
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Chapter 2: Finding a subject
Posted By: RogueDragon<timhare1990@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: 26 September 2006, 9:32 pm

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Author Notes: Thanks to everyone he reviewed, it helped alot.

As for the question about Sangheili nmaes i'm not sure but if you think of the huge diversity of human names i don't think every single Sangheili name would end in 'ee' but i could be wrong.

Chapter 2: Finding a subject

Human town New Mimosa
Resident block E – 4
Time: 0740

Zeke was walking around the town aimlessly looking for something to do, something that could take his mind of recent events. If it wasn't the dozen Covenant warships that had pushed through the orbital defense grid, it was the fact that he hadn't heard from his farther since he left to repel the Covenant ground forces. He was terrified that his farther could have been killed as no contact had been made with the assault battalions sent to retake the landing plains.

Zeke kicked a stone as it pinged of a wall and rebounded back at him missing him by a few millimeters.

Looking up he then noticed a small flicker in the sky, that flicker grew in size; it turned blue and hazy until Zeke realized that it was a ball of plasma hurtling from the sky. The ball of white hot searing plasma smashed into a building near Zeke making it crumble to the ground in a heap. This was followed by more which smashed into buildings, roads, vehicles engulfing entire blocks in flame.

Zeke took cover in an archway, he could just make out the shape of Phantom drop ships descending from above, four glided smoothly in the air, three glided of in separate directions but one stopped a few yards from were Zeke was standing.

A purple beam shot down from the drop ship hitting the street, from a circular hole in the ceiling four aliens descended from the light. These were followed by another eight of these tall aliens the marines called elites, they were very tall and muscular, ten were wearing blue armor, one wore red armor and the tallest wore white armor.

Zeke's vision then glided to five civilians running down the street, the elites turned and opened fire on this group tearing them apart, Zeke watched as the five bodies limply dropped to the ground. Zeke was brought back to his senses as one of the elites turned towards him and rose the plasma weapon pointing it towards him, Zeke was brought back to his senses as the weapon fired, he leapt out the way hitting the ground the bolts of Plasma narrowly missing him.

Commander Tai' Nakita lowered his weapon as the last of the human's fell, he quickly looked around at the other Sangheili checking they were unharmed.

"Kill the infidel" yelled one of the younger Sangheili rookie's.

Tai' Nakita turned around to see the rookie pointing his weapon at a small human standing in the road. The child jumped out of the way of the searing plasma as it impacted on the wall behind him, the boy the scrambled up and ran past the street corner getting out of sight. The Sangheili braced his weapon ready to follow his target when Nakita clapped him around the head with his clawed hand, the rookie turned back to him, a look of surprise on his face.

"Target something that can fight" he hissed at the young warrior, the Sangheili looked puzzled then nodded returning its gaze to the street. Nakita then spoke into the transmitter in his helmet "order the second wave of Phantoms to advance" he said. In a few minutes twenty forty Phantoms would deliver there payload of eight hundred covenant soldiers.

A faint ripple in the air approached Tai' Nakita, the air then dissolved producing a silhouette of an Elite, the air then turned brown as the Ossoona emerged from the rippling silhouette appearing in front of Nakita.

"Commander, need I remind you the urgency of this mission, the sooner it is completed the sooner we can put this world to the torch" he said with a bitter distaste in his voice.

Nakita ordered his Sangheili forward as they progressed up the street, the Ossoona came up just behind him which he found increasingly annoying.

"Strange, it wouldn't have taken long for our warrior to find and exterminate that child across the street, why did you scold him for attempting" he said.

Nakita clicked his mandibites in irritation and replied "it would have been a waist of our time; the boy wasn't armed and presented no threat."

"We are not fighting this war because they are a military threat, we are fighting because it is the Forerunners will that…" the Ossoona was cut short as Nakita grabbed him by the throat physically lifting him into the air.

"Do not challenge my faith Ossoona, and it is we warriors who fight in this war, not you spies" Nakita growled from his mandibites.

Clearly not put of by this silent threat to his safety the Ossoona said arrogantly "all I mean to say is that if you felt sympathy for that boy perhaps you should not be commanding this mission".

Just as Nakita was about to cut him down again the front Sangheili warriors rounded a corner and were engaged by a human road block with a heavy machine gun. One of the Sangheili was caught out in the fire which quickly cut through his shields, a bullet tore through his leg as he collapsed to the ground, one of his brothers pulled him from the ground to cover behind a shattered human Vehicle.

Nakita threw the Ossoona aside and took cover at the side of a next building and began to return fire, the Sangheili he had scolded earlier charged out thinking his faith would protect him from the human defense, he was wrong.

