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Fan Fiction

The beginning of the end?
Posted By: Lloyd<the.lingling@gmail.com>
Date: 30 December 2005, 5:55 am

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This story takes place many years in the future of Halo and Halo 2. This is what I believe happened in Halo history. I hope you enjoy.

Alpha Halo in orbit of gas giant.

      Seventeen Covenant Battalion class ships emerged from slip space near an Orange gas giant. The ships were in search of something. Something they wanted their greedy hands on. On the far side of the gas giant an object that was there a moment ago seems to have disappeared.

      "Ackaley, how far away is that covenant armada? Is the ring still cloaked?" Asked an old man looking at the holomap of the nearby space.

      A small monitor appeared in the center of the Holomap. It's golden eye was focusing on the old man.

      "The Covenant are one light year from our current position, and the cloak is functioning excellently. If I see signs that our position has been compromised I will send our war ships to intercept them. If you don't mind me saying, you have been up for forty-eight hours, please get some rest."

      The old man looked at the monitor with great satisfaction at the concern Ackaley had shown.

      "You know that I cannot get to sleep. The Flood program that we have worked so hard on, is almost ready to be set to use. If this indeed works the way we designed it to, the Covenant will be completely wiped out. This will be the end of Hundreds of years of war."

      Ackaley began to hover to the window. The monitor looked out down to the bottom of the canyon. Massive transport ships were beginning to land. The scientists on the canyon floor were beginning to transport the Flood virus in containment chambers. Hundreds of sentinels were hovering a few feet above the ground, ready for any kind of an accidental outbreak.

      "Creator, you do understand that the Flood gene in very mutative. We have no idea what will happen. Sure on the tests on captured Jackals, the virus killed them, but they still had the ability to function. One of them managed to kill five of our best trained marine units. What if...what if the infected Covenant gain control of a ship?"

      The old man began to scroll through the Archives of the Human database. On the screen was the Human Genome.

      "That is what we are hoping Ackaley, we want the Flood infected bodies to control a ship. We have already run the disaster scenarios. If a Flood infected starship try's to attack or crash on Human or Allied planets, our war ships will take them out. The ultimate goal is for a Flood infected ship to jump to slip space and travel to a covenant planet."

      Ackaley continued to watch the floor of the canyon.

      "As much as I would like to say the plan is fool proof, I believe it is much to risky. I estimate the probability of a Flood infected ship to jump to a Covenant Planet marginal at best. What will happen if the Flood infected ships crash on one of the seven Ring worlds."

      The old man paused briefly and gazed at Ackaley, pondering weather to tell the monitor his answer.

      "That my friend, is a last resort option. The protocol that will fall in place is "Forerunner". In the event of Flood contamination of any scale on any ring, all remaining Humans and Allies are to fall back to our new Home world Salvation. The seven rings will fire a massive energy wave that will destroy all sentient life in the galaxy. Salvation has our most powerful global shielding. This should stop the energy wave from destroying all of the Human race. The seven rings will be sent to the past so the Covenant of today do not use the rings against the remaining humans. The rings will be Millions of years in the past. Far away from any Covenant controlled space of
the time."

      Ackley's golden eye began to glow a cool blue. The monitor turned to the old man and just hovered in the same position creating and awkward moment of silence.

      "Excuse me for sounding out of place, but why was I not informed of the Rings actual purpose? When had the Human Race been capable of time travel?"

      The old man took a long, deep breath. He stared at the Holomap, and began to bring up the layout of the Ring world.

      "Look at this, the Rings have massive power generators which allows them to create the right energy frequency to destroy sentient life. As these generators begin to overload they begin to tear micro wormholes into space. As the Ring fires, the generators massively overload. During this process the Worm holes some how form one massive temporal rift. This is what we believe sends the Rings back in time. Believe me we do not have time travel capabilities, this is just one of the reactions of the "Forerunner" protocol."

      Ackaley studied the Hologram of the Ring's firing. The old man pondered in his mind what the little monitor could be thinking.

      "May I ask what happens to all non sentient life remaining on the rings?"

