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Fan Fiction

MasterChief's Untold War Stories
Posted By: MasterChiefanatic<MasterChiefanatic@yahoo.com>
Date: 19 December 2007, 2:54 am

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Master Chief's untold war Stories (EPISODE I)

In the soft mist, a UNSC marine screams for help, scream gets louder and louder each minute, a few minutes later a marine is seen walking hugging himself and rubbing up and down his arms to get some warmth, out of nowhere a light is seen behind the marine in the sky. The light gets closer and a sound is heard, a sound like a plane going down, the closer the light gets, the more the plane sight adjusts, the dark is then blinded out from the front lights of the pelican, the soldier turns around and in a relief manner he screams out "OVER HERE, HELP," little did he know that the pelican was going down, and the pelican sound and sight gets closer and louder, the sound like the titanic breaking in half, but 20x more harsher. The soldier turns around and tries to run in desperation for survival he dives for his life, the pelican crashes on the ground were he once stood, and slides towards the soldier, and finally the sound of bones cracking, CRACK.SQUISH.DEATH

"ENTH ENTH ENTH ENTH ENTH", the sound of an alarm clock rises louder and louder, forcing the legendary Spartan 117 out of his dreamland. "UUGH……it's to early, I'm going back to sleep."

(The camera screen rises and rises, goes through the ceiling into a higher floor/level, the camera keeps moving slowly through many floors). (Marines seen in the floors talking, eating, etc.) (The camera starts to move faster, heading out the ceiling, the camera un-zooms the planet called Reach. The camera moves in a steady fast motion, passing planets, then slows down and turns around to a giant covenant fleet). (The fleets engines turn a bright blue color and fly towards the camera in a warp mode, passes the camera and leaves a blue linear colored trail).

Narrator: REACH, a planet so armor tactic, so abundant with marine technology and marines. Reach consists of many different shaped towers on the surface, towers as tall as the twin towers and as wide as the titanic width between its bow and stern, these towers have loading bays for pelicans, longsword fighters, etc. These towers are loading docks for ships. (camera looks down), on the sides of the towers there are some streets under a glass, or hallways under the glass, the glass is the surface but it doesn't make up most of the surface, it makes up like 10% of the base surface, some of the areas that are supposed to be glass are just plain steel surfaces with nothing on them which makes up 50% of the base surface. 40% of the surface isn't their, it just goes down like a parallel hole, that has more loading docks, also a way to get the big ships in the base to travel through large corridors, the entire base it self makes up 90% of Reach. Reach is almost fully covered in technology, only the core is covered in the planets soil, the base was created like the Area 51 base in the 21st century because the base goes all the way underground but further than humans would ever dig, thanks to the advanced technology now here in the 26th century. Today marines practice in better tactics, a tactic called Multiplayer Online Gaming, which puts the soldier in the room in a holographic form. Still the marine could feel the pain in the room but cant feel it when he/she gets out, a marine could enter get killed and come back to life, the marine could fight, practice, and play against any person on Reach. The Online Fighting takes place only in reach with almost 1,000,000,000 rooms to play in. The maps are replicated from 1 to 100,000 maps of the same fighting area. The marines have a new tactic in the game to, they could change into a monitor (only possible when they are in the game room), or they could change into a camera (seen in halo 2 the cut scene in the beginning of the mission Cairo Station). Reach is a giant planet with military tech, people, work, games, etc.

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK," the sound of the door ringing, "DING DONG," followed by the door bell ringing, "CHIEF ARE YOU HERE, WAKE UP YOUR LATE FOR THE CUSTOM GAME YOU PROMISED US." "OH SHIT," Master Chief gets up in a fast motion moving towards his closet, grabs his clothes and throws it on the bed, "go right now to the game room, I will meet you there, go ahead and kill the others if you want to," Chief said. "OK JOHN," friend says. Master Chief turns on the shower, takes the shower cleans himself gets out changes and puts on his Spartan suit, runs toward the door, at that point the Chief stopped a marine on the other side of the door is heard talking, his voice slowly disappears in the distance, a silence hits the Master Chiefs ears, a cold feeling wrapped in his chest, his chest feels like it is being pulled into his stomach, then off the distance a scream "ahh, run for your life, Mack hurry up we got to go, Peevew (a plasma pistol shot is heard) NO, Mack get up get up, you stupid nose crushed by dick freak, how could you kill my only friend," marine stops talking, a grunt is heard "fuck you Peevew (another plasma pistol shot is heard along with the marines humph sound). Master Chief puts his ear on the frozen cold (metaphorically speaking) door, hears grunt footsteps running down the hall. In a fast grasp, the Chief grabs his Assualt rifle and heads out the door, he looks to his right and to his left, no one in sight, "de fuck" (what the hell). A wavy clear glass sort of shape moves in the hallway in the distance, John realizes the grunt is in invisibility form. He runs to the hallway the grunt headed through, and a loud BOOM with a shaky vibration hits the base, followed by screams and the sirens go off in a loud "EHN EHN EHN EHN EHN," John now is positively sure that REACH IF BEING ATTACKED, who ever knew the covenant could've penetrated one of the best defenses in the UNSC military. The Master Chief heard a bang, and then another, it sounded like someone was banging the door, Chief moved forward to the door the bang noise was coming from, he opened the door and a bright light flashed his eyes, he fell in a trance, another dream, a dream that would change his life…………………………….