"Stop fool" Nakita shouted but it was too late, the Sangheili's shields collapsed around him, bullets tore through his body as purple blood gushed out from his torso. The soldier fell to the ground coughing and sputtering in a pool of his own blood, he slowly drowned as his lungs were flooded by purple blood.

"Stay and lay down covering fire" he shouted to the other Sangheili soldiers, he then leapt up eight feet into a low building window pulling himself into the structure. He crept through the bare rooms of the building to another window overlooking the machine gun nest.

Nakita prepped his rifle and fired, the plasma struck one of the three human soldiers through the chest, he fell limply to the ground dead outright. He then leapt down from the window as the other two marines fired at him, their bullets pinging of his shields. He activated his Plasma sword, the two blue beams sprouted out from his hand as he surged forward and sliced through one of the human warriors.

The only marine left was now out of ammo, dropping his weapon he drew a long bayonet bracing himself in a fighting stance. Unaware that his shields were at an all time low Nakita surged forward and went to slash him, the marine dodged the attack and slashed at the elite cutting through his weakened shields and cutting into his flesh. Undeterred by this wound Nakita spun around and sliced through the marine chest, he dropped to the floor and was dead within seconds.

No sooner had this happened then the Ossoona approached him, "It is good to see that your compassion does not cloud your judgment in battle" he said, his mandibites turned into a smile as he looked down at the human corpse.

Looking over at the dead Sangheili soldier lying in a pool of his own blood he turned back to his warriors he said "move out, the prophets will must be fulfilled" he said as the Sangheili moved out through the streets.

They encountered little resistance along the way; the majority of the human forces were repelling the siege outside the town or clustered around the strong points. As they reached the laboratory complex they saw it had been hit by stray plasma shot from a wraith tank.

They smashed down the doors and found that the majority of the security forces had been buried under rubble, only a few remained, scattered and presented little problem to his warriors.

They entered the central room which was filled with dead soldiers, civilians and computers; the Ossoona sat down in one of the small sized human chairs discarding the dead civilian in a white coat from it and began to interact with the computer. After several minutes of hacking into the computer (as well as ranting several curses at the inferior construct that kept him deprived of the information he needed) he finally recovered a silver disk from a monitor. The Ossoona put the fragile disk in a pouch on the back of his waist belt and got up from the chair, "our mission is complete Commander" he said.

Abandoned building
Time: 0830

Zeke sat huddled in the corner of the bare room, half the town was in flames the other half was being systematically invaded and destroyed by the Covenant invasion force.

A Stray bolt of Plasma struck the side of the building, the roof began to burn as the structure began to collapse, a support beam crashed down onto Zeke pushing painfully onto the side of his body burning him. He struggled in pain but could not get the beam of him; he couldn't feel his left arm or leg, only pain. He began to have trouble breathing; his chest was rising up and down erratically and he could not catch his breath, he was also half blinded.

He then heard a smash from downstairs as if the door had been kicked in, Zeke stayed silent as he herd foot steps coming up the stairs from below. Barely able to move or even look towards the door he closed his eyes terrified. The footsteps got louder, closer, what sounded like laughter and talking but he could not make out the words. Zeke then felt a strong hand clamp down on his neck, it's long claw like fingers stretched around his neck causing him to sputter and cough. He was then painfully lifted from the ruble and into the air as the voices began to get louder and more distinct.

Nakita had signaled the Dropship to come; now all they had to was to hold this position and wait, an easy task as the majority of human forces in the area were dead.

It was then that he heard laughter from another room, moving in he saw two of his warriors and the Ossoona gathered by the ruble sniggering. Upon closer inspection Nakita saw one of them griping a child around the throat that struggling to breathe as he was lifted from the ground by a Sangheili warrior.

"Look who we found" the Ossoona said sniggering at the child's pain.

"This infidel was cowering when we found it; we are slowly putting it to death", said another soldier who was gripping the child's throat. If he expected a reward for this sadistic game he was playing, he was very, very mistaken.

Nakita grabbed him by his shoulder thrusting him back into the wall causing him to loose his grip on the boy who fell to the ground with a thud.

"This is not the way Sangheili warriors act, this is not honor" Nakita shouted challenging any of his warriors to confront him. Most of the Sangheili under his command respected his leadership; these new ones who he had selected were proving insubordinate which he could not abide. He turned to the Ossoona who remained silent but stared at him making his own opinion and report.

Looking down at the child Nakita saw he was having trouble breathing, he was trying to huddle up on the floor but couldn't catch his breath.

Zeke lay on the floor trying to catch his breath, he was panting but couldn't get in any air, he couldn't move but knew there was a lot of commotion going on with the tall Elites above him.

