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Fan Fiction

Holt Forest
Posted By: Matt Anderson<matt@mattcity.com>
Date: 18 November 2005, 3:28 am

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0743 hours, September 24, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Sigma Draconis system, Holt Forest, planet Knossos

He could see them, taking cover behind some trees only a dozen meters away, their bodies partially obscured by the low fog. There looked to be at least three patrols, maybe more. The Grunts were up front, the thin vulture-like outlines of Jackals behind them, and at least two Elites shouting orders in the distance. The Covenant stood motionless, staring fiercely at their enemy. Across from them stood a platoon of soldiers staring back with just as much intensity. The quiet was almost enough drive a man mad, and the tension equally unsettling. It was a standoff of the worst sort.

What were they waiting for?

"Bayonets!" the strong voice of Lieutenant Anthony called out. Behind him came the clatter of 40 knives being attached to firearms. He wiped the sweat and grime from his brow and pressed his body against the makeshift shield in front of him. Across the platoon's line there was a broken barrier of wooden bunkers, hastily assembled from branches and doused in flame retardant. The Lieutenant hoped it would be enough.

Across no man's land the Covenant seemed to finally be ready as well. They chattered anxiously, feet stomping on the ground. Further into the fog, pinpoints of green began to illuminate- the charging plasma pistols of the Jackals. Anthony held his hand high in the air. "Hold steady!" He shouted back to the soldiers. Order would win the situation and minimize casualties; that is what he had been taught, and that was his own experience- but seeing the enemy in plain view like this made it very hard to not run over and stab the poor sobs. Luckily he didn't have to hold back the troops much longer. Suddenly the Covenant line began advancing. Slowly at first, and then the aliens broke into a full sprint.


There was a flurry of explosions, and several of the Covenant were killed in a plume of dirt and shrapnel. Not enough, though- the plasma weapons discharged, a dozen green fireballs melting harmlessly into the black coating of the barriers.

"Open fire!"

The firefight had begun. Plasma and lead crossed paths as both sides fired their weapons, the covenant still advancing despite a lack of cover, and being slaughtered as a result. The humans on the other hand were well protected, familiar with their environment. Something was odd about the whole thing, though- why were the Covenant being so careless?

The Jackals formed a wall with their energy shields, and the Grunts quickly fell into position behind them. Safe from the bullets, they pressed forward rapidly. The distance between the groups had been short, and it didn't take long at all for them to press in too close to the barriers for grenades. The Soldiers continued firing rapidly, and when the Covenant line finally reached them they sprung up strong and fast with their bayonets, stabbing at the enemy and taking shots where they could. The small armies were now locked in hand to hand combat, and the lines began breaking up into chaos very quickly.

"Hold file!" Anthony shouted loudly, trying to maintain order. A Jackal came at him rapidly, swinging its shield, and the Lieutenant quickly slashed him across the throat. The alien collapsed immediately, hissing. Anthony quickly took aim and shot another two Grunts. "Hold file!" he shouted again. He looked across the line- a lone soldier had run out and was now recklessly fighting hand to hand and pressing into the Covenant forces. The Lieutenant cursed- that fool was going to get himself killed.

"Guard, on me!" He shouted loudly, and two soldiers came to his sides. Together they pushed forward towards the soldier. Anthony could see his face now- a Corporal Heller.

"Heller, get back in the line!" The man showed no signs of acknowledgement. A Jackal swiped him across the head with a plasma pistol, knocking the man down, and lifted it's weapon to shoot the downed opponent. Anthony raised his rifle and riddled the monster with bullets. He pulled Heller off the ground by the back of his collar. "I said get back to the line!" the Corporal looked at him distantly, eyes glazed over. He was drunk. Anger shot through Anthony.

"You damn idiot! You're going to get yourself killed! I told you to-" Heller swung and hit the Lieutenant across the jaw. Immediately the two other soldiers grabbed his arms and began dragging him off.

Anthony wiped his mouth, and looked around. The last of the Covenant were being killed off, and the battle was clearly won. It had been easy of a fight. He didn't bother asking why, though- he was simply grateful for it.

The Corporal would be dealt with at camp.
