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Fan Fiction

Halo the threat emerges
Posted By: Nebri<nebreye@aol.com>
Date: 15 March 2006, 3:24 pm

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- On the desolate planet earth there is a battle raging in the central us for control of a small river system unbeknownst to the contenders but there is common enemy between them and a conspiracy uncovered in the following events.

- Coming off of pelican 13b, 104 runs for cover as a wraith tank fires off a round of mortars in the distance at the doomed vessel. Sergeant Mendez screams in a rage of fury as the last scorpion tank goes up in flames thanks to the massive hulking forms in the distance.

- " what are those things in the distance" 104 thinks to himself,
- Helen, being in his helmet reads what he thinks and tells him those are the siren "we have no data on this type of vehicle".
- From the inside huh" 104 says as he turns to Mendez, "I need to get up on top of that machine". Mendez says" are you out of your mind there are at least 7 to 10 elites up there but if you don\'t this Lz will be compromised.
- "I know the risks involved and my safety has been endangered before". 104 replies with a hasty shout as three more pelicans full of marines are unloaded behind Mendez.
- "Sarge what happened here"? A few of the marines said.
- "Look that way and tell me what those are"? Mendez replies as three banshees chase away one pelican.
- "What are those sirs" Private Sanchez asks in a fear filled tone of voice.
- "You tell me marine. You tell me"? Mendez replies as he snipes a lost grunt in the middle of the heated battlefield.
- "Helen says those are siren, a new type of covenant vehicle" as Helen fills him in on the specifications of these new vehicles.
- "She also says that these things are like giant wraith tanks with a scarab bodies they float on an anti gravity propulsion system which looks to be their only weak spot" he adds.
- Just as a scepter leaves for the hulking forms in the distance one of the siren open fires on the vehicle destroying it instantly.
- "I don\'t think their on anyone\'s side" one of the smaller marines yells in a panicked tone.
- "Those are brutes operating those vehicles not elites" Helen adds with bitter remorse.
- Just then a communications message came in "(static) attention humans the covenant here wishes to ally with your forces to eradicate the brute threat".
- "Sounds like a covenant ploy to me" yells Mendez.
- "Are we going to get moving towards more fighting than a peaceful solution the brutes are more of the threat to either of us than each other so why don\'t we just ally with one other and fight for a common good and then go our separate ways" The arbiter says in honest tones "both of us has lost many to the brute invasion".
- "Fine let\'s get to work; first we need to know how to destroy these "siren" in order to gain a foot in this situation". Helen Negotiates with the elite commander over the radio.
- "I wish to do the same" Lord Hood replies over the radio as well.
- Just as the message is sent a covenant drop ship appears over the ridge and lands on the human side of the dried up creek bed. Three honor guard elite and five council members unload along with Lord Hood.
- "First we have to plant bombs in front of the brutes path to disorientate the beasts, Then the tank column will open fire at the craft to destroy the armor plating that conceals the door way then we take the siren on foot" Lord hood describes with great intent and experience just as the described tank column lands with more reinforcements.
- "Lord Hood do you know who is organizing this new brute army"? The arbiter asks as he uncloaks behind him.
- "I know of only one Brute capable of doing this much damage and it is tartarus\'s right hand brute, I do very much want to seek revenge for what these brutes have done to our holy covenant" The arbiter roars to rally the remaining covenant troops under his control.
- "Yes it is true that we have been under the prophets right arm as the strongest of the covenant but that has made as blind" Lord hood follows up.
-Just then the flood horde reached the hill and aimlessly took out a couple of phantoms.
-"oh shit we gotta move" sergant mendoza yells as he turns and runs for the landed human vessel.
"Attention all covenant and unsc forces get on this ship now " a voice says over the screams of grunts as hunters make a preimeter around the fleeing infantry and open fire on the incoming flood.
