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Fan Fiction

Searching for 87, Chapter 3: Departure and Arrival
Posted By: McHaggis
Date: 6 January 2006, 11:19 pm

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Chapter 3: Departure and Arrival

0215 hours, September 14 2553 (Military Calendar)
Aboard UNSC Battleship St. Patrick in-bound to planet Reach.

"Alright, listen up lieutenants. Once we arrive on Reach, Lt. Thorne and Ellsworth, you come with me to be 'evaluated' by ONI. Billy you will go directly to see the Master Chief. Now, go get cleaned up. We're leaving in 10 minutes." said Captain Washington.

Yes sir." said the lieutenants, in unison. They saluted and left the bridge. Billy walked to the washroom, lost in his thoughts. "I can't wait to see the Chief." He had a variety of feelings about his visit. Excitement, depression, sadness, happiness. All he wanted was to get his questions answered. And he had a few of them.

While Billy was cleaning up, Lt. Ellsworth entered the washroom. "Hey, good luck, man." said Lt. Ellsworth trying to lift Billy's spirits.

"Thanks a lot." Billy said with a smile. "I'm sure I'll be fine. And what about you? You ready for the ONI spooks?"

"I'm not sure. Captain says to be ready for anything."

"Sounds bad."

"I don't now man. But I'll do my best and keep my mouth shut." Lt. Ellsworth could be funny at times, but it was rare. At that moment, Lt. Thorne walked into the wash room.

"Hey guys. Ellsworth, ready for the, um, evaluation?" she said with a weak smile. She was nervous too.

"Not really." Lt. Ellsworth said while also smiling weakly.

"Me neither." She laughed.

"Alright, see you on the bridge, guys." Lt. Ellsworth left the washroom and an awkward silence followed. Lt. Thorne was the first to talk.

"So, Billy, you ok. You know, meeting with Chief and everything?" She asked sympathetically. It was odd how everyone seemed to know about Billy and Kelly's relationship. But he didn't want to think about it to much.

"Yeah, I'm fine," a lie. "I just cant wait to be home." In fact, Reach was Billy's home. His parents had both been in the UNSC. His mother was a scientist and his father was an engineer. He had been born and raised on Reach, and was always around the ships his father worked on. When he was about 10, Billy's parents were called off-planet for an unknown reason. All Billy knew was that he couldn't go with them and he had to stay with his Uncle Keyes. His parents really never payed much attention to him, and he practically lived with his uncle, anyway. So, he never really noticed that they were gone. Actually, Billy was better off living with his uncle. He was more supportive than both his mom and dad. And he encouraged Billy to follow his footsteps.

"Well, I better get going." Lt. Thorne said. She looked at, she almost pitied him. He had been through a lot in his life, she knew this. But he was a very strong person. Not just physically, but mentally too. He was fairly attractive and had a good sense of humor. He was nice to all people, and rarely had anything bad to say about someone. His tall, muscular frame was intimidating the first time you saw him. But after one got to know him, he was a great person to be around. "I can see why she liked him" Lt. Thorne thought. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" She put her hand on his shoulder. A gesture that meant a lot to Billy.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. You know me." he said with a big smile. "Good" Thorne thought. "He'll be ok."

Suddenly, over the inter-com, the Captain's voice said "Lieutenants, please report to the bridge immediately."

"We'd better get up there, now." said Thorne. She gave one last look at Billy. Then they hurriedly walked up to the bridge together.

On the bridge, Orcus looked like he was concentrating very hard, and the Captain was sitting at his station working at his computer. Orcus broke from his thoughts and said, "Lt. McHaggis, are you all ready to leave?"

"Yes sir." said Billy, he almost saluted, but caught himself in time. Suddenly, Lt. Thorne wrapped her arms around him.

"I'll miss you, Billy. It was a pleasure to get to know you." She sobbed. Billy, startled at this sign of affection, patted her on the back.

"The pleasure was mine. Good bye." As he said this, Lt. Thorne released her grasp on him and left the bridge. Lt. Ellsworth was already on the bridge and shook Billy's hand.

"See you later, man." he said.

"Later." Although they didn't say much, these few words meant everything toward their friendship. And Billy was glad to have him as a friend.

Billy walked towards the door, turned, and saluted to the Captain. He returned his salute and waved good bye. As he walked out of the bridge and to his drop-ship to Reach, he realized that he was never going to see these people again. Saddened at this thought, he pushed it out of his mind and concentrated on getting home, and his meeting with the Chief.
