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Fan Fiction

Saints fall chapter one
Posted By: Romulo Balcazar<baalguardian@yahoo.com>
Date: 15 June 2007, 7:57 pm

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"All ODST marines please report to the drop holds immediatly!" blurted the Nimbus' all call. "You heard Captain Raimes, get your sorry asses geared up and get ready to drop!" yelled Colonel Hitachi "Yes sir!" yelled in unison the marines of the 422nd drop company better known as the hell's eagles. "What the hell do you think is going on Kyle?" asked his friend Ema. " I dont know but i heard from the engineers that we recieved an emergency distress call from the colony of Saint's fall so we where going to drop out of slipspace and assist with the problem." " What!? So that means no RandR yet?" replied Emma with a semi annoyed look on her face. "I guess not. This really sucks! We havent seen Reach for months! I want my vacation!" " You can relax when you are dead private!" Yelled Colonel Hitachi. "Now get your sorry grieping asses to the armory and suit up!" "Yes sir! Sorry sir!" replied Ema and Kyle in unison. They both made their way to the armory with a hup-two pace passing engineers that were adjusting things here or there. The Nimbus was a prometheus class super carrier. Incredibley thick titanium armor. Five MAC cannons and archer missile pods every where with forty flights of Longsword fighters and all the support ships and Pelican it needed for a planetary invasion. It was also a fairley fast ship thanks to the new Honda-Ford class eata Starship engines.
It was also a pain in the rear to navigate and Ema and Kyle would have gotten lost if it werent for the Directional signs painted on the floor. For what seemed like hours (more like five minutes) Ema and Kyle finally reached the armory and suited up. "Spnkr rocket launcher a couple tubes and a Magnum with five extra clips and four frags." said Ema as she packed her stuff. "Huh. Well i got a new BR-55 assault rifle. Ten clips for it and also the new standard issue SMG with fours extra clips and two frags." replied Kyle with the stupidest grin on his face. "Lightweight." said Ema with grin that would counter Kyles grin. "Lightweight!? I way more than you do!" replie Kyle in a semi joking-angry tone. "Yeah but i have a bigger gun." Ema replied with a glance to her Spnkr to emphasis her point. "Whatever we got too go." On the way their Kyle thought about how long hes known Ema. He met her back on Reach in their early days. Hes grown up with her and enlisted with her. They graduated the academy at the same time and were even put in the same squad. He loved her but he never told her that. He promised himself that as soon as this was over he would take her to the fanciest restaurant on Reach. Ema and Kyle made their way to the drop holds to find all the ODST's already in line infront of their designated orbital drop pods. "Where the hell have you two been!?" yelled Colonel Hitachi. "We were ju-" "DO YOU THINK I HONESTLY CARE!? SHUT UP AND FALL IN LINE!" They quickly got infront of their ODP's and listened to the briefing. "Ladies and gentle men we are about to aid in the battle of Saints fall. We will be droping in to assist in the evacuation of the planets citizens." It is our job to keep the Covenant forces back while the transports take off." The marines tensed as they heard the word Covenant. "The Covenant think we all are a bunch of two legged walking talking alien fodder that cant fight worth crap. I think that in this battle we show them what a trained marine and a rifle can do to the face of an ugly as hell alien!" the Colonel paused. He took a good look at his soldiers. He trained all of them and now he is leading them into battle. He was proud of all of them, even if their were a few slackers here or there. "Am i right Marines!?" "Sir Yes Sir!" "Are we weak!?" "No sir!" "Then lets show them lock and load and get into you pods." "Yes sir!" As Kyle embarked into his pod he gave Ema a last glance. She looked to him and gave him a thumbs and the motion of a kiss that she blowed to him. He returned it in kind, He got in stored both his weapons on the weapons racks in the pod and hit the button to make the hatch close and pressurized.

"All ODST's ready to launch sir, coordiating launch. Tageting.... all pods are ready to fire at will sir." Lord admiral Raimes looked at the blue peral of the planet of Saints fall. It was dotted with the occasional continent but was mostly ocean. "Launch them Gunnery captain Hikawa." "Yes sir!" He looked across the planet and saw the organic looking ships of the covenent."They look like fish" said the captain to himself. He already thought about how his fleet and the Covenants fleet were going to fight. He just hoped that the ship would survive.

Kyle felt the rumble of his pod releasing and droping . He already knew that this mission would test every ounce of strength in him. He only hoped that after this there would still be a chance for him to see Ema again.

From the author: Well this is my first short story on Halo ever so i hope its something that everybody will enjoy. The next chapter will be done by the 20th. Comment it critique it and let me know what you think about at my email. Until next time, peace- Romulo Jorge Balcazar
