
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: London<myshiii3980@hotmail.com>
Date: 3 July 2006, 5:09 am

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AUGUST 6, 2582, BLOOD GULCH, HALO, 1:27 P.M.

"No enemy activity, Captain." Blue Three said into the radio. He was positioned directly in between the Red and Blue Team base. "Wait---it's Red four…..he has a sniper. Boarding warthog now, with….Red Two as gunner. The Red Chief is atop the structure. Sniper."
"Copy that, Blue Three. Snipe the tires if you can." Said Blue Chief.
"In the meantime, Blue Five, secure the Scorpion Tank, execute un-manned position." Blue Five scuffled to the tank. "Roger."


"No trace of Red Five yet, Chief." Said Blue Three, in the same spot.
The warthogs tires had been blown, and Red Four killed. But Red Two didn't move, he was still in the gunner's roost, aimed directly at Blue Three, waiting for him to come out. "Red Two has me pinned need sniper assistance."
"Soon as possible." Blue Chief said quickly. He pulled the trigger of his Battle Rifle again, and a burst of rounds fired at Red Three, who had ran close to the Blue Base at the start. They where in the middle of a fire fight.
As Blue Chief covered to reload, Red Three sprinted to the close side of the Blue Base, where the tank was. As Blue chief came back up, he was nearly killed by a shot close to the head by Red Three. Now he knew his position. "Blue Five! Red Three is right near you. Keep in un-manned position." Blue Chief said into his radio….a little too loudly. Red Three heard it through the tank's cock pit.
Blue Five tried to stay perfectly still….maybe Red Three thought it was just a replayed message….he had hoped. But no, this Spartan was a little too smart. Red Three tosses two plasma grenades into the tank cockpit.
Blue Five's eyes widened, as he tried to grab the slippery bombs.
Too late.
The cockpit was ignited with two full helpings of plasma, burning Blue Five's skin, even through his Mark VI MJOLNIR armor. Then came the explosion: The cockpit covering flew off, landing thirty feet away. Every computer in the cockpit exploded, and darkness singed a five foot ring all around the tank.
Including Red Three.
Red Three stumbled back, his skin badly blackened. His MJOLNIR was nearly cracked, and his visor's computers were not working. He couldn't even see. It was then that the tank's cannon nozzle became so weak at the base it broke off, crushing his ribs.
"Enemies Red Three and Four annihilated." Said Blue Three. "Let me check on our sitting du--" A bullet shot was heard across the Gulch, and the breaking of visor class, then skull bone in the radio.
"Damn it…" Muttered Blue Chief. "Blue Two? Abandon sentry duties of inside base. Get out here."
"Roger!" Came the reply.
"This is tricky…" Blue Chief told Blue Two. "We don't have any more sniper rifles….Red Two is still on the gunner turret for that warthog…what we need you to do, is sneak around the inner wall of the canyon, come back out on the other side, and plant a plasma grenade beneath the warthog."
Blue Two looked shocked. "He'll kill me if I get that close, sir."
Blue Chief nodded. "Which is why I'll be distracting him. Don't ask how. Go, go, go!"

Red Two scanned the area with the turret….he was looking for the Chief. If he killed the Chief, it'd be nearly over….
The Chief jumped out from behind the base and ran as quick as he good to where Blue Three was. Red Two shot the path he had walked, just behind Blue Chief's feet. As Blue Chief went behind the rocks, Red Two quickly slid the Warthog's gun belt in more for a little more ammo. As he was sliding it, half of it broke off….thanks to an unknown gun shot by the Chief. "Damn!" Shouted Red Two, quickly leaning down and picking up the gun belt.
"Now!" Said Blue Chief into his radio, and Blue Two raced out from the rocks on the other side off the narrow canyon, activated a Plasma Grenade, and threw it under the warthog.
"What the---muttered Red Four, hearing the hsss of hot plasma. "Oh shi--"
The plasma exploded, igniting the hog's gas tank. Double Score. The warthog flew up ten feet, then another blast appeared, knocking Red four's body out of the exploding vehicle.

