and then the comm crackled again with the response " Roger that... commence a building sweep and make sure the area is clear."
"Yes sir." responded the seargent.

At the entrance to the apartment building the squad formed up. "Okay listen up." said seargent Borrox in a low tone "We are gonna clear this building of any hostile and reclaim it. Be careful and listen. Okay I want Bill and Alexia too take the right side of the this place, Fendix and Rivera to the left. Shipson, Jackson... you both are with me. On my order go." The sarge paused for a few seconds. "Go!" The squad fanned out into the building.
As Bill and Alexia approached the first hallway of the of the right side of the appartment he couldnt help but notice that Alexia was shaking. "Whats wrong?" he asked her. "No-nothing." she responded. He though that it must have been the atmosphere. He too was spooked at the fact that people used too live here, but now its just empty. A howl of wind swept into the apartment throught the broken windows. He scanned the area. After several minutes of checking each room of the hallway he reported to sarge that the right side is clear. Next was the right side of the second floor. As he and Alexia climbed the stairs, he thought he heard strange noises that sounded like a foriegn language. He quickly dismissed it and continued on. As he opened the door to the second floor he heard a voice. It was the same one he just heard. He made the "heads up" hand signal to Alexia who nodded her head at it and entered, scanning the hallway for hostiles. She then made the "all clear" hand signal and Bill entered the hall way. They continued on to see through each room. They continued on until they reached the last room. Bill turned to show Alexia the "heads up" signal but she wasnt there. Shocked, Bill doubled back through each room until he found her in the third room, except not by herself. The Jackel had her hostage, in a vice like grip with a plasma pistol to her head. Bill raised his weapon but he knew it wouldnt make a difference.
"Bill...please." said Alexia in a whimper. "Damn it...." Bill said under his breathe. The Jackal Squaked something at him that he couldnt understand. It didnt matter though because if he didnt do something quick, Alexia was going to end up dead. He thought as quick as he possibly could. Then it hit him. He realized that the bastard couldnt understand him at all. He motioned for Alexia to drop as soon as he motioned her to do so. When was the right time though? He dropped his head down and began laughing. The Jackel squaked in confusion at what Bill was doing. The Jackel pointed his pistol at Bill. Little did the ugly bastard know is that laughing was the signal. Alexia dropped down and rolled out of the way. The Jackel fired. The shot was inches away from hitting Bill in the arm. He could feel the searing heat of the plasma bolt as it impacted behing him. He threw his rifle at the Jackel which knocked it on its back. The Jackel lost its grip on the pistol and it skidded away from it. Bill drew his combat knife and lunged at the alien. He drove his knife dead center into the Jackels skull. It spasmed once and then died. "I never want something like that too happen again." said Alexia as she got up. "Me too." replied Bill as he wiped the alien brain matter from his hands and face. "Sir. This is Alexia and Bill. Hostile has been neutralized. Requesting orders."
The comm clicked "Good job marines! Now report back to the entrance so we can link up with the rest of the company."
"Yes sir." they both responded over their comms. "Lets go Alexia." "Okay... hey Bill." Alexia looked into his eyes and he felt warmed by her gaze. He couldnt stop thinking on how pretty she was. "Yes?" he said. "Thanks." she said with a voice that he thought sounded like and angels. He smiled "Sure...anytime." They stood there, gazes locked. Nothing could disturb this peace in the middle of this battlefield. Until the comm crackled with the ever-angry voice of the seargent. "Well what the hell are you waiting for?! Get down here!" Bill and Alexia made ther way down to the first floor. Bill knew that there will be more fighting in this day. For now he was happy to have this temporary peace.

"Did the scout arrive back?" growled Legion commander Druknar. Like all Brutes, Druknar's temper was short, and his was only getting shorter. "No my lord. We lost contact with the scout a little while ago. The idiot reported that he has spotted the humans advancing through the city." replied Brute Captain Ingrok. The Legion commander roared in anger as he activated his gravity hammer 'the fist of Inror' and slammed Ingrok across the chest killing him instantly. "No my dear Captain! The only idiot is you for picking the wrong scout!" The volume of the Legion commanders voice dulled the sound of the Heavy AA gun right outside of the humans building. "You Unggoy! Take him away! Feed him to the Jackals!" The Grunts dragged away the ex Captains body from the command room. "My lord... what are your orders?" asked Brute Captain Argranerok as he stepped over the goar from Ingrok's body.. "Send troops to intercept them and I want you to personally erradicate them!"
"Yes my lord....for the journey." Druknar turned from Argranerok to stare at the portable holomaps. "Yes... for the journey." replied Druknar still angry. Argranerok saluted and left the make-shift command center. He knew what must be done, and if he didnt do it he also knew that his fate would be like that of Ingrok's. He didnt want that to happen. Argranerok continued down the steps of the human building to address his troops, waiting for him down by the human's so called "city square". The humans will die, and Arganerok will make sure of it.
