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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Uprising - Chapter 2
Posted By: Mad Max<madmax6251991@hotmail.com>
Date: 22 December 2007, 1:51 am

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Chapter 2

Armory, Earth Defense Platform Cairo
October 20, 2552 (Military Calendar)

      Sergeant Livingston sized up the Master Chief in his new armor. "Well, I guess it was obsolete anyways," he commented. "Your new suit's a Mark VI, just came up from Songnam this morning. Try and take it easy until you get used to the upgrades."
      The Master Chief could feel a noticeable difference in his reflex time. He made a few slashing motions, and jumped in place once. Oh yes, there was definantely more speed, and more fluidity to his motions. He also noticed that the HUD was more stream-lined, with the shield gauge placed just above the motion tracker. A miniature blue crosshair shaped like an X was suspended in the very center of his view. He looked at the Gunnery Sergeant and nodded his approval. Next to the Sergeant was a circle with four dull red bulbs around the perimeter, all currently off.
      "Okay, let's test your targeting, first thing. Please look at the top light." The top light came on, a bright red washing over the Chief's armor. He craned his head upward, and the light turned green. "Good. Now look at the bottom light." The Chief looked down and the light flashed green. "Alright. Look at the top light again...now the bottom one...okay, good!
      "Stand by. I'm going to off line the inhibitors." A series of clicks were heard as the Master Chief walked around half the length of the armory.
      "When you're ready, come and meet me by the zapper," Gunnery Sergeant Livingston said.
      "Let's go," the Master Chief replied, and followed the Sergeant to the tuning-fork shaped shield charger. He cringed as the memory brought back de'ja'vu as he remembered his rude awakening on the Pillar of Autumn two months ago. He banished the memory, and focus on the Sergeant.
      "Pay attention, 'cause I'm only going over this once," Livingston stated. "This station'll test your recharging energy shields. Step on in, I'll show ya." He pointed.
      The Chief nodded. He stepped in between the shield generator, and noticed a sign with a handprint on it. Livingston continued speaking: "Your new armor's shields are extremely efficient, very resilient. Much better than the Covenant tech we used for the Mark V." The Master Chief pressed his palm down on the pad and the shield charger whired to life as sickly yellow lights pulsed around him. His shield gave an audible alarm a few seconds later, and started to charge up. Hmm, he thought. They charge up alot faster. This will be invaluable in the future.
      "Bingo!" the sergeant exclaimed. "As you can see, they recharge a lot faster!"
      John saw the elevator doors part, and Sergeant Avery Johnson stepped out, wearing a crisp white dress uniform filled with various medals and ribbons, along with the standard Marine hat with the black brim. The Gunnery Sergeant seemed unaware of Sergeant Johnson's appearence.
      "If your shields go down," Livingston continued, "find some cover, wait for the meter to read fully charged."
      "That," Sergeant Johnson interjected, "or he can hide behind me. You done with my boy here, Master Gunns? I don't see any training wheels."
      Sergeant Livingston turned to face the new arrival. "His armor's working fine, Johnson, so shut your chili-hole." He glanced back at the Chief. "You're free to go, son, just remember, take things slow."
      The Master Chief nodded. A friendly reminder from a fellow soldier was always a good thing, but he had far more combat experience then Sergeant Livingston, but he seemed to know his stuff, so he wouldn't argue with the man, even if his words had slightly annoyed the Chief.
      "Don't worry, I'll hold his hand," Johnson said over his shoulder as he turned back to the lift. The Master Chief followed behind and entered with him.
      "So, Johnson," Livingston said, walking toward the elevator, "when you gonna tell me how you made it back home in one piece?"
      The sergeant looked at the Chief, who shook his head slightly. He turned back to Livingston and said, "Sorry Guns! That's classified."
      "Huh! My ass!" Livingston replied. The elevator doors started to shut, and then it started to descend as the armory sergeant shouted to Johnson about not getting adjustments to his A2 scope.
      "Well, he's in a particularly fine mood," Sergeant Johnson commented. "Maybe Lord Hood didn't give him an invitation."
      The elevator stopped its ascent, and the Master Chief and Johnson departed the lift and boarded a small tram a few feet away. The double doors close, and the tram starts its move toward the bridge of the Cairo. The crew of the Cairo was busy unlocking boxes of guns and ammunition, as well as frag grenades. Many windows with views of the star-filled space dotted the view in front of the Chief before finally showing the view of Earth. He involuntarily stood straighter and his fists tightened up. He had worked so hard to keep Earth's location a secret, but now with the Covenant recently discovering it, he would now have to fight tooth-and-nail to ensure that Earth didn't fall.
      "Earth. Haven't seen it in years." Sergeant Johnson shook his head, and looked back at the Chief. "When I shipped out for Basic, the orbital defense grid was all theory and politics." He pointed to the Athens and Malta in the distance. "Now look! The Cairo is just one of three hundred geosync platforms. That MAC gun can put a round clean through a Covenant capital ship. With coordinated fire from the Athens and the Malta, nothing's getting past this battle cluster in one piece. Ships have been arriving all morning. Nobody's saying much, but I think something big's about to happen."
      The tram started to slow as it neared the bridge. The Master Chief turned and saw a group of Marines cheering the two soldiers. He didn't like the attention. He didn't consider himself a hero. He just wanted to fight, to win the war, and let the rest of humanity live in peace. He noticed a small news channel camera hover above the two as they stepped off the tram, flashing pictures and recording video of the event.
      Inside his helmet, John frowned. "You told me there wouldn't be any cameras," he said quietly, so much so that it couldn't be heard over the roar of the Marines.
      Sergeant Johnson heard him, however. The pair walked towards the bridge slowly, while Johnson replied: "And you told me you were gonna wear something nice! Folks need heroes, Chief. To give 'em hope! So, smile, would ya? While we still got something to smile about."
      The blast doors open as two naval officers saluted the two soldiers.