He then saw a silver hoof touch down to the side of him, he feared what they would do to him now as he had heard the terrible stories of what Elites do to there prisoners, military and civilian alike. He felt the elite pull him up slightly while it was kneeling over him, the elite then thrust a claw like hand under his chest and pulled him up against its armoured chest. It began to breathe heavily and slowly as Zeke breathed, slowly Zeke was able to breath again and then fell into a deep sleep as the elite pulled him up into its muscular arms, it was strange but the elite seemed to comfort him for some reason.

The child had started to breath normally now, color began to return to his face and he then dropped to sleep as Nakita gathered the boy up in his arms. Nakita looked over the boy huddled up in his arms who was now asleep, his arm and leg was covered in blood and burnt slightly, several bones had been crushed.

The Ossoona then broke the silence and scowled "so, you do feel sympathy for this, vermin"

Nakita glared at him with a look that would even make a Lekgolo shudder, he then finally said "I only saved this boy as he has the requirements for the prophet's project, nothing more."

The Ossoona looked at him wearily and finally nodded and walked out of the room without a word as did the other two warriors silently accepting this silent decision. Nakita sighed and looked down at small boy in his arms "I hope your fate will be better with the prophet's then here little one" he muttered quietly running his slender claw like fingers through the boy's short hair.

It was then that the sound of a phantom dropship filled his ears; he assembled with his other brethren on the roof of the building as the Phantom dropship levitated above them. A purple beam came down and pulled up his warriors one by one until it came to him, looking up he felt his hooves leave the ground as he was pulled up into the sleek vessel. Once inside Nakita sat down in one of the seats strapping himself in as the dropship ascended into the air. Looking back at the smoldering human settlement which was now engulfed in flames and then back to the boy tucked up in his arms Nakita got a horrible feeling what he had participated in should not have been done.

Covenant Command ship Holy Will
Time: 10:40

Ship Master Eva' Korrander stood on the bridge of the massive Covenant Carrier receiving the numerous reports from the surface. One of the younger Sangheili turned to him and said "you're Excellency, Commander Tai' Nakita's phantom has arrived in hanger bay four".

"Tell him to report to the Bridger immediately, I wish to learn of the success of the mission" Korrander replied to the younger warrior.

Just then the doors to the right of the bridge opened and the Prophet of Malice escorted by two Jiralhanae honor guards entered the bridge, the Prophet immediately approached the Ship Master. "So Korrander, the human defenses have been destroyed, all that remains is the cleansing of the Vermin's territory".

Just then the bridge door slid open and Nakita emerged, the Ossoona following him as they came onto the central bridge platform.

"Commander, was the mission a success" Korrander said.

Before Nakita could respond the Ossoona approached the Prophet retrieving a small human silver disk from his belt and handed it to the Prophet who took the disk and put it in a compartment on his chair.

"Good work warrior's, your fighting today has ensured that an obstacle in the path of the Great Journey has been cleared" the Prophet profit said turning to leave.

Korrander turned back to Nakita and it was then that he noticed the small bundle Nakita had his arms circled around. He looked closer and saw it was a human child that was now awake staring at him; he began to shuffle in Nakita's arms causing blood to leak down onto the well polished purple Bridge floor.

Now glaring at the small boy Eva' Korrander said "what is that thing doing on my bridge Nakita".

Zeke watched as the Golden armored elite turned to him as if he had just seen him for the first time, his eyes narrowed and his mandibites clenched together. Zeke tried to pull himself closer to the Silver elite causing a gulp of blood to fall and splash on the floor. The elite then still glaring at him said "what is that thing doing on my bridge Nakita".

Zeke looked up at the silver elite who was looking directly at the golden elite; the elite then opened his mandibites and spoke.

Nakita finally replied to the ship master's questions "forgive me your Excellency; I did not have a chance to drop it of in the medical wing before I was summoned to the bridge".

The Ship Master stood there contemplating what Nakita had said, he then reached forward and touched the child face with his claws making the boy curl up closer to Nakita's chest. Eva' Korrander thought about it for a few seconds then finally said, "he has been brought here for a purpose only the Prophets know, clear him up and take him to the medical bay, and never bring it onto my bridge again". He said turning away.

Breathing out in relief Nakita said in a firm voice, "thank you your Excellency, I will not disappoint you again" he said as he left the bridge.

Korrander then accessed the communications network and contacted the rest of the Covenant warships orbiting the colony. "This is Ship Master Eva Korrander, we are pulling out, await return of all ground troops then begin standard glassing procedure, when the colony has been glassed link up at Solemn Grace and await new orders, Korrander out."

