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Fan Fiction

ManKind's Last Stand PT.1
Posted By: NightMarish Death
Date: 9 November 2005, 1:35 am

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Year 2625 Planet Jerared of the Jerared system. The Great Journey has ended after the second big bang. Nothing left Shadow said polishing his oversized gun attachment. It's a damn shame the man next to Shadow replied. Tell me again the story. No, I've told you and Crazy enough times already. But please one last time before we make this next haste. Fine whatever Shadow agreed. Make sure you tell it from beginning to end and don't leave out any parts. Your really pushing it today Jaga I swear. As you can see me Jaga, and Crazy have been making a living as pirates or rebels from society as people like to call us. We're the badasses of this system and beyond. Or that's what we thought. Okay I will tell you one last time ya hear? Just because you weren't born when it happened doesn't mean that you need to know. The fact was that he should know, every organism that had a brain should know. Aright Shadow muttered, after the Arbiter killed Tartus the chieftain of the Brutes. Every covenant ship, that's including heretics and any other son of a bitch that was part of their 200 ship fleet. We graced the Covenant with our raggedy ass fleet. As both sides fought it was evident that we were losing until something strange happened. You might not believe me but the 7 halo rings came through a rip in slipspace and circled around the Earth. It ended being a 5-way battle. All sides kept fighting until there was a huge explosion and it was so big that it was dubbed as the second big bang. After the explosion only one thing remained. A single ring with 10x the mass as any other Halo ring which is why it is called Omega Halo. With it came the one being that near destroyed our race, Gravemind. This special halo circles around planets and delivers the flood onto it until the planet is rid of life. This process has twiddled down the human race to one remaining system, the Jerared system. And we don't even know what Omega Halo has down to the covenant planets. Also, rumor has it that Gravemind is coming hear, but nobody wants to hear it. No one has anywhere to go to but the street corners. There is no government, no laws, nothing to hold society besides small morals. Us on the other hand will fight for our survival. We had it harder than anyone else growing up. We have no family and the only names we have are the code-named we named ourselves with. My name is Shadow short for BlackShadow, I found Jaga abandoned at birth on a street corner left to die. I raised him and taught him how to shoot. I met Crazy during one of our runs out of the "city" walls. Crazy's name fits him a little to well. I'm surprised he isn't dead yet. But soon we'll all be dead. If that faint rumor is anywhere true we only have a month left and if this last mission goes well we might avoid that. Our next mission was to steel this extremely old UNSC pelican that I found a few kliks away from the city. We're going to bring some supplies with us in case the pelican won't work at all. If we can't get the pelican to work at all, then Me, Jaga, and Crazy would be doomed to die on this planet to die while the parasite invaded us and. Resulting in the anilation of the human race. I'm determined to stop that. Tomorrow the three of us are going through a run throughout the city to gather weapons, supplies, and anybody who is wiling to help our cause. That's our main problem. Even though our bodies, senses, and minds are equivalent to the Spartans. We're still short enough people to make this last mission possible. That's another story Jaga won't stop harassing me to tell him. I'm like a textbook of the Halo era to him. The Halo Era consists of five parts. The Fall of Reach, Halo, when combat evolved into the flood. The third Era is called First Strike, then Halo 2, and lastly Halo 3. That's when the second big bang acurd. Ever since I Thought of this mission people keep saying things like "Uh-Oh! Shadow's gone off the deep end." But I know if we have enough people…this mission will be a success. I only hope that every night that it will. Today's Wednesday, Friday we head out to the Pelican. This mission will be Mankind's Last Stand.
