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Fan Fiction

The Ancile- chapter five
Posted By: Jammerfer<jammerfer@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 December 2007, 5:15 am

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CHAPTER 5=========================================

0608 hours, April 20th, 2525 (?) (Military Calendar)
UNSC Scout Ship Argo, unknown location/bearing.

      Blood. The taste of blood. The pilot attempted to move, but a sharp pain on his side made the attempt unbearable. Opening his eyes, FOC Reyes almost wished he hadn't. Blood was streaked around the cockpit, on his suit, and on the controls. But it wasn't his. At least, not most of it. He looked over at his co-pilot, but recieved a horrible sight. Burning metal, the metal from the outside of the ship had crumpled into the cockpit, where his co-pilot once sat. Most of his lower body wedged between the spark-spewing control panel and what looked to be part of the ship's weapon systems. The blood streaked through the cockpit was mostly of the ill-fated man, whose scream still rang clearly in Reyes's mind. Reyes abruptly stirred, ignoring the pain in his side. He was alive, bleeding but alive. The agonizing pain in his side grew to a blinding pain. Looking down he noticed the cause of the pain. It was part of his seat, torn from its place and jutted into his back. He had to get off, lest he bled to death from the jagged pieces of metal. Unclipping his restraints he collapsed onto the deck. He crawled towards the rear and witnessed the true extent of the damage cause by the crash into the docking bay. The entire right side of the ship was in the same condition as the cockpit, and the rear hatch was not even visible through the wreckage. He had survived, but only through a stroke of luck. The speed at which he raced to the ship, dangerously fast for a docking, could have crumpled the ship like a can, so why didn't it? He crawled back towards the front of the ship. Unless he was willing to bleed to death on the floor of his own fighter after miraculously surviving the inital crash, he was going to have to fight through the pain and go out through the gaping hole where his co-pilot's blood and remains cooked onto the surface. He gave a yell as his arms pulled him forward.

       Garret's eyes opened slowly, a throbbing pain in his head fought to keep him unconcious. But the cold-pack being held against his head helped keep him awake. There was a faint red light in the background, silhouetting his crew.
"Sir." McNeal's voice rang out, "Sir, the ship- it's- we have a full system malfunction, redlined all across the board. We've managed to get primary systems functional but it seems as though the rest was shut down by an EMP."
EMP? On an entire ship? What had that object been, and what did it do to the ship? More importantly, what of the attackers?
" McNeal, do we have any way to get a visual on the ships?"
"No sir, not yet. But- they haven't attacked yet, and it's been a few minutes since-" since the large phenomenon tore trough the battle and landed them in this situation. Garret wavered as he stood, and ordered his crew back onto their posts. They had to find a way to restore power back onto the ship, at least enough to escape. If the enemy ships had remained as they were shortly before the object's blinding light, then they might have a chance to escape. Escape. The thought had been unfeasasable before, but now there was a faint hope, and he would do his best to get his crew out of this situation.

       Reyes was painfully crawling out through the front of the ship, braving the flames that licked the inside of the Longsword, when four arms suddenly grabbed him. A tube was placed against the edge of the wound on his side and a foamy substance rushed into his flesh. A pain worse than before tore at him, but dissolved quickly. The two men then rolled him onto his back and pulled him from the wreckage. They wore flight suits, and he recognised them as two pilots fom team Hotel. At least more had made it back to the ship. As he was dragged down the ship's remaining wing, he peered through the darkness, and as the emergency lights slowly flickered on, it dawned on him that the docking bay was nearly empty besides two other badly-damaged fighters. They couldn't be the only ones, could they? The thought was unbearable, but the truth was that they were indeed the only ones left. But how long would they last?