(Cortana calling chief, her voice gets louder and louder) "chief……chiEF……chIEF….CHIEF……..wake up, its alright now its over, the flood, the covenant, HALO, you finished the fight." The Master Chief didn't know what Cortana was talking about in that, "Cortana what is halo?" "What is the flood?"……"Halo is……………

BANG….(a soldiers voice wakes John up), "WAKE UP SOLDIER WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE." "What wait I need to know what halo is," chief said, "ah shit here they come, get up John GET YOUR ASS UP WE GOT TO GO," in the mist the Chief could see something BROWN, some kind of dead creature moving (NOT THE FLOOD). Slowly every minute the Chief falls asleep and wakes up after 2 sec. "John were on the 50th floor underground right now, you need to move them legs so we could get to top side evacuation before they leave us," "wha….WHAT…….whats going on," chief said, "WE ARE BEING ATTACKED BY THE COVENANT," soldier in the distance "HEY OVER HERE, WE HAVE THIS PLACE SECURE," Chief wakes up and grabs one of his comrades secondary gun, the assault rifle, Soldier that woke up the Chief says "HI IM Sam, this is Bob and that's Tom" the soldier points at the soldier who screamed over here we have a secure…..and whatever else he said. The Chief shakes hands with them and another boom above them makes a very sensitive vibration. "WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE THE WHOLE BASE IS GLASSED," tom said, "shut up"…….the sound of covenant elites quiets everyone. "rokchi jehjho" (translated: were do you think they are, says elite 1), "hnik djhjj khou" (translated: I don't know, says elite 2), "shh they are right there" Sam said, out of nowhere the Chief picks up his rifle and strafes right and pulls the trigger finger and kills one of the elites, when he gets back to cover chief says " we have an spec ops elite," "JDKJDEI EIFHEUH FHEOJF FDHJF HIEJF" (Translated: I am going to kill you Cyclops), "lets do this" Sam says, "ok" Chief says. In a fast leap the Chief and Sam jump out and open fire on the white split faced freak. The Elite disappears in the hallway to the left. The four marines take the right hallway in search for an elevator, they pass rooms that are empty, hallways that are trashed, and floors that are filled with corpses. "This floor is empty," Tom says, "Tom why are you always scared, says bob." "HEY FIRST TIME YOU TALK IN A DRILL BOB," says tom. "sigh" bob makes face. They quietly cross room to room, hallway to hallway, bay to bay, etc. and then something crazy happens, A PELICAN CRASHES THREW THE WALL, "SCREEEAAAAK." "WTF" Sam says, "AH" Tom says, "WOAH" Bob says, "WOW" chief says. "We got to be careful because anything could pop out of nowhere." "I HAVE A QUESTION, HOW DID A PELICAN GET ALL THE WAY TO AN AREA THAT IS DUG INTO THE MOST SMALLEST AREAS ON REACH," Tom says. "That's a good question" Sam says, they walk back to the area were the fire is covering the whole the pelican came through. "get the fire extinguisher" Sam says, "ok" Bob gets the fire extinguisher and puts out the fire, "OK ITS ALL CLEAR" bob turns around and FROM THE WHOLE A COVENANT SNIPER SHOT FLYS THROUGH BOBS FACE. "OH SHIT, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" Tom says and ditches the Chief and Sam, Chief watches tom run straight down the hall and another pelican crashes through the wall but this time ON TOM. "OH SHIT STAY TOGETHER" Sam says. "OK" Chief responds……………..The chief looks around and all of a sudden a plasma grenade comes out of nowhere and lands on Sam's groins. At that point the Chief has a moment of Adrenaline, everything goes slow mo and his ears make a noise that just continues, "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP." Sadly Chief watches his new friend run around in circles, saying "GEEEEEET IIIIIITTT OFFFF GETTT IT OFFFF."………………………………….BOOOOOOOM, the Chief is thrown backwards by the explosion of his new friend, SCREEEECH, his armor slides on the metal floor. Then he sees the brown thing again, the dead living creature, what is it? thats the question. But by then it was too late to answer it, the Chief rests his head back and has a blackout…………………………………………….Then the Chief hears the word BELIEVE from cortana's voice…………BELIEVE?

EPISODE TWO COMING SOON TO ONE OF MasterChiefanatic's blogs.
