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Fan Fiction

more Halo Videogame stories (continues from other account)
Posted By: London<myshiii3980@hotmail.com>
Date: 25 July 2006, 6:12 am

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"No one's covering the warthog!" Announced Blue Three, surprised. "Good news. Three, meet me at the warthog; let's give Red Team hell." Replied Blue Chief. "Blue Two, cover the base from the ruin's top edge. Use a sniper. Blue Four…try your hardest to acquire that Energy Sword. Everyone got it?"
"Yes, Chief!!" Came the unison reply.

"Two heading towards the warthog, chief." Reported Red Four, stationed atop the Red Base, laying down to minimize target. "I couldn't take them, though….all that movement…and I only have twelve bullets in this sniper." Red Chief, who was moving in the shadows on the lowest level of Red Base, glanced at the warthog. "Neither can I…." He said, looking at the dual pistols he was wielding. "Red Three, try to acquire the Scorpion on the beach. Flush out the Warthog. Red Four, hold position; attack only if they exit the Warthog. Red Two….come with me."
"Yes, Chief!" Came the unison reply.

The warthog turned sharply around the hi-tech Wind-Battery-Power-System as it neared Red Base. It slid to a halt, though neither of the Spartans exited. "Enemies Idle. Requesting permission to fire." Asked Red Four. Red Chief jumped up to the building nearly behind the warthog, accompanied by Red Two. "Two," He said. "Toss this grenade at the warthog on my signal, got it?" Red Chief. "And negative on that request, Four. Hold position." He said, as he snuck along the shadows by the building, just eight feet from the warthog. "Now." Said Red Chief into his COM, and Red Two flung the grenade at the warthog…..but it moved.

"Yeah, there's someone up there!" Reported Blue Chief, as he hit the gas on the idle warthog, revving it ahead. "Sir---grenade!!" Cried Blue Three, pointing at a Frag Grenade, which landed just a few feet from the warthog. Blue Chief looked, and it erupted. The warthog flipped over twice in the air, and both Blue Chief and Blue Three fell out, as the Warthog hit the ground and caught fire. "Enemy!" Roared Blue Three, targeting Red Two, who had stood out in the open to toss the grenade. Blue Three pulled the trigger, and a net of bullets filled Red Two's chest.

"Red Two down." Reported Red Chief into his visor, as he disappeared into the shadows below the onning outside Red Base. Blue Chief began examining the body, as Blue Three ran up the base's stairs, heading towards Red Four, whom they had spotted. "Red Four! Enemy closing in on your position! Move!" Said Red Chief, though he still followed Blue Three up the stairs. As he reached the middle level, he saw Blue Three run up another flight of stairs across from in. He let loose three bullets from each pistol, four hitting Blue Three. As Blue Three came on to the top level, and was about to go onto the roof, where Red Four was located, a bullet in his Keelly's Tendon made him double over onto the hard floor. He began picking himself up, when two pistols clamped onto his helmet, and four bullets broke through his skull.

"You're safe, Red Four." Reported Red Chief. "….Red Four?" He looked onto the roof, to see a bullet wound straight through Red Four's head. "Sniper!" He exclaimed, as a shot rang out, piercing Red Chief's Left Arm. He fell back, hiding behind the cement wall, treating his injury.

"I think I got the Chief…..no…he's still alive…." Reported Blue Two. "Got it." Replied Blue Chief. "Blue Three's been taken out, I'm afraid." Blue Two sighed. "We still got me, you and Blue Four." Chief Nodded. "Speaking of which….Four, how's the Sword coming along?" He asked. "I've…just about….got it!" He said triumphantly, activating the plasma blade.
"Good." Said Blue Chief. "Good. Fall back to beach, get the tank through the gates."
"Right, Chie----AAAGGHH!!" Blue Four jumped out of the way of a led casing shell which was shot at him from the Scorpion. "Chief? Some one's already got it." Blue Two looked back, and saw the Scorpion cannon tube aimed at him. It fired. That's the last thing Blue Two ever saw.

"Good! We have the tank! We can win!" Red Chief said into his COM. "Easily." Laughed Red Three. He fired a round at Blue Chief, who was near the Red Base. Blue Chief dodged it, then ran up into the Red Base for cover. When he reached the top level, he saw Red Chief, wounded, and gun less. He raced up, kicked the two guns away from range, and pointed his rifle in Red Chief's face. "Surrender, or your leader dies." Blue Chief said on an open frequency. "Fire." Red Chief said. "What, but you'll---"
Red Three grabbed the tank controls…..and fired a huge blast at the top level, blowing away half of it….and both they're leaders.

Blue Four Snuck around the beach, going towards the tank. Un luckily, the tank had radar. It detected the body temperature, and turned it's tube towards him. He ran behind a rock formation just in time, as the shell hit the sand, making sand blast up into the air twenty feet. Red Three stayed behind the rock, trying to think of a plan….bad idea. The tank had wheels, you know. It moved up, then, when it was perfectly passed the rock, turned it's tube and aimed at Blue Three.
The tank shot and--------missed. It busted a whole in the wall separating the base part from the beach.

Seeing his chance, Blue Three jumped through the hole, running backwards with his gun blazing. The Scorpion shot and missed again, hitting the Wind Battery instead. He hit it directly in the main structure screw….and the screw broke. Without anything to hold it, it began rolling…..between the tank and Blue Three. The tank shot again, and busted off a piece of the wheel, making it un even, causing it to fall. Blue Three aimed his rifle and let the clip empty onto the tank, as the giant wheel fell right towards him. He kept firing, reloaded, and fired his last clip until it was empty. The tank kept moving, and the huge wheel finally landed on the ground with a SPLATCH



