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Fan Fiction

Solace's Weapon: Prologue
Posted By: RogueDragon<timhare1990@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: 16 September 2006, 5:00 pm

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Chapter 1: Prologue

Covenant Command ship
Date: 2546
Time: 0400

Ship Master Eva' Korrander stood on the Command platform of the Warship the Holy Will, around him were six Sangheili, qualified to operate the apparatus on the Covenant Carrier's Bridge. There were eight other heavily armed Sangheili warriors, there sole purpose was to Guard the bridge crew as well as the Ship master.

Eva' Korrander looked at the view screen at the numerous wrecks of the human vessels burning up in the planets orbit. Six human frigates and two destroyers had been here four hours earlier, although being heavily outnumbered by twenty – two covenant warships they had still been able to destroy five covenant ships before they were wiped out.

One of the Bridge crew then penetrated his thoughts "Excellency, the Profit of Malice is on his way up from the Forerunner shrine".

"Prepare for his arrival" he replied, the Bridge Guards formed two Parallel lines leading from the Door to the Bridge. Moments later the doors parted as the small figure slumped into a hover chair slowly moved forward escorted by the hulking forms of two Jiralhanae Honor Guards.

"Ship master, I trust that the invasion of the human colony has been successful" the profit chirped out folding its limp fingers together.

Eva' Korrander bowed to the Profit then replied "The early landing force ran into stiff resistance from mobile human artillery and infantry, many have been lost but they were able to establish a landing zone".

"Good Ship Master, see that the area is thoroughly cleansed of the Vermin, then deliver my subordinate to the surface and escort him the outlying human city, there will be a human laboratory there, get him inside" the Profit said.

Eva' Korrander peered around the profit and saw a younger Sangheili standing behind one of the Brutes, Eva' Korrander recognized the symbols on his armor; he was an Ossoona, the eyes and ears of the Profits.

"As you wish Excellency" Korrander said bowing then turned to one of the Bridge crew.

"There is one other matter Ship Master, I need a human subject for matters of the Profits, you will acquire one from the surface, here are the requirements" he said as the Ossoona handed him a Data pad. Without a word the Profit, his two Jiralhanae guards and the Ossoona retracted from the bridge and through the open door which then shut behind them leaving him on the bridge in the silence.

Human town New Monbosa
Resident block E – 4
Time: 0450

Zeke woke up in the dark of his room, woken up by the sound of rolling vehicles and soldiers yelling and screaming commands. He quickly got up and got dressed then exited onto the resident balcony to look out at the mobilizing troop transports and marines moving through the streets. He saw his farther in one of the troop transports; his dad took one look at his nine year old son, then ordered the troop driver to start the engine. Zeke ran back into the apartment and silently began to cry as he knew he would never see his farther again.

Covenant Command ship
Time: 0520

As soon as the Profit of Malice entered his private chamber the doors slid shut and locked leaving him in his quarters. He looked around the Luxurious quarters, although this was a military vessel a figure of his standing received quarters of more then a standard size where ever he went.

The soft carpeted rug that lined the floor was one that few species would ever feel beneath there feet, one reserved only for the wealthiest, ironic since the Profits rarely walked, they preferred to keep in there hover chairs. The thin creature looked around; there were large seating areas, a large cabinet filled with the best beverages in the entire Covenant and even a private entertainment to satisfy the Profits many, 'pleasures'.

The Profit snaked up to the control panel; his bony finger rose up and typed into the display. A cylinder like object rose from the panel and a blue light flared up on it. After a few seconds the light was replaced with a hunched over figure of a Profit, he was slumped into the chair, his skin a sickly brown and moldy in some places. He wore red robes symbolizing her was a major Profit, the aging figure grinned at him, his decaying brown teeth showing signs of his age.

"Noble Malice, how long has it been?" the figure asked, his bong fingers met and touched as he brought his thin hands together.

"Four months I believe" replied Malice.

The figures eyes suddenly narrowed, he wanted to get down to business, "Did you receive the message I sent."

"I did, tell me are you sure there will be no repercussions for us if this goes wrong" asked the Profit of Malice.

The Profit grinned at him, "Why would anything go wrong my friend, the Forerunners are with us and one day all the Covenant will praise my name, the name of the Profit of Solace."

The Profit of Malice deactivated the interface and turned looking out the portside window of the vast Cruiser. Down below was a small planet with long oceans, green plains and a large human colony on the core continent. "Human filth" Malice muttered before retiring to his bed to get some much needed sleep, soon he would rise through the ranks of the Profits and stand at Solace's side.

Eva' Korrander sat in the Briefing room sifting through numerous reports on the long table capable of sitting twenty Sangheili for a briefing. Eva' Korrander reviewed a casualty report from the surface, 115 Sangheili dead, 247 Kig-yar dead, 482 Ungoy dead. How could these humans who the profits had decreed as nothing more then Vermin present so much resistance and cause such heavy casualties.

Korrander thoughts were then disturbed by the arrival of a Silver armored Sangheili; Korrander looked up at the tall muscular warrior, a long scar ran down the side of the face which ended just below his first Mandibite.

"It is good to see you my friend" Eva' Korrander said as the Sangheili bowed to his Gold armored superior.

Tai' Nakita looked at the Ship master; a smile parted his Mandibite's as he sat down opposite his friend and said "You requested my presence your Excellency".

Eva' Korrander sifted through his many reports and found a small data pad at the bottom. "Is your strike team prepared old friend" Korrander said.

"They are awaiting my presence in the hanger, the profits pet is waiting there two" Tai' Nakita said referring to the Ossoona the profit had brought with him. Eva' Korrander knew from his childhood experience that Tai' Nakita harbored a strong dislike for Ossoona's and there "mission", in his view they were not warriors and not Sangheili.

"There is one more task I must add to your mission Nakita, the Profit wishes you to acquire a human prisoner, one matching these criteria's" he said handing Nakita the Data pad. His friend looked at the pad, his eyes tightened on the pad as he read through the specifications.

"He wishes us to take a child" he gasped.

"Are's is not to question the will of the Forerunners, only to carry them out Commander" Korrander said.

"As you wish, we will leave immediately" Nakita said leaving the room leaving Korrander to sift though the results of this Holy war.
