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Fan Fiction

Pandora Rings
Posted By: MetalDragonWings<Dragon_wing5@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 August 2005, 4:59 am

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Pandora Rings

Those who came before
Built seven worlds
Circular, eternal
Beautiful and wonderful
The Halos of angels to contain the spawn of demons.

Seven there were
Glorious and magnificent
In their own design
Each containing a secret
So deadly it was never
To be woken.
The Pandora Boxes of the universe.

For all the strife
That the builders endured
They were undone
By the trait that undoes everything
Until the end of eternity.

The floodgates open,
The waters rising rapidly
The builders began to be swallowed up
In the ravaging torrent of their own

The Ringworlds lit
The heavens shuddered
The guardians resealed the boxes
Bereft of their masters, left to stand vigil
Lest some curious soul open the boxes again
And let history be repeated.

