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Fan Fiction

Spartan IV # III: The New Covenant
Posted By: Master Chief Spartan-117<MCSHavok331@aol.com>
Date: 14 December 2005, 10:47 pm

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"Times are changing."

"The barrier has been breached."

"It is the Interlopers!"

"Nay, we have only time to blame."

"For the sake of what is left, I hope you are not wrong."

The Inner Sanctum of the New Covenant was a massive structure. After the fall of the Prophets, some 15 years ago, the Elites fought the Brutes for control of the original Inner Sanctum but the struggle was abandoned for neither side dared risk anymore attacks by the Flood. The Human Marine known as Spartan- 117 had stopped the activation of Delta Halo with the help of the Twenty Third Blade of the Prophets, also known as the Arbiter. By doing so, the two sides ensured some sort of a treaty. At least a temporary one. When the Brutes left behind on High Charity attempted to crush the Elites in the Battle of Bolvangr, the Humans assisted the Elites with what little help they could muster. Grateful for the help, the Elites reluctantly returned the help by sending ships to repel the Prophet of Truth and his Brutes.

Truth was forced to retreat but the Elites did not pursue his ship. Instead, immediately after the Prophet's retreat, the Elite Commander known as Half Jaw ordered the Sangheili Fleet jump to Slipspace. It is unknown where they went but rumors have surfaced; rumors of a powerful army and a massive armada moving slowly towards the Human Colonies. It known, however, that many of the Elites deserted there positions under the command of Half Jaw and the Arbiter to take up arms with the Prophet. It remains unknown what happened to the Arbiter and his forces.

"Exalted Hierarch, the Thane Roka Oramee just sent word that his fleet is ready."

"Good," replied the Hierarch Jura Kursamee, known to most as Half Jaw. "And the other Thanes; what of their status?"

"They are all ready as well. They await naught but your word to launch." said the Sangheili messenger.

"And is it clear to the Thanes what they are to do?" asked the Arbiter, stepping out of the shadows.

"Ah, Noble Liberator, I knew naught that you would be here. It is an Honor to be graced with your presence." said the messenger, startled.

"The Thanes are aware that they are not to provoke the target; only to let them know of our presence." said Kursamee.
"I hope you are right. We do not want to alienate possible allies. Especially with the revelation of the Tornak Exarun." whispered the Arbiter.

"Tell Thane Oramee to start the launch. I want his fleet in the lead. And tell the Lekgolo Emissary that we accept his offer. I want their ships backing Roka's fleet." ordered Hierarch Kursamee.

Kryn Soramee thought silently to himself as he checked over his blue and silver armor. What if the Hierarchs were wrong? What if they Humans would meet them with hostility? No, he thought, Hierarch Kursamee would not throw away lives. Soramee cursed himself for thinking such thoughts. The New Covenant was more lenient than the Prophets had been but never the less, heresy was not tolerated.

Once Kryn had finished checking his armor for problems he carefully took it if the stand and put it on. He had been promoted to Core Master and he didn't want Lesser Battle Master Yuramee reprimanding him simply because he had a scratch on his new armor. In fact, Soramee wouldn't have even been promoted if it wasn't for the Battle Master. Yuramee had managed to convince the High Battle Master that Kryn deserved it.

As Soramee exited his quarters and walked down the hallway of the Atelier he thought anxiously to himself. Rumor had it that the scientists had developed new weapons. The first time he had seen his Core in combat simulation he could tell they were anxious for something new to kill with. When he reached the Central Hall his Core was waiting for him. They followed him through another door into the armory. To confirm Core Master Soramee's hopes, their were several grey armored Sangheili scientists and three grav-racks projecting beams of energy into the air which held several of the new weapons.

"Core Master Soramee reporting as ordered!" barked Soramee upon entering the room. He slapped his fist against his chest as a sign of respect. The scientists returned the gesture to signal that Soramee and his Core could stand at ease.

"This is our best in special ops weaponry," began one of the scientists, "The Ion Beam, the Photon Launcher, the Electron Plasma Rifle, and finally, our most traditional and honored weapon… the Lipikeu. Far more refined than the crude implement of war and honor we used so long ago"

As Core Master Kryn Soramee and Thirteenth Core were briefed on the new weapons and loaded into the new Phantom rapid drop-carriers to prepare for the upcoming "occupation", far far away in the depths of space three human ships moved slowly towards their massive target.

NOTE: Somehow, this series name no longer exists. The actual Fics are still their but I can't choose this as an existing series.
