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Fan Fiction

Marines Fate : Part 2 The Calm Before The Storm
Posted By: Pixel_Ninja<pixel_ninja249@yahoo.com>
Date: 21 October 2005, 2:39 am

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"Well, did you see anyone else?" Demanded Pvt Collins. "Yeah...They got Keyes and Johnson...And a few other marines. I think there being transported to the other tower." Replied Corpral Anderson. "You think they got McKenzie?" "Probarly..." Said Anderson in an angry tone as the hall door opens, revealing more captured marines. the Brute guards violently shove each marine into the free cell blocks only a few metres from Anderson and his group. "Hey Corpral,how the hell they get you guys? I thought you were the Commanders best squad?" Shouted Luitenant Thackery across the room. "They suprised us!!! Overran us!!! Didn't you! You filthy alien bastards!!! "Grrrr...Quiet human! Or you will be facing youre friends fate outside! Hahahaa." Barked the Brute guard as it walked out of the room. Pvt Bates started to speak. "So....What do you think they are gonna do with us?" He said, trying to hold his fear back. No one answered. Suddenly, everyone was alerted to plasma fire that echoed through the cell rooms followed by the screaming of marines. "What the??? Anderson, did you have any additional reinforcements following you???" Thackery asked looking very confused. "Not to my knowledge...I dout they come here way too much Covenant!" Replied Anderson. They could hear Brutes laughing just outside the hall door...Everone was sure what had happened. "Oh man! We are gonna die just like the rest!!! We gotta ge---" Anderson then interrupted Pvt Bates. "Shhhh! Listen!" Shouted Anderson. A slight humming sound was in the distance. "Amberclad?? Amberclad!! The Corps are coming, were saved!" Bates screamed out. The sound was getting closer.....A loud crash echoed through the room, followed by debris and dust. Part of the ceiling crummbles and comes crashing down... "Ev(cough Cough) Everyone alright!!??" Collins said, chocking on a thick cloud of dust. "Yeah..Thackery..? Thackery, you ok? Pvt Thackery??" Asked Pvt Logan. "(cough) Yes, im here!" Replied Thackery. Suddenly the power cuts out, the cell doors disable and open. Corpral Anderson notices. "Oh, quick! Quick! Everyone out! Move! Move! Move!

As everyone is climbing out of there cells, the power fail-safe kicks in. The cell doors then immediatley slams back down to lock-down state. "Arrr! My(cough) My leg! Arrg!" Screamed Bates at the top of his voice. "Oh no! Not good!" Anderson said. They desperatley try to pull the leg free, which has been jammed under the cell door... "Arrrr! Stop, stop!!! Go...Go see where Amberclad touched down...Bring help...Ok?" "Hang tight, marine! We will be right back!" Shouted Anderson. The squad of marines move up the hallway dodging bits of rubble, they also come across some dead marines...They had been executed not long ago. Continuing on, they discover osme dead Brutes under a huge chunck of metal which had collapsed on them. They finnaly the door at the end. They step out of the door onto a Phantom docking pad which was overlooking the city. There was debris littered everywhere on the ground...Some Phantoms were still docked in their bays. The marines had a good view of the opposite tower. "Wheres Ambercla---" A huge chunck of flamming debris falls right in front of them. They all look upwards where the chunck of metal had fallen from, they find that Amberclad had crashed into the tower they were being held prisoner in!!! A bead of sweat ran down Corpral Anderson's face. "No...That can't...That isn't!!" He couldn't finish his sentence. A familiar noise was nearing... "Everyone down!" Collins shouted. All the marines started to crouch behind the huge bit of debris that had fallen earlier. they took a peek to see a group of Covenant Phantoms and Bandit dropships approaching. A group of Covenant climb out of the Bandit dropship and another group desend from a nearby Phantom. The two groups of Covenant start to venture into the ruins of Amberclad, while the dropships hold their position. After three minutes of hiding, the marines take another peek. They see the first group of Covenant come racing out of Amberclad's ruins. "What is it??" Asked the Brute pilot, sounding a little annoyed. "Fly youre troops out of here! Call in a Spec-Ops squad up here immediatley!!!" Replied the Brute commander, trying to catch his breath. "Whats going on, commander!!??" Demanded the pilot. "The Human vessel is infested with the parasite!!!" replied the Brute. "The Flood!?!?" Asked the pilot. "Yes!! Go now, we have to lock down the other towers! Inform the Hierarchs about this disastor! The Great Journey shall not be hindered by this plauge!!!" Said the Brute commander as the last of his squad stumbled on board. "Yes, commander!" The Covenant then evaded and flew back to the opposite tower.

"What the hell was that about?" Thackery said, as he stood up. I dont know...They looked...well..frightened.." Anderson said in a quiet voice. Thackery continued. "Well, what now? Any ideas?" No one answered... "Gyyyaaaaaaaaa!" The scream echoed up the hallway. "Wha---? Hey! That was Bates!" Logan said as he fell over a chunck of metal. "Ok, everyone follow me! see whats going on back there!!!" Ordered Anderson. The marines all move back down the hallway...They reach the cell where Bates got his leg stuck..They were shocked at what they had found....

Well, that's part 2 for ya! Part 3 on its way. I'd really like comments on what you thought of my story. Thanx for reading...
