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Fan Fiction

Marine Ch.1 - Defending New York
Posted By: Nalder
Date: 8 July 2005, 11:21 pm

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Sgt. Andrew Mento is part of Earth's premiere fighting army, the Marines. He is the Squad Leader for a Spec Ops team of 10 members.
It has been many years since the beginning of the war against the Covenant, and they have finally broken through with some of their ships. They have already attacked Miami and San Francisco. Miami was saved by a brilliant maneuver by the fleet's captain. San Francisco wasn't so lucky and there wasn't much left of it but smoldering buildings.
Sgt. Mento is in charge of saving Earth's major cities located in the United States of America from the Covenant attacks, while other countries had their own military defenders of major cities.
Sgt. Mento's new assignment was to guard a major city on the Eastern coast.
"New York City?!" Exclaimed Mento.
"Yes, and the there is already Covenant troops roaming the city." Said the Commander of USDD, (United State's Department [of] Defense).
"You and your team will arrive at NYC and begin your operations soon."

Sgt. Mento met his team on board a Pelican heading for New York, and gave each member a code name of Red 1-9. He had one new sniper named Li, whose codename was Red Bravo.
Once they arrived in New York, Sgt. Mento told them their plans for their first mission.
"Red Bravo, you need to find a nice high building to snipe from, which shouldn't be too hard. Red 1-9, you will come with me. There is a Covenant army marching down this road," said Mento, pointing at a map, "We need to climb down the sewer directly under them and plant explosives along the way. Li will get signaled when the bombs are in place. When the Covenant are all over the part of the road that has explosives under it, Li will detonate them, blowing the army to pieces.

Sgt. Mento took his team down into the sewers. Since this was a stealth operation, they all had night vision goggles. Sgt. Mento also told them to screw on silencers to their BR55 Battle Rifles. Sgt. Mento attached a silencer/flash depressor to his pistol. Once they were set up, they set to work walking cautiously towards their designated points to set the explosives.

Then Mento said, "The Covenant army knows we are going to try to blow up the road they are standing on, so expect to see some Spec Op teams from the Covenant. But we can't let them know we are here, so try to sneak by them as much as you can. Got it?!"
"Sir Yes Sir!" chanted the team in unison.

Meanwhile, Li was on top of a building overlooking the road they would blow up. He began scouting for anything unusual when he saw a group of 3 Elites and 5 Grunts climb down into the opposite end of the sewer that Sgt. Mento with the rest of the team would be going through. He talked into the special walkie-talkie that would send what he said straight into an earpiece in each of the team's ears. He said,
"Mento, there is a team of 3 Elites and 5 Grunts headed your way."
"Copy that." Said Mento.

Sgt. Mento saw the group of grunts and Elites coming up ahead. He signaled his team to stay to the left wall and let them walk to the right of them. Since they were dressed in all black and were crouching in the shadows, the Covenant squad walked by them unnoticed. Mento quietly crouched and sneaked up behind the Grunt in the back of the group. He pulled out a knife and silently slit it's throat. He then pulled out his silenced pistol and shot the next grunt in line in the back of the head. Then an Elite turned around and Sgt. Mento opened fire on the group along with the rest of his team. With little more than the sound of a whisper, the whole Covenant squad was dead.
"Let's go." Said Mento.
"Nice stealth kill." Said Red 6.
"Back in my early days of a Marine I would go on solo stealth missions all the time, but that was before the war with the Covenant." Said Mento.
By the time they were halfway to their first destination to put the bombs, they saw a lone Gold Elite, carrying an energy sword that ominously glowed in the pitch-black darkness. Mento pulled out his silenced pistol again and loaded 3 rounds into the Elite's head. He dropped instantly, sending an echo down the tunnel.
"Uh-oh." Said Red 9.
They saw a group of 6 other Grunts come running toward the loud echo. Sgt. Mento and his team hid in the shadows as the Grunts walked right by them. Then Red 2 pulled out a silent poisonous gas grenade and rolled it toward the group of grunts. Instantly they all fell to the ground, unconscious from the gas.

Sgt. Mento and the rest of Red Team finally reached their destination and began to plant the explosives, which were about 35 times as powerful as the C4 that is used today. After they had planted the last one in a row down the tunnel, they signaled Li to start the countdown. Then they began to make their way hurriedly back towards the way they came. Once they were out of the tunnel they went to the building that Li was at. Once they were on the roof with him they looked at the countdown timer. It read 00:12 seconds left. When it hit zero, they looked down at the road that the Covenant army were standing on. There was an extremely loud boom and they saw explosions shoot up along the road. Broken asphalt was shot 20 feet into the air, as well as Covenant troops. What was left of the road crumbled inwards down into the sewer. All that was left of the road was a long crater that was also part of the sewer.

