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Fan Fiction

Surviving Onyx
Posted By: Private Shawn
Date: 17 July 2007, 8:11 am

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A UNSC battle cruiser drifted over what remains of Onyx . The cruiser was on the bright side of the planet, sun light beamed through the bridge. Beside it glistened Covenant phantoms attached onto the main docking bay's doors. A lone marine and six foot figure stood in the bridge. The UNSC marine wore a private first class uniform, and under the cloth parts of the armor a blue light glowed throughout. The light trailed in place of the man's veins. He stood at ease with a standard assault rifle face down at his side. The six foot figure had golden armor on, standing proudly looking out of the bridge. At his side was a plasma rifle.

The two stood there for awhile, gazing on the sparkling booms and spheres, making up what seemed to be a giant mechanical eyes. Onyx was nothing but the "eyes" now; they floated in place and seemingly watched. "Shall we call in the crew" the man said. The figure next to him said still staring outside "Yes" and tapped a button on the control panel. "All bridge personal" the figure said "report in A.S.A.P." Foot steps came from behind and then a crew of humans appeared with some small creatures behind. The marine turned to the crew and said "to your stations, we need to slipspace out of here in ten." The crew nodded and hurried off.

"Can I see the tape?" the figure asked the marine. The marine's H.U.D. blinked off and he toke out a chip and handed it to the figure. "Here you go." The marine said "but I want that back after your done. No one must see it." The figure bowed and left the bridge. A small bridge member stood nearby and said "you actually trust him?" The marine knelt down closer to the soldier and said smiling "You Covenant are honorable, of course I trust him." The marine got up and walked out of the bridge. He continued walking until he reached the part of the ship with everyone's cabins.

The marine thought of how with the new amount of crew members they'll need more space in the cabin section, but that was a minor worry. Over six hours spent on all the upgrades and new equipment for the ship was just done, cabins can't worry him. The one that took the most time coursed through his veins. It pained him thinking about it. The marine found a cabin with the number 365 and entered. The marine placed his rifle to his back and sat on a bed in the right hand corner of the room. Next to it was a lab top inside the wall. There also was a table in the middle along with a small freezer near the door.

The marine sat down and waited, expecting their slipspace jump soon. They launched. The marine laid flat on the bed and fell asleep. Twelve minutes later a knock came to his door. Outside was the same figure from the bridge. The marine let him in. "I trust Yutir you brought back the chip?" Yutir nodded and gave the marine a small chip. "I could not watch it but I did get sound. It's very sad." Yutir looked and the ground as if disgraced. "My laptop can play it with visual, do you want to watch?" The elite slowed raised his head and nodded.

The marine put the chip in. A hologram of a skinny tall man in a blue shirt with green pants on appeared. The hologram said "S.E.B. reporting, do you want computer or room speakers?" "Computer" responded the marine. "Playing in one, I wanna little glimpse of it." That was S.E.B. for you doing pretty much what he wanted with your time. The screen flickered on and images appeared. The background was fuzzy but you could clearly make out a large set of stairs, a dead hunter, the other hunter, tons of Covenant infantry, and banishes flying all about.

An elite step out of the crewed in golden fleet master armor. He proclaimed "Damage not the center. Engineers with the slipspace field shunts...Reopen the silver gate. Glory is ours!" the horde cried out in a wave of victory calls. The human the photo age was taken from by a point-to-point beam said "you haven't won. You've still got me to get through." The elite advanced and in the corner of the camera a timer blinked 0:00. Then across screens Spartan names Will, Dante, and Holly were placed in a missing in action section.

Then the title of the character the photo age was taken from was highlighted. It said Lieutenant Commander Kurt Ambrose is now missing in action with Spartan-051 Kurt.
The image started wobbling, like he couldn't swallow then jerked as if he saw something. He looked around him self, like looking at Ghosts. The elite now at him said "one last fight, demon. You will die and we shall reopen the silver path." The character now known as Kurt said laughing "Die? Didn't you know...Spartans never die." A light consumed the screen.

S.E.B. turned off the screen, not wanting to say anything. Yutir looked away from the screen. The marine sat Yutir in a chair. Almost crying Yutir said "I'm so sorry your mentor died like that Caim, I wish I could have done something...anything." Caim wrapped an arm round Yutir and said "He died honorably, and fulfilled a Spartans duty to fight." Caim's veins glowed a brighter blue which stung him greatly. S.E.B. came up and said "The Brutes found us."