Korrander turned to his navigation officer, "plot a slip space journey to High charity, put the engines to maximum burst, I want to get there as fast as possible".

"As you wish Excellency" the minor Sangheili replied and turned back to his navigations panel and began to type in a series of commands.

Tai' Nakita moved down the corridor, the child hugged to his chest, he had received several strange looks from other crew members when the realized the small bundle in his arms was a human. As he reached the Gravity lift the boy started to shuffle in his arms showing his fear as he watched a minor Sangheili get sky rocked up. "Do not be afraid, we will not fall little one" Nakita said as he stepped into the gravity lift and went up.

After a short journey Nakita approached his quarters, placing his clawed hand on the identification panel to confirm it was him the door slid open. Entering his quarters he placed the boy down on one of the seating areas near a window facing out to space. He then walked into another room leaving the child curled up on the large seating area alone.

Zeke watched as the elite left the room, Zeke was left on the large seating area. Looking around the large quarters the only colors he saw were purple and blue, he looked through the window into the blackness of space, this was his first time in space. He then became aware of the pain flaring in his arm and leg; he curled up on the bed trying to stop the pain.

The elite then entered the room again, he moved closer to Zeke who pulled into the corner of the seating.

Nakita watched as the boy curled up in fear, he moved closer and reached towards the child, seeing this the boy attempted to dart away but his escape attempt went badly wrong. His injuries reduced his strength and maneuverability, rather then landing on his feet he froze up, collapsed from the seating and crashed onto the ground into a crumpled heap on the floor. Nakita shook his head sighing; towering over the child he reached down and scooped the boy into his arms, Nakita then sat down with his arms locked around the boy.

"You could not escape even if you tried child, you are crippled and are hardly able move, and if any other members of the crew find you they will kill you without hesitation" Nakita said looking down at the boy. He then reached over and opened a compartment next to the seating area and retrieving what looked like a syringe in human terms, a small glass tube was lined with a light blue liquid.

When the child saw this he struggled to get free, Nakita easily held him to his chest with one arm, pulling him closer he injected the liquid into his arm, immediately the boy stopped struggling and went limp in Nakita's arms.

Zeke felt the sharp end of the needle piece his skin and the serum enter his system, his muscles began to feel limp, the burning pain replaced with a sterile feeling, he then collapsed back onto the elites chest unconscious and fast asleep.

With the boy asleep in his arms Nakita quickly cleaned up the bloody stains on him taking care not to make his injuries any worse, once he had finished he left his quarters, he began to walk through the long winding corridors of the ship until he reached the medical bay.

He entered and looked around at the many Sangheili dressed in the purple armour indicating they were medical staff; each healer had two Kig-Yar accompanying him/her. A female Sangheili approached him and asked "may I help you Excellency", she then gasped at the small boy curled up in his arms.

"I need you to put this subject in deep freeze; he must survive until we reach High Charity, make sure his wounds are closed before he goes in" Nakita said.

The female Sangheili unsure how to respond simply nodded with a look of confusion on her face, she reached forward and carefully took the boy into her arms. She turned around and walked towards one of the medical beds setting him down, all the other Sangheili crowded around the bed anxious to get a look at this new specimen they had never seen before and most likely never see again.

Nakita turned to leave, turning back to take one last look at the boy he sighed shaking his head and left.

Eva' Korrander sat in his quarter's reading through the rest of the report the Prophet had given him upon the human subject they had retrieved and what they planned to do. Korrander put the report down and picked up a glass filled with a blue liquid, a delicacy among his people and would be closet in human terms to a very expensive alcohol. Sipping the beverage he thought about the report he had just read, how could the Prophets and the Forerunners support such a barbaric experiment, was it right to do this to a living creature, especially a child.

Putting down the glass Korrander rose from the chair and walked towards the door, as it slid open he entered the bridge manned by a skeleton crew at this hour.

Approaching his second in command, a young female Sangheili clad in golden armor he said "Commander, you're relieved for now".

She turned and bowed to him "As you wish you're Excellency".

As she left he reached forward touching her on the arm indicating for her to halt.

"Kel' Putamer, you have two children, correct" he said.

She stared at him unsure what to say before finally replying "yes Excellency, I do".

"Then would you protest if they were used by the Prophets in an experiment that would change there very souls, even erase there existence."

Without hesitation the Commander replied "in less time it would take my heart to beat Excellency".

"You are dismissed Commander, prepare the shore leave rotations for the crew, and I wish you a peaceful time" he said, after a moment of confusion she left as he assumed his dominant possession on the command platform still feeling uneasy in his decision.