The two Brutes led Vala 'Yosumee out onto a ledge outside of High Charity. Grunts, Jackals, and Hunters were gathered on the walkway.
      "Her-e-tic! Her-e-tic!" a few of the Grunts screamed as Vala was forcefully moved forward by the Brutes.
      When they got to the edge, the Brutes fixed floating cuffs around Vala's wrists.
      Vala tugged at his restraints slightly, just to test their strength. He knew deep down that he wasn't a heretic and had never spread heresy in his life. But such as it was, the Prophets needed their scapegoat, and the Supreme Commander just happened to fit the bill, as he was the only officer to survive the Halo's destruction.
      Despite the injustice he felt, Vala still had his pride. Not to mention his honor, something that Tartarus was severely lacking.
      "You've drawn quite a crowd," the Brute said, gesturing to the tiers of Covenant below and behind him.
      "If they've come to hear me beg," Vala 'Yosumee replied bitterly, "they will be disappointed."
      Tartarus grunted, amused with the Elite's talk. "Are you sure?" he asked.
      Orange beams shot from the wrist cuffs, searing into Vala's flesh. He shook as pain coursed through out his body. The cheering of the crowds escalated.

The bridge doors parted as the Master Chief and Sergeant Johnson marched toward Fleet Admiral Hood, who was standing at the far end by a large screen. Behind that was an enormous viewport. Naval officers cheered as they approached.
      The pair stood straight, snapping crisp salutes which Lord Hood returned. "Gentlemen, we're lucky to have you back," he said.
      An officer approached the Admiral and whispered in his ear. The admiral then turned to the holotank next to the screen and said, "Go ahead, Cortana."
      The "smart" AI known as Cortana materialized out of the holotank, pulsing purple as calculations scrolled across her body.
      "Another whisper, sir," she said, "near lo. We have probes en route."
      "I apologize, but we're going to have to make this quick," Admiral Hood said, then turned back toward the screen.
      Cortana looked toward the Chief and Johnson, smiling. "You look nice."
      "Thanks," the Master Chief and Johnson replied simultaneously. They looked at each other briefly, then back toward Lord Hood.
      "Sergeant Major," Hood said as Johnson promptly stood straighter. "The Colonial Cross is awarded for acts of singular daring and devotion, for a soldier of the United Earth Space Corps..." The admiral pinned the medal on Johnson's uniform.

"...There could be no greater heresy!" Tartarus bellowed to the gathered crowds. He pointed to Vala. "Let him be an example for all who would break out Covenant!"
      The crowds of Covenant races roared with approval as Tartarus barked an order. Two Brutes grabbed on to Vala's charred armor and pulled. The Elite didn't bother to resist; his strength had been zapped.

A young woman had joined Master Chief and Sergeant Johnson at their side. She was shorter then both, and her hair was jet black, following down to her neck. She looked like someone the Chief knew. The connection clicked when Admiral Hood called out her name.
      "Commander Miranda Keyes." Lord paused after saying his fallen friend's last name, his booming voice slightly toned down a notch. "Your father's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service. His bravery in the face of impossible odds reflects great credit, upon himself, and the UNSC." He stepped toward the commander, a semi-pained look on his face. "The Navy has lost one of its best." Admiral Hood placed the other Colonial Cross he had into her hand.
      The Master Chief couldn't help but see Captain Keyes in his daughter's place. The moment was powerful, and spoke volumes to him. Jacob Keyes had ultimately aided in the destruction of Halo, even if it meant he had to be killed in the process. It was the best thing a soldier could do, and that's to die knowing that he saved lives. John had a feeling that Miranda Keyes would be everything her father had been.

