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Fan Fiction

Marines Fate : Part 1 (prologe)
Posted By: Pixel_Ninja<pixel_ninja249@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 October 2005, 3:51 am

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Prologe:Shortly after fire team Bravo were deployed on Delta Halo, approximately 27 miles south-east of the Master Chief and hell-jumpers deployment. They were sent to inspect a fire squad (Theta)that lost contact with Amberclad soon after they landed. Bravo arrived at the given cordinance that fire team Theta were supposed to be, but they were shocked at what they had found...6/11 members of the squad were dead and the others were missing. A few dead Covenant in the area gave Bravo the idea that Theta were ambushed soon after they landed. Continuing their search they found a downed Albatross cargo ship that was meant to deliver Theta's vehicles. It was serverly damaged from plasma fire and the pilots were dead, it had beed shot down and searched by Covenant forces. With no signs of survivors, they contacted Amberclad and were brought back to assist in the capture of the Index with Commander Miranda Keyes and Sergeant Major A.J. Johnson. A BDA (battle damage assesment) team was sent out to gather the remains of Theta's disastor and report back.

Bravo team was 4 minutes out from the Library insertion point, when the saw an unknown ship (sentinel constructor facility) plow into the ground below sending a wall of dust and and debris soaring to their direction. After 2 minutes the dust cleared and the mission carried on. There was a high level of Covenant activity in the area due to the sudden appearance of their "space station". There was also a high level of unknown lifeforms and security systems in the area. Bravo was paired with team Delta in assisting the capture of the Index with commanding squad Alpha, lead by Commander Keyes and Sergeant Johnson, each fire team in a seperate Pelican. As soon as Bravo arrived at the landing zone, they preped and made a tempromental command post. Alpha soon arrived. 5 minutes had passed and there was no response from team Delta's Pelican which should of arrived first. Still no response after an additional 3 minutes, they called for reinforcements from Amberclad. reinforcements would arrive in 10 minutes and a search group would try and find what had happened to Delta team.

Reinforcements finnaly arrived and Bravo was put on point at the enterance of a small structure that lead to the other part of the valley, while Alpha and the newly aquired Beta team continued on through the structure. After 12 minutes of fly-bys and trying to esstablish contact with Delta squad, the search team still haddent found what happened to them. Then about 2 minutes after the update, the search team sent a message that a Covenant air patrol had spotted them so they had to abandon the search effort and return to Amberclad. They were going to wait for the Covenant air patrol to pass by and then resume looking for Delta team. Amberclad was sending reports of un-scelduled dockings of Pelican dropships. Alpha and Beta team had finnaly made their way across to the other end of the valley where the main enterance to the gondola station and reported they had found Delta's Pelican! It had crash landed into an ice wall and weapons and supplies were scatted everywhere, as well as blood smeered all over the snow and a browny liquid seeping out of the pelican which everyone just thought it was fuel from a ruptured fuel tank...Only one survivor was found, he was uncounsious and buried under 1-foot of snow several meters away from the crash site. He had lacerations all over his chest and needed immediate medical attention. The other marines were missing, including the pilots. Alpha couldn't get air support to arrive due to the Covenant air patrols, so they left Beta team at the crash site to accopmany the survivor. Alpha continued onward to the gondola.

Suddenly, Amberclad sent out an emergency call that they were under attack by an unknown enemy that had infiltrated the docking bays, Alpha orded Bravo team to link up with their Pelican and fly back to Amberclad to find out more. Soon after, Beta team reported they were under attack by an unknown source and soon lost contact. Alpha team sent a few of their troops to go back and investigate what was going on back at the Pelican's crash site where Beta team was getting attacked. Those troops never reported back...Amberclad was no longer in contact and Bravo was already on their way to Amberclad, everything seemed ok from the outside, but then, as they were nearing Amberclad a Covenant Phantom had intercepted their Pelican and they were forced to make an emergency landing back at their command post, which was now overrun by Covenant. Bravo was forced to surrender, and they were captured. The Covenant immediatley took them to their space station known as "High Charity", to be interrigated. By now, Alpha was advancing toward the library on the gondola. They were under heavy attack by a Covenant air craft and the Flood was found attacking them too. They arrived at the library enterance only to face wave after wave of Flood. Finnaly after several minutes of battling they moved onward with only four members left. Com. Keyes, Sgt. Johnson, Sgt. McKenzie and Corpral Perez. 4/12 members of their squad had survived and the others were either missing or dead. They successfuly obtained the Index but were captured by Covenant and brought to High charity for investigation. [PROLOGE ENDS] [CURRENT STORY CONTINUES IN PART 2]

Hope you liked it, this was my first submitted fan-fiction. I got part 2 coming soon. I'd really apreciate comments about about any errors i made, so i can learn from my mistake(s). Thanx for reading!!!
