
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Cakm After The Storm
Posted By: Private Shawn<shawnbock@cox.net>
Date: 4 September 2007, 8:32 am

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The Pelicans, Guardians, and Crow soared to Blue Shield as the main hanger opened. Standby crew waited for the hanger doors to close. As soon as they did the crew members rushed around, repairing damaged plates, recharging plasma shields, and carried away all damaged equipment and used air-shields. Refill for the shields took around a month, so it was estimated, and all damaged equipment would take a week. Shawn prayed no ship got too badly hit; those could take two months to repair. At the cost of all this technology came more time to be needed for its care. Shawn walked to the bridge, he was going to check location and give out a ship wide command.

Shawn stepped into an elevator and pressed the B-f button. The doors hissed open and showed the bridge, grunts and humans all at their stations. Sitting in the Captain's was Yutir, showing signs of relief that they made it. Shawn walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. "I need to check something, and then I need to give an announcement." Yutir nodded and stepped out off the chair and stepped to its side. Shawn went to the sensor's array, stars popped onto an image board in front of him and planets blinked in. Shawn clicked to the system were they should have exited and looked for their ship. He found it and zoomed in to see Blue Shield hanging over a red cloud planet.

Lines spread out from Blue Shield showing its stats, The K-P-S (Kinetic energy Plasma Shield) stats were blurring red. Those would be out for a few days, when given down time the shields recharged fast. The cannons were all green; those would have to fire ten shots a second to overheat. The slip space generators were yellow, turning green and the engines were at max power. With that out of the way Shawn flicked on the ships speakers. "We are currently hanging over the planet Mars and will drop down to the surface in twelve hours. All military personal lunch will be served in one hour. After military personal lunch break all non-military personal will get theirs." Shawn flicked off the speakers and heard a faint cheer throughout the ship.

Shawn looked at Yutir who still stood by the chair and said "I meant ALL military personal." Yutir said "Oh sorry si- I mean Shawn, your coming to correct?" "Of course, but we do have an hour to wait, so what do you want to do?" Yutir stood there thinking then said "I would like to hear of how the raid went." Shawn laughed and told Yutir of the attack on the ship as they walked down halls and stairs going to the "Grub Center" crude name but before Yutir's crew joined them they didn't have the excellent jackal and grunt chefs. None of the jackals were military personal though, so Shawn won't get the pleasure of meeting one with the marines and others.

By the time they got to Grub Center they were ten minutes late. They got their food and found a table. The sat down with the same team of soldiers Shawn sent out to take out fire control. There were also four Guardian pilots. They all shared their stories of the day's battles, and no one seemed to care whether someone was a human or not. It was perfect, just as Shawn had hoped it would be. After the first lunch break was done all the chefs came in to clean. They had already eaten some of the leftovers; they had fresh food baking anyway. Some marines even tried to stay, but were all shooed away. They all left laughing. Shawn went down to his cabin; Yutir had arranged a cabin order with name tags on each door so everyone knew were to go. Shawn was now sharing a room with Yutir and someone named Likura. Shawn entered his room, now three beds, one in each corner and a square table attached to the last corner with three chairs around it. Shawn's laptop still was next to his bed. He pulled it down and looked at a smaller version of what he saw in the bridge.

He gazed and the many stars, remembering how as a kid stars was what he thought brought peace to humans and aliens, unknowing of the war. Yet still he still thought that if everyone stopped to gaze at the stars there would be peace, if not with one another like on Blue Shield, then at least peace in the heart and soul. Shawn brought up a blank image file, he was thinking of a design for medals on the ship. There was enough spare steel in the "Junk Trunk" to make a medal for everyone and still have some. Exactly what he was thinking. Shawn got sparked with an idea and drew it.

He finished and waited for Yutir or Likura to come in, let him run it by them. They both arrived together. Next to Yutir stood a young tan female human with long brown hair in a sergeant's uniform. Shawn wondered why Yutir assigned her here, but that wasn't important. "Hello Likura, I'm Shawn I take it you already know Yutir?" Smiling Likura said "Yup, helped him decided who went were." Shawn got an answer to one question, but got another question in turn. Shawn blinked it off and said "what do you think of this for a medal?" The two walked over and looked at the laptop and then Yutir said "perfect."

Shawn smiled and typed into the laptop's keyboard an order for one thousand and twenty five medals to be made. Spare staff replied with an ok. S.E.B. turned on and said "why didn't you ask for my option?" Shawn looked at him and said "what don't like it?" S.E.B. shook his head saying "no it's fine just, why don't I get one?" Shawn starred at S.E.B. than said finally "can't you make your own?" On S.E.B.'s shirt popped on one of the medals then said "your point?" Shawn groaned and S.E.B. shrugged, and blinked off.

Two hours passed until a knock came to the door. Their stood a jackal and held out a medal. Shawn nodded and waved Yutir and Likura to follow. As they walked the jackal whispered to Shawn "four more hours till we land?" Shawn checked his timer and nodded. The four entered into a large room, the "Grand Gathering Gallery", and walked onto a stage. On the stage were all the soldiers, and pilots, that were in the attack. Behind them was a frame of Blue Shield with little screen shots, taken via ship cam or helmet H.U.D., of the battle.

There were three dozen spare staff members holding cushioned medal box holders. Each one held five of the custom medals, and Shawn smiled and he walked a center stand while Likura filed into the long line and a jackal told Yutir to stand next to the stand. Shawn noted a piece of paper next to a medal placed on the stand saying "make a speech, go down the line properly giving away the medals, then talk about Yutir's aid and give him this special golden one. The entire ship's crew was in the room, off stage of course. Shawn walked up to the stand, looked around and breathed in, then out, and started.

"Today these men, human and alien, showed their courage on the battle lines. Together they took down two cruisers poised to destroy us. Let us congratulate the men now, with this medal." Shawn held up a steel medal that was shaped to look like a human wearing an elite's honor helmet as a blue line seems to circle the medal. "This medal shows the unity of Human, Elite, Grunt, and Jackal all on one ship working for the betterment of one another. Now first one to receive this medal…" and Shawn handed out each medal to everyone on the stage after saying their name. After he was done he walked back to the stand a in his hand held the golden medal. "Many days have a looked to the skies wishing for peace, so many days all seemed hopeless. Yutir, you gave these men peace, these men are given hope all simply done by laying down your weapons. I hope that more of the Covenant do as what Yutir has done, and then together we can form a peaceful universe. May this medal show now and always that you were a peace bringer, if only on this ship." Shawn placed the medal on Yutir and gave a salute. After everyone filed out Shawn gave each of the spare crew medals.

After they had their medals Shawn got the three dead their own rooms, specially built and placed medals on them. They dead soldier's personal items were also place in the rooms. Shawn then went door to door on each cabin handing out the awards. They finished ten minutes before they went planet side. Shawn went to his cabin, Yutir and Likura asleep and went to sleep to. As the Ship glided down towards Mars, Shawn's veins glowed, but he wasn't bothered by it, he was asleep.