Vala's combat helmet clattered to the floor as he hung limply from his restraints. He had never felt such pain in his life, and it was coming to an end. The Brutes had savagely beaten and clawed at his charred flesh like the vile animals they were, but he did not scream or groan.
      His sentence from the Council was to be executed, hung by his entrails, and his corpse paraded throughout High Charity. But the Brutes were taking their time mercilessly beating him until he felt so weak that he couldn't stand anymore. He was currently on his knees.
      Vala felt movement behind him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a glowing branding device rise from the floor. Tartarus walked around Vala, quietly snarled, and grabbed the large brand in his hands.
      The Mark of Shame. From what 'Yosumee had heard, the branding was only reserved for the most traitorous--and also burned as hot as a sun.
      Just get it over with, the Supreme Commander thought. Stop playing around already and KILL ME, YOU MONGRELS!
      The Chieftain strode around Vala and stood before him. Utter hatred burned within both sets of eyes. The Brute pressed the brand to the Elite's chest, right in the center.
      Vala 'Yosumee felt his skin crackle and blister worse then it already was. He tried to fight back the enormous amount of pain he felt, but he gave in and screamed, his four mandibles blossoming like a flower.
      He started to see blackness creep into his vision until he passed out.

Throughout the Cairo, klaxons blared shrilly. Cortana appeared in the holotank and said, "Slipspace ruptures directly off our battle cluster."
      "Show me," Lord Hood replied, turning toward the large glass screen.
      A map of the immediate space snapped into view, with Earth taking up a large portion of the screen. In the lower left were the positions of the UNSC ships, the Malta, Athens, and Cairo, and the new signatures of the Covenant battle group which faced the human fleet.
      "Fifteen Covenant capital ships holding position just outside the kill zone," Cortana reported. She noticed a spike in the Chief's biosigns as he stared at the screen.
      The screen showed a part of Hood's fleet move toward the Covenant, and a voice crackled to life over FLEETCOM.
      "This is Fleet Admiral Harper," the voice announced. "We are engaging the enemy."
      Admiral Hood's arm shot out for a button on the panel beneath the screen. He didn't want to preemptively strike until he gave the order, and mistakes at this point would not be tolerated.
      "Negative, Admiral!" Hood exclaimed. "Form a defense perimeter around the cluster." He released his finger from the FLEETCOM button, and turned to Miranda Keyes. "Commander, get to your ship, link up with the fleet."
      The commander gave a quick salute. "Yes, sir," she replied. She did an about-face, and jogged to the bridge doors that had begun to open.
      The fleet admiral turned to Cortana's hologram. "You have the MAC gun, Cortana. As soon as they come in range, open up."
      "Gladly." Cortana's image flickered, flashed brightly, then her avatar disappeared.
      Admiral Hood stared at the glass screen's projection of the map, stroking his chin. His face screwed into a puzzled frown. "Something's not right..." he muttered. "The fleet that destroyed Reach was fifty times this size."
      "Sir!" one of the bridge officers shouted to Hood. "Additional contacts. Boarding craft and lots of 'em!" The view on the screen split into four different frames, showing a panoramic view of the Cairo platform via video cameras. Small dots slowly started to grow in size. John's stomach contracted into a ball of ice at the sight of the enemy.
      Lord Hood scowled. "They're going to try to take our MAC guns offline...give their capital ships a straight shot at Earth." He craned his neck at the Spartan. "Master Chief, defend this station."
      Spartan-117 straightened his posture and nodded. "Yes, sir." Turning to Johnson he said, "I need a weapon."
      "Right this way," Sergeant Johnson replied, grinning. The pair walked back toward where the tram had let them off earlier.
      Outside the bridge windows, the MAC gun was beginning to charge while the rest of the fleet turned to engage the Covenant attackers. Longsword fighters hurtled by the viewport followed by a pair of UNSC crusiers.
      Earth was all that remained of the human colonies. Every man and woman in the UNSC knew what was at stake; all they had were themselves, their duty, and Earth. But when an enemy is backed into a corner, they tend to fight back more aggressively. And with humanity on the brink of extinction, there would be renewed cries for victory. And with the last remaining Spartans at Earth to lead the charge, morale was slowly starting to skyrocket.
      And John would be ready. He had one objective in mind as he left the Cairo's bridge: he would kill every Covenant bastard he came across.

