
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Brute engagment
Posted By: Private Shawn<shawnbock@cox.net>
Date: 17 July 2007, 8:22 am

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Shawn looked at his laptop screen, which displayed the battlefield, to devisee a tactic. Shawn swung his assault rifle off his back, checked the clip on the built in computer screen and then looked back to the laptop. There were three Brute battle cruisers in front of them preparing for attack. "S.E.B. tell the bridge this command." Shawn then touched the icon for the Blue Shield and pulled a green line out of it toward one of the cruisers. "Sending" S.E.B. announced. Yutir stood starred down saying "Sir what shall I do?" Shawn snapped his fingers to get Yutir's attention then said "Once target one is down get target two." Yutir was confused "Sir…" he began but Shawn interrupted saying "I'm just a marine that you made more of. I'm not your superior." Yutir nodded then said "what are you going to do?" Shawn grinned and said "taking out target three."

Shawn walked out of the room and headed for the main hanger. Yutir went to the bridge. Shawn saw four pelicans being readied, and in a corner stood three marines, each the same rank as Shawn. Shawn rushed over to them and said "Were is our ride." One of the marines, a very stocky man of Russian background with rugged brown hair, said "I thought you commanded the ship now." Another marine in the group who was bald and just as big as the Russian said "There's a Crow over there." The black man pointed to a dropship the size of a pelican but with gravity thrusters, a mini MAC gun(mmg), black painted phantom armor plates and a drop/landing pad just like in the back of pelicans. This ship looked like a giant circle with a pelican back .

Near this ship stood two elites with plasma rifles in hand. A woman in the group said "well they need more crew we need more ship let's go." The other marines walked over to the ship with Shawn but the girl sprinted ahead. That was Amy for you, too ready for combat. The Russian man stood tall not missing a step in his pattern of left, right, left, right. Harley should have gotten that promotion he was aiming for, before today. The old captain could never walk like Harley. Then the black man walked at ease, but a little jumpy when passing a running grunt. Considering Cole once was an O.D.S.T. no one could blame him for being jumpy, especially after the jump he made on a Halo Ring. Poor Cole couldn't leave his pod because a grunt soldered, with its pistol, the door shut. Ten minutes until his teammates got him out.

The standing elites saw Amy rush over, and didn't know how close she was did he rammed one of them. Amy started yelling at the elites to open the door. Shawn could only predict what the elites want to do at this moment. The hatch opened and Amy revved the engine up. Shawn, Cole, Harley and the two elites piled in. Four grunts jumped in as the door closed, each held a needler. The hanger door opened and the Crow lifted up, as did the pelicans. They all launched as one. UNSC looking fighters were also deployed, these with plasma guns, normal bombing missiles, and gravity thrusters. They all had a design of a giant blue shield on each wing. The body color of the fighters was purple. The fighters are named Guardians. Shawn's Crow lead the pelicans toward a Brute cruiser toward the back. Brute banshees launched. Shawn said over fleet-com "all Guardians engage the banshees. Kill all those monkey ass bastards." He got unison of "HORAYS" back.

From a back view in the Crow Shawn saw Blue Shield slowly glide into combat. It's large MAC gun fired with a plasma bolt enhancer increasing damage. It hit one of the Brutes. The cruiser burst into flames as the entire front melted away until only half of the ship was left to burn down and become a meteor. The two other ships charged up and fired their cannons. Two blue explosions erupted and engulfed Blue Shield in smoke. Shawn refocused forward. The Guardian were winning so he called one off to blow open the Brutes hanger door. The pelicans soared through the dark starlight sky. Pin point lasers fired at them. Plasma shields protected them. The Guardian fired two missiles and blew away the hanger doors. The boarding party landed down safely. Shawn looked back at Blue Shield , and saw that the kinetic plasma shield was a success. The shield dissipated though, it wasn't a bright yellow meaning full power, it was dim. One more hit and Blue Shield would be gone.

Everyone set the helms to airlock mode, were a layer of armor plating covers the mouth and for ten minutes provides air. Ten minutes though was hopefully enough. Shawn's team piled out of the Crow with the grunts. Elites had to wait in the ship until Air-shields were deployed, which provided everyone with air within the shields radius. The shields could cover at least a football field, alone with air for one day. The marines and grunts were now deploying these shields. All together, including the elites in the air-shields, there were ten marines, fifteen grunts, and ten elites. Nine grunts had special shields made of titanium plating. The shield was roughly has tall and wide as a grunt with a little bullet proof glass in the center so grunts could see their targets. Two marines with soldiering guns went to the door to seal it shut. "Ok everyone we need to take out this ship's cannon, you six" Shawn pointed to two elites, two marines, and two grunts, "find the controls." They nodded and left in a side door. "Everyone hold this position so they have a safe return." Shawn gathered Cole, Harley and Amy together.

"Shawn you sure you want to do this? Remember what happened to Captain Locks." Cole commented as the got together. Shawn remembered how their old captain died on a boarding raid like this one. Shawn, looking ay his vain, knew that couldn't and wouldn't happen to him. "I'm sure Cole, we have to get to their bridge now let's move." Shawn, Cole, Hanley, and Amy went to a side door opposite of the other team that left. As their door closed behind them a thump was heard. Shawn knew that this new army would survive. Shawn's team rushed through a large open storage room two stores high. Shawn halted his team, as their footsteps stopped larger stomping footsteps didn't. Shawn motioned everyone into a dark corner. Doors opened and a small flaking team of five brutes appeared. Each one held a spiker and slowly walked to the door Shawn's team came from.

Shawn and Cole leveled assault rifles, Hanley a sniper rifle, and Amy her twin smgs. The brutes were in the middle of the room when one of them dropped. The others were in panic. Hanley slowly cocked his rifle, he was doing his job. One looked at them and tried to focus his sight, peering forward. He dropped dead and the remaining three began to run. Shawn and Cole opened up killing off two and Amy ran in front of the last one and end it with two whole smg full auto clips. Shawn's team ran to a door heading to the middle of the ship. The regrouped in the halls and continued on. They went through four rooms, one empty and three had dead brutes scattered. A muffled explosion was heard and Shawn's COM crackled on. "Sir the cannon is offline." Shawn responded with "good work meet us in the bridge." "Copy that", the COM then dropped silent. Shawn's team was one door from the bridge, they approached carefully. They stepped in and were fired upon by all in the room.

The four of them moved to cover behind knocked over barrels. They all blind fired back except for Hanley, he tried to snipe by moving a little backward. He tapped down his trigger and missed. A beep of a door opening was heard. The squad Shawn sent out arrived and opened up. The Brutes panicked and fell back into a cover. Others stood to fight but quickly fell from the combined fire. In seconds they cleared the room. "Hanger teams you copy?" Shawn waited on the COM for a response and seconds later heard, "this is hanger defense we just finished up." "Good I've meet up with squad one and we are returning now" Shawn turned off his COM. They all walked back to the hanger's setting detonations as they went. When they arrived in the hanger hundreds of brutes lied dead on the ground with two dead marines and one elite.

A shield holding grunt greeted them, everyone else was backed away, and they went to their dropships. A loud explosion was heard and as the ships went back they saw Guardian fighters returning, successfully destroying the last Brute cruiser. "Sir all Guardian reporting in, no casualties. Returning to Blue Shield ." Shawn was pleased to hear that. He looked into the back of the crow, were the three dead bodies lied. He remembered how Kurt had trained his Spartan IIIs and how he wanted all of them alive at the end of a day. Shawn thought to himself "Great minds think alike."
