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Fan Fiction

Life through a sniper scope
Posted By: Newnab<Ada57@aol.com>
Date: 8 February 2006, 9:54 pm

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Ever creeping, never sleeping,
The sniper waits for the ultimate kill,
Add night vision, great precision,
A truly great test of your skill.

Watching, waiting, always silent,
Calm and cool and yet so violent,
The pressures on but I will cope,
Thats just life through a sniper scope.

Trigger finger, constant linger,
Unknowing hostiles sit in gloom.
Rifle priming, perfect timing,
Ensures no one escapes your zoom.

Skilled and cold, undetected,
By the very fates elected.
A body cascades down the slope.
Your talents unleashed through a sniper scope.
