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Fan Fiction

Fate Conquers All
Posted By: LoneRanger 2.5<stlovell@eritter.net>
Date: 20 September 2005, 2:04 am

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0148 Hours, August 30, 2552 {Military Calendar}
UNSC Cruiser Thermopylae, Orbiting Reach

"The Thermopylae will act as the support for the Pillar of Autumn. If Keyes runs into trouble, you save 'em. By any means necessary. Captain O'Dell, do you understand your orders?" Admiral Stanfourth told him.

"Yes, sir."

"Just follow the Autumn. Keyes knows what's going on, mostly." Stanfourth answered. "Dismissed." The Admiral said as he gave O'Dell a crisp salute.

O'Dell returned the salute and walked out of the room toward the bridge.

What did Stanfourth mean by "mostly"? All of a sudden he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. For now all he wanted to do was sleep. But he knew there was no time. Something bad was about to happen. He didn't know what, he just knew.

As O'Dell stepped on to the bridge he looked over his crew. They were hand selected by him. And he made sure he picked the best and bravest.

"Atheius, call Sergeant Michael Jowes up to the bridge. I'm going to give him the specifics on our mission." O'Dell barked.

"Aye, sir." The A.I. responded.

A message appeared on the computer screen as the young ensign leaned backwards in his chair. It read 'SEND THE MESSENGER TO THE LAND OF DOWNED BIRDS'. He knew that it must be important, only information the UNSC didn't the covenant to know about was coded like this. "Sir, could you come over here for a second?"

"What is it Wilson?" Lieutenant Franks replied.

"Take a look for yourself."

The el-tee looked over the screen. Brian could see the train of thought on the Lieutenant's face as he read.

"Tell Sergeant Jowes that he's wanted on the bridge ASAP."

"Yes sir." Brian headed toward the armory where Jowes was resting. Fortunately, the armory wasn't far and he got there within two minutes. When he got there he found the Sergeant already awake. Brian strode toward him and said, "Sergeant, Captain O'Dell wants you on the bridge ASAP."

"Yes sir." Jowes replied. Michael jogged toward the bridge and arrived about ten minutes later. As Jowes walked onto the bridge he glanced around at the different stations as he passed them. He finally walked up to the captain's seat and spoke, "Ensign Wilson said you wanted to speak with me sir."

O'Dell appeared startled at the sudden appearance of the sergeant. He expected him, but not so soon. He tried to collect himself as he responded, "Ah, yes. It's nice to see you again sergeant. I called you here to brief you on our mission. Athieus, show us the simulations."

The A.I.'s "body" was projected onto the pad as he prepared the holograms up on the projection screen. He wore a commanding look and posture. Wearing a uniform similar to that of an eighteenth century admiral in the British navy. He was a smart A.I. His personality was similar to, but not exactly like, that of who he was copied from. A field commander who led a battalion of soldiers to lay siege to a Covenant held fortress. The siege was only won by use of superior tactics by the UNSC and the confusion and disarray of their troops. Unfortunately, Marcus Almont, who Athieus was copied from, was killed during the final stages of the assault.

As the holograms were coming up O'Dell began the briefing. "Sergeant, we'll be following Captain Keyes' ship, the Pillar of Autumn, through the system towards the Covenant home world. If he runs into trouble, we'll be there to back him up. But we're leaving before him, because he can't know of the plan. The Spartan-IIIs are going to be of use once we get there." A hologram popped onto the viewing screen and a concept of what was believed to be the target shown brightly. O'Dell looked at it and said, "This is our target. Once we reach it, you'll be ordered to prepare your men. That's all you need to know for now. Dismissed."

Both the captain and Jowes saluted. Jowes headed back to the armory for some more rest while O'Dell sat back down. He made sure all hands were on board and ran diagnostic checks. They were ready to make a slipspace jump. All that was in the way now was time, then they would change the direction in which this war was heading. "Take the fight to the Covenant" in a matter of speaking.

Athieus popped up on the round pad by the viewing screen. "Captain, we have received the order to jump at 0230 hours."

That gives me about fifteen minutes until I head off to another planet, another galaxy. He was getting that sick feeling in his stomach again. It even got to the point where he nearly through up. It was as if he could feel his impending doom. But he had to shake the feeling, for he had a ship to command. And the most important mission in military history.

"Athieus, run a few more checks, I want to make sure this ship is fully prepared." Actually, all of these tests were just to pass time. It made him nervous when there was nothing happening. Especially just before such an important mission as this one.

"I already have." Athieus stated without showing either emotion or expression.

"Good." I don't know whether to be proud or afraid of this. Either way, I still find the concept of something that's not real, but acts so alive. This thought veered off the task at hand, he had to stay focused.