"Any sign of Red Five, Blue Four?" Asked the Blue Chief into his radio.
"No." Replied Blue Four, who was peering out the base window with a sniper. "Red Chief is still---wait, where is Red Chief? He's gone from the sniping spot!"
Blue Chief looked over at the Red Base, and Red Chief was indeed gone.
"Keep your eyes out, Blue Four."
"Yes, sir!"
Blue Four turned off the radio, but, as soon as he did, a voice echoed in the base: "You cant 'keep your eyes out' for anyone if you don't have any eyes…" Blue Four turned to see a man, dressed in full red MJOLNIR armor. The man held a pistol, pointing at Blue Four's visor. Without hesitation, the man shot.
Three Times.
And a fourth time.

"….Blue Four? Come in, Blue Four!!" Blue Two said into his radio. "Crap. Chief, we've lost Blue Four." Blue Chief was slowly moving in the shadows towards Red Base. Surely someone must be there.
"Damn. Now It's just me and you, Two." He ran into the shadows on the side of the building, and inched inside. As soon as he was inside, he threw a grenade. It exploded, though no shouts of pain came from inside. He slowly crept in, and, as he turned a corner, Red Five came running at him, clutching an energy sword. "Blue Two! Take the sniper from Blue Three and get where you can see in here!!" He shouted into the radio, diving behind a wall. The energy sword-wielder approached him, and Blue Chief aimed his shotgun. He shot once in the stomach, and, although it didn't kill him, it stopped him for a few moments…at least, enough to run.
Blue Chief ran around a corner, then, instead of continuing, cut across the square-shaped room (showed in a diagram on the bottom). When he was recovered, Red Five ran across the corner…then across the other corner. He expected Blue Chief to be there….but no one was. He looked down the right corner, to see no one, so, as he turned around, a long, metal shotgun barrel linked with his skull.
"Red Five is dead, Blue Two. Cancel the sniper order…..Blue Two? Blue Two?! Blue Two, do you copy?!"
Blue Chief yelled over the radio. As he continued trying futile contact, a voice picked up. "Blue Two met with an accident." Followed by the sound of an electric small-sized explosion….then static. The radio had been destroyed.
"Damn it…." Muttered Blue Chief, running to the opening of Red Base and looking for Red Chief. He scanned the area, but saw nothing. No glimmer of red in the sun….no movement…no sound of reloading…
Then he saw it.
It was massive, half the size of one of the bases: the last scorpion tank. It rumbled across the grassy hills, cannon nozzle aimed at the Red Base. It let loose a huge bomb, ramming through the stone wall of Red Base. It barely missed Blue Chief. Blue Chief ran back to Red Five's corpse, picking up the energy sword and his single Plasma grenade.
He had an idea.

Red Chief looked around, no longer seeing Blue Chief in the Red Base. He had not seen him exit, so he must still be in there. He moved the tank around the base, examining all four exits (on on each side), but found no one. As he prepared to do another round, he caught a glimpse of a blue ball streak through the air, latching onto to the tank's tire treads.
"Plasma grenade!" Red Chief said in horror, as he tried to exit the tank…but that just made it worse: as he got out, he was just about to jump off when it activated, sending half of the tank off the ground…the side he was getting off on. He was flung up into the air, then, on his way to back to Earth, the tank began falling.
It fell towards him. As he hit the ground, he turned and began to get up to run, but it was impossible, the tank was on top of his legs by that time. He tried to move it, but not even a Spartan could move a Scorpion.
He looked around, and saw Blue Chief walk out of the Red Base, clutching an off energy sword. As he approached Red Chief, he activated it. "Game over." He said, and, as he was about to thrust it into Red Chief's chest, Red Chief grasped a Plasma grenade he had stored, activated it, and stuck it to the Blue Chief's stomach. Blue Chief glanced at it, then jumped, throwing himself onto of Red Chief.






