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Fan Fiction

Marine Lives: 1: The tale of Pvt. Lambiert
Posted By: Pandora Tomorrow<Mortified__Penguin@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 August 2005, 2:01 pm

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      The footsteps of Pvt. Lambert echoed along the empty corridor. He was a tall, moderately thin man, with short brown hair and green eyes, aged forty-five. His full name was actually Charlie Irvine Lambiert, as he was French, but people called him Lammy, since it was quicker. Plus he liked it. He had joined he corp. when he was eighteen, giving up his musical talents in search for a military carrier. He rose quickly, finding ways up the network, and made it all the way up to Captain. Yet his failure in securing reach, and fleeing from the zone, along with many other Captains, was a major setback and dishonor. He was shunted down to Private, where he has been ever since.
      He frowned as he turned another corner, into a long, narrow passageway. Strange. These corridors were clean. Immaculate. All the other ones were filthy, but since he had jumped down the piston, and it had closed up behind him, everything was impeccable. The corridors were white, as the other ones were, but… yes! There was light emitting from the walls, the floor and the ceiling. The light was in thin strips, which ran in jagged lines, all the way to the other side of the passageway.
      Lambert picked up his receiver while cocking his pistol and checking his ammo. Eight bullets. Not much, but it would have to do for now.
He spoke into the receiver "For gods sake! Is anyone there?"
      He was in a building, one such that he had never seen before. He and the rest of his platoon were scouting the area when they were attacked by a handful of elites. The elites attacked them, naturally, but they seemed to be running away from something. Not sure what. Later on, after they had set up camp, Lambert and Corporal Ghent were sent to scout out the area. They came across two thin rectangular buildings, about two meters in height and one and a half meters along and across. There was a control panel on each one, and they both used and activated one. Then, quite suddenly, the structure sank through the floor, revealing another level. Lambert jumped down one, and Ghent jumped down the other. It was only then Lambert realized that the pistons led down different passageways. But before he could get back up, the building had risen back up through the floor, leaving Lambert and Ghent separated, and trapped.
      Now he looked around in despair, at the dead end corridor he had ended up in.
His situation was dire. He couldn't go back, as the piston was closed, and the controls were only at the top, as if it was designed to stop people from getting out. He had little ammo, he had lost all communication, he was scared, and…he was tired. It had been more than sixteen hours since he had slept and it really was beginning to show. He couldn't fight like this. He needed to sleep. But as he took off his empty backpack, and removed his combat belt, he heard a faint humming coming from an octagonal box at the middle of the wall at the end of the corridor, and sprang to alert.
      He edged slowly toward the box, it was gray, and something seemed to be covering an entrance inside it. Yes! This was what he needed. A way out. He continued to walk to the object, until he was three feet away from it, until he realized that the humming was getting louder.
      It all happened in a flash, the cover on the front of the box lifted, revealing a blinding light that caught Lambert of guard. Seconds later, something came through. It was a drone. He had seen them before, and knew what they could do. He picked up his pistol and fired three bullets at the metallic beast. They deflected, off some kind of shield on the drone, and simply bounced off on to the wall opposite him. Then it was the drone's turn. With no ware to run, no ware to hide, the drone activated its laser and focused it on the marine. The effect was devastating, it left a large wound in his left side, and, in agony, he collapsed to the floor. Then, with his gun still raised, emptied another three bullets onto the drone. There was a loud pop, and the drone seemed to shimmer slightly for a moment. Good. That would be its shields. One more shot would do it, but his vision was getting blurry.
      He shook his head to clear his mind, and looked down the corridor.
      Crap! How could that be? It was there a minute ago. He looked behind him. No, it hadn't gone there. But a cold prickly feeling shivered down his spine. He knew it was there, yet his mind didn't want to accept it. He slowly looked up.
      Right as the drone above him activated his lasers. But before it could aim at Lambert, he had already fired one last bullet at the metal robot. Bang! The thing exploded, and, since it was right above him, Lambert rolled away from where he was lying, groaning as he rolled over his wound. There was a loud crash as the metal carcass landed where Lambert had been just moments before. And then silence, penetrated only by the soft fizzing coming from the destroyed machine. For two minutes he just lied there, groaning, until he heard the humming again.
"Oh NO WAY!" he yelled as he fired his final bullet at the box. There was an identical bang to the drones, and everything became calm and quiet once more.
      When he had got his breath back, Lambert half crawled, half dragged himself back to where his backpack was. He would sleep here tonight. He couldn't go on any more. Using his backpack as a pillow, he fell asleep.

      He realized something was wrong the moment he was awake. There was chatter coming from his receiver. Jolting awake, and wincing as he did so, he picked it up and put it to his ear.
      Most of it was garbled, but he could swear he could hear screaming. Something came through it. "One things for sure, they're not covenant. AARRRRRGGGHHH! Get offa me! ARGH! I need suppor-" And then it clicked quiet.
      This was bad. Something was wrong, VERY wrong, and… He could smell something. God! Whatever it was, it smelled terrible!
      And Lambert could hear something too now. A rustling, or what it a squelching? Whatever it was, it was starting to scare him.
      He stood up, and walked to the hole in the wall where the box was. There was something in there. He could see a green thing. A stick? No. A tentacle. And then he could see another green thing, bigger. And there were cracks in the wall. They were getting bigger. There was something behind that wall. It was trying to get through. And-
      There were mutants, hundreds of them. There were little green things crawling towards him, and there were larger ones as well! And they were armed!. And something else was there, a…."thing" with a bag over his head, and there were more things living inside it! They were all coming for him. They were all over him. He cocked his pistol and pulled the trigger as fast as he could at the nearest thing there.
      And then of course, he realized he was out of ammo….