      The old man looked straight into the monitors eye.

      "In all honesty, I do not know. My guess is that you will be able to remain online for countless years." The old man paused a moment. "Ackaley, I am going to tell you something that only the highest members of our United Nations knows of. We originally had eight Ring worlds. The Eight Ring world was created for harboring Flood specimens. That's why no public personnel knew of its existence. The Flood specimens had breached containment and "Forerunner" was put into place. The other seven rings were stopped from firing. The Eighth ring only fired twenty five light years but was throne back in time. Years after its disappearance we found the Monitor 597 Lighting Way on the planet Yom. Yom was the planet that the Eight ring orbited. Monitor 567 was predicted to have functioned for thousands of years. We were not able to reactivate it, but we were able to retrieve its memory core. That is how we know what the Rings will do during firing."

      Ackaley hovered in the air shacking slowly from side to side. A small rhythmic vibration began to be felt through the floor. Ackaley and the old man went to the window and looked down at the canyon floor. The Transport ships began to ascend. Ackaley and the old man watched the ships leave for the center of the ring where three massive human warships a waited the cargo. The captain of the largest warship "Rising Hope" informed the old man of the progress.

      "Excuse me for the interruption Dr. Ferhdi, we are currently loading the Flood virus into our Ultra MAC rounds."

      The old man moved to the comm's station and pushed the holographic button. "Very good Captain Huegh, you understand what is at stake. Launch the MAC round into one of the Covenant ships and jump back to this Ring. Good luck and may the gods grant you luck as well. Ferhdi out."

      Aboard the Rising Hope Captain Huegh ordered the Helmsman to engage the Slip space Drives. The Rising Hope slipped out of view from the Ring. The ship appeared off the Covenants battle cluster. The ships opened fire on the incoming vessel.

      "Helmsman Evasive action. Jake, I want a firing solution within twenty seconds." Barked Captain Huegh.

      The Massive war ship was beginning to fall apart. The massive magnetic supercharger on the bow of the ship began to glow bright blue. A massive outburst of energy had been discharged and the MAC slug flew free. The MAC slugs target was the biggest Covenant ship in the armada. "Unyielding Justice" began to turn but it was to late the MAC round struck the hull, and went through fifteen decks. Captain Huegh ordered a retreat back to the Ring. The "Unyielding Justice" sent out a distress call for immediate repair.

      A squad of engineers was dispatched to see to the repairs. One of the Purple jelly looking engineers fell stumbled upon the MAC shell. As the engineer examined the burnt shell, a small compartment opened on the side of the used shell. A small amount of the Flood virus began to leak out into the atmosphere of the ship. The reaction to the engineer was almost instantaneous. The creature began to convulse on the floor. The other Engineers began to help him but were soon succumbed to the virus as well.

      The Commander of the ship, a Brute named Brutus, tried to signal the engineering team. When the Brute received no signal, he sent a team of Jackals to update him of the situation. On the video feed that was being sent from the lead jackal back to Brutus, he could see the team of Jackals opening the blast doors that separated the rest of the ship from the damaged. As the doors opened the team of Jackals found the Engineers on the floor. The Jackals began to check for any living engineers. The scene was grotesque, even for the battle scared Brute to look at. The Engineers were completely deformed. As the Jackals approached the end of the corridor with no signs of living live they turned around to head back to the entrance. As one of the Jackals turned he noticed a shadowy figure next to the Blast door. The Jackal realized this as an Engineer. The Engineer taped the blast door icon and sealed it. The Engineer let out a massive roar and all of the presumed dead started to attack the team of Jackals.

      On the Bridge Brutus watched helplessly as the Jackals activated their shields and began to fire at the mutated Engineers. The Engineers just didn't die. In one whack of a tentacle the Jackals shields went down. Brutus heard the screaming of the Jackals and the feed went dead. Brutus opened a link to the now approaching ships.

      "Do not approach my ship. The Humans have launched some kind of an attack on board. I am sending an attack group now, I will keep you informed. I repeat do not board my ship!"