"All hands, report to battle stations!" the Cairo Defense Coordinator announced over the loudspeaker. "This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!"
      Outside on the walkway that led back to the bridge, the Master Chief quickly bounded down the stairs to his left in front of him. A pair of weapon holders on the wall to his left unlocked as he blurred by, but the noise the holders emitted caused him to pause. He reached for one of the BR55's, a fully automatic rifle with a 36 round clip and a bullpup design where the magazine was placed behind the trigger guard so as to make the rifle compact. He stripped ammo from the rest of the rifles, and clipped the BR55 to his back. He continued down another flight of stairs, where Marines and Naval personnel were preparing for combat.
      On a box to the Chief's right were a couple of M7 submachine guns, capable of fully automatic fire from a 60 round clip. He stocked up on as much ammo as he could carry, and grabbed two of the SMGs. The Marines referred to this gun as the "bullet hose" because of its ability to spray a ton of lead at a target.
      John rounded the corner up ahead. He saw Sergeant Johnson hefting a machine gun over his shoulder. He and the small squad of Marines passed through a door, and he followed.
      "How's it going, Malta?" Sergeant Johnson asked the Malta Defense Coordinator over the COM.
      "Stand-by..." the voice said, and a resonating clang rocked the Cairo. "They're latched! Check your targets and watch your crossfire."
      The voice of the Athens Defense Coordinator crackled next. "They're in standard formation, little bastards in front, big ones in back...good luck, Cairo."
      The Chief emerged through the door into a large room, with stairs in front of him that led to a small platform, where the Marines and Johnson were gathered, and there were various terminals to his right. He leaped down into this area, and then leaped through the glass section that led to the floor directly below him, which was similar to the top level. He noticed a bulkhead door overflowing with sparks and heat being burned through. The Master Chief took up a position directly to the right of the door.
      "Field of fire on that bulkhead!" Sergeant Johnson called out to the Marines. They promptly raised their weapons to their shoulders. Johnson got the stationary turrent into position and aimed at the bulkhead door. "As soon as that door opens, let'em have it!"
      John held both M7s in front of him, ready for the doors to crash open. It only took a few more seconds before fragments of the door exploded. Fire immediately poured in, blue plasma bolts striking at the incoming fire. But the aliens didn't anticipate the Master Chief.
      He dived sideways towards the bulkhead from his position, his fingers wildly mashing the trigger. He was rewarded with the deaths of three Grunts and one Elite, who collapsed into puddles of blue and purple blood.
      The Chief landed on the other side of the bulkhead, twisting onto his back, M7's at the ready. Another Elite came in and slipped behind one of the various, glass-screened panels. One of the Marines fired at the Elite behind the panel, but the bullets harmlessly splintered and spider-webbed on the glass.
      "Concentrate on that door!" Sergeant Johnson ordered, furiously squeezing the turrent's trigger. "The Chief can handle himself!"
John fired at the incoming Elite, but his luck didn't hold; one M7 jammed and the other ran out of ammo. He swore to himself for the careless mistake and made sure it wouldn't happen again. The Elite's shield was weakened, however, so maybe he had an advantage. The Covenant warrior brought its Plasma Rifle over its head, ready to assault the Master Chief.
      The Spartan raised up on his hands, extending his foot for a front kick. The boot connected with the Elite's forearm and while it didn't damage its shield, it did stun the beat momentarily and knocked the plasma rifle out of its grasp.
      That was all John needed for him to roll away onto his side, unsling his Battle Rifle, and fire two three-round bursts at the target's chest and helmet. The Elite exhaled explosively, blood squirting from its chest wound, as it crumbled to the deck.
      "Hell yeah, Chief!" a Marine shouted.
      "Advantage? Us!" another remarked.
      The Master Chief gracefully kip-upped onto his feet and reloaded his Battle Rifle. It was an impressive feat of human engineering, and had worked extremely well for him. He also noticed the scope mounted on top for the first time, so he decided to test the sighting. The scope automatically integrated into his targeting optics and established a link with his helmet's HUD.
      Perfect for medium-range headshots, he thought.
      Sergeant Johnson was now wielding a M6C Magnum as he assembled the squad of Marines. There were only a few minor wounds but no casualties. Good. Maybe with the Chief around, the Marines would be inspired to fight harder.
      "Form up, Marines!" Johnson yelled. "The Covenant have thrown a party and us hardcore, badass Marines are going to crash it!"
      "Hoo-rah!" the squad replied simultaneously.
      "Hell yeah." The sergeant racked the slide on the pistol. "The Chief will lead the way. Let's move out!"
      The Chief went through the bulkhead's frame as Johnson and the Marines tagged along, proceeding deeper into Cairo.
